Biography of Fred Moulton

Fred Moulton, a leading resident of Plainfield and the proprietor of a large grocery store at Lebanon, was born July 11, 1836, in Plainfield, son of Stephen R. and Sally (Noyes) Moulton. The Moultons have had representatives in Plainfield for four generations, men who have been prominent in the development of the town and closely identified with all the important events in its history. The first of the name to settle here was William, grandfather of Mr. Fred Moulton, who took up land, and cleared a farm, which is still in the possession of his descendants. Known from the first as a man of absolute integrity, he had the respect of his fellow-townsmen. He served in all the important town offices with signal credit. He was twice married, and had in all nine children. The children of his second marriage were: William, who was a farmer in Cicero, N.Y., and recently died; Emery, now a cooper and prosperous farmer of Cicero, N.Y.; Mirrick, now deceased, who was a wealthy farmer of the same place; Samuel C., who was a very prominent citizen of Plainfield, was twice married, had three children, and died in the West; Jane, who became Mrs. William Wright, of New York; and Sally, now the wife of Daniel Noyes, of Plaistow, this State.

Stephen R. Moulton, who was born May 8, 1805, became very prominent in the affairs of the town, serving it efficiently in various public capacities. In early life he was a teacher. He owned a large farm in East Plainfield, comprising the land of three estates. Besides raising cattle and carrying on general farming, he kept a general merchandise store in partnership with Mr. Morgan. He held a high place in the regard of his fellow-townsmen. His wife, Sally, was born May 28, 1813. Besides a daughter that died in infancy, their children were: Fred, Darius Noyes, Joseph S., and Ella M. The biography of Darius, who is one of the most influential men of Plainfield to-day, will be found on another page of this volume. Ella, who became Mrs. George Doty, of Meriden, and the mother of Lena M. and George F. Doty, Jr., died May 30, 1890. Joseph S., born April 13, 1851, after graduating at Kimball Union Academy, entered Dartmouth College at Hanover and later Andover Theological Seminary. He is now a Unitarian clerygman, located at Stowe, Mass.

Fred Moulton was sent to the town schools and later to Kimball Union Academy, which has fitted so many men and women to hold positions of responsibility and honor in life. After finishing school he went to Haverhill, Mass., and engaged in the grocery business. He had been there four years when he returned to Plainfield, bought a farm, and settled permanently on it. He has extensively engaged in raising poultry; and he conducts a large store at Lebanon, having a flourishing trade with the surrounding towns. Mr. Moulton has taken an active interest in town affairs, and has served the community in the capacities of Selectman, legislative Representative, and others of minor importance. In the legislature he was on the Committee on Banks. He was also a member of the Constitutional Convention of 1876. He married Arabell Rowell, of Plainfield, N.H., who was born December 22, 1836. Their son, Elmer, who was born February 23, 1861, and now manages the home farm, married Emma Eaton, and has Fred A., who is the first representative of the fifth generation of the Moulton family in Plainfield.



Biographical Review Publishing Company. Biographical Review; containing life sketches of leading citizens of Merrimack and Sullivan counties, N. H. Boston. Biographical Review Publishing Company. 1897.

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