1894 Michigan State Census – Midland County

United States Soldiers of the Civil War Residing in Michigan, June 1, 1894

[ Names within brackets are reported in letters. ]

Edenville Township – Ralph Dunton, Charles J. Ennis, Calvin Rich, John Graudon, George Wells, Walter P. Jones, John Mahany, John Verity, Lewis D. Crosby, Thomas L. Burt, John Swanton, Edwin N. Burton, Israel Shaw, Leland H. Gregory, Marshall Smith, Andrew J. Shepard, Charles W. Loomis, [William Landphird].

Geneva Township – Frederick Rose, Harrison Sampson, John McFarland, James Long, Benjamin C. June, Add. Rogers, Paddock Elihue, Royce L. Peasall, Charles H. Spencer, Elijah Sands, Henry Osborn, Edward N. Carley, Peter Parker, Silas H. Catlin, John Burnham, William H. H. Smith, Isaac Peild, [Jos. Morrison].

Greendale Township – Truman C. Gibbs, Henry L. Voorhees, Walter Briggs, Abram Brokaw, Joseph Martin, Patrick Moran.

Homer Township – Joel A. Brewer, A. L. Bellinger, William Preston, Archibald W. Stewart, Moses Unger, William H. Lowell, Andrew M. Allen, Sylvanus Burch, Louis H. Wesson, George Mountain, Phineas Swift, George Freeland, James Rivers, Gustavus Stevenson, Levi Fulmer, James Carroll, Lorin Lambert, Jacob Coon, George Prato.

Hope Township – David L. West, John P. Raymond, William J. Mason, John Lewis Quain, David M. Wilcox, Albert N. Williams, Washington McMillen, James W. Eaton, Cyrus Knowlton, William H. Rosebaum, William Elmore, John W. Partridge, William W. Williams, Albert Warner, William Chambers, [Ashel Ducher, Alexander Raymond].

Ingersoll Township – James A. Chamberlin, William S. Warner, Uriah Frittz, Edwin Goodspeed, George Moore, Thomas C. Fisher, Joseph Lee, Charles Crampton, Sylvester Boyce, Edward Putnam, John P. Casey, Samuel D. Shaffner, Bradley Osborne, James Francisco, Walter A. Finny, Joseph J. Winslow, John T. Leonard, James C. McAdams, Decatur A. Hare, Frederick W. Farr, Charles Town, Chauncy W. Annible, Benjamin Magoon, George Winegardner, Edward Bliss, Horace Fales, George Hanks, Charles M. Parmalee, Alanson Marcey, James O. Robinson, John R. Murphy.

Jasper Township – Robert C. Martin, George Roberson, Eli Whitmore, David Stevenson, Orlin D. Richmond, Stephen Tanner, Gilbert L. Goodyear, John Brouk, Calvin Herrington, William T. Depue, N. S. Baldwin, Alonzo Converse, George W. Morse, Morgan Farr, John Raymond, Simon Lettick, James W. Fuller, Alexander Erv1h, Sylvester Vibber.

Jerome Township – Frank Leflame, Augustine Bishop, Amos Shirts, Hiram Thornton, John M. Howe, Warren Winters, John Bartenbacker, Joseph L. Campbell, John Linsley, Edward Randall, Charles Carpenter, John W. Brooks, James Stone, Lewis J. Utter, Edward Francis, [Joel Thurber, Charles H. Jeffers, Norton W. Ellsworth, George Sharlow, Jno. Robinson].

Larkin Township – Roswell B. Gatham, Christopher Born, Charles A. Kinney, James Quigley. Edward Huntley. Henry B. Cleveland, L. Shauger, [Peter Doran].

Lee Township – George W. England. James Naus, A. J. Davis, John A. Mallory, Able Brightman, [Miles Flower].

Lincoln Township – George Allswede, John F. Briggs, Daniel Stratton, Leonard Pawling, Robert Clark, Albert K. Light, L. W. Goerney, Thomas L. Darling, Patrick Morris, Lewis Clark, [Jas. Hall.]

Midland Township – Thomas Blake, A. J. Fosdick, J. T. Barrett, John Swartout, Joseph C. Stafford, J. N. Brimmer, Charles Hubbell, James Gilman, Hiram Reffner, George W. Frost, William Morgan, John H. Iotte, S. D. Stevenson, Peter L. Tremper, Joseph McGill, W. W. Allen, Charles Randall, William J. Letts, Casper Dohm, S. W. Murphy, Evens Cole, Simeon Kent, Cornelius Howard, Andrew J. Bates, William Simmons, George A. Conway, John M. Hall, William E. Farnham, B. E. Stockwell, William Newbery, Frederick Barth, James B. Bartlen, Garner Aldrich, Paul Lingle, Erza Inman, Charles Count, Henry Arntz, James Carity, Ethan Taft, Charles Martindale, James Wait, Henry Erway, [Frank Bentley, James E. Burtless].

Mt. Hayley Township – Octave Denomie, John Kane, Elijah E. Goodspeed, Oliver Rose, Adolph Limose, Walter Kellogg.

Porter Township – George Keefer, George J. Corwin, John V. Parsons, George Castello, Moses Hackett, George Kime, Benjamin Tanner, William Dosson, Lorenzo Finch, John Deeter, Dudley Dorr, Andrew Van Epps, Samuel MeNiel, Frank Sandy, Merritt White, Delos Cunningham, Jacob S. Rich+ ards, Charles Hoyt, Ryan Robison, Michael Ryan, Charles Green.

Warren Township – George Gillett, John I. Howard, William H. Howe, Hiram Braley, Henry Boyce, John B. Evens, Abram Van Valtenburg, Abraham Clapper, Ira Ward, [M. J. Tanner, William Foster].

Village of Coleman – Samuel S. Tower, David P. Corey, Nathan N. Smith, Adam Benadum, Judson Coon, David A. Curtis, John Post, William H. Saxton, Harvey S. Duell, Seth Bowdish, William Ingler, Leonard Robison, James Mason, John J. Bailey, William J. Tower, Elias Yager, W. S. Stone, Josiah W. Smith, Theodore Williams, Harry Elliott, John Hanes, Frank Nelson, Edwin J. Spring, Riley Webster, James Stultz, O. C. Robins, Lorren A. Harrison, George Hartshorn, Gould H. Perry, John Turney, [William Cooper, Jonathan Pierce, William Wilson, William Miles].

Midland City, First Ward – William L. Stearns, Daniel Weed, John H. Curtis, Truman Aldrich, Edmund W. Short, Thomas C. Pond, Thomas Beaurier, Henry White, Thomas Sherman, Myron Howard, Z. S. Godfry, Benjamin F. Freeland, Henry F. Hall, C. Franklin Smith, Benjamin Carter, James Hughes, Taylor Brown, Charles Gunn, Charles Fournie, James Henderson, William Strong, Eldridge Gotham, Austin Swayze, John S. Smith, Michael Hance, Washington Dutcher.

Midland City, Second Ward. john W. Snell, James Ells, Allen Coon, Alfred See, Henry Brink, Francis E. Buttars, James V. Lounsbury, Alton P. Beardsley, Oscar Gotham, Charles Thorns, Henry D. Northway, Edward Corselius, True Hart. Justus Gark, Miles Munger, Frank Elliott, John Hanrahan, Perley Ervans, William Davidson, Hiram Hamilton, Hubert Barber, Thomas J. Secor, William Rogers, Horace Ellsworth, Edwin Withiam, John Kelty, Robert Stebbins, Harvey Lyon, George O. Rockwell, Brock Holden, Elias D. Davis, [John Conklin].

Midland City, Third Ward – Lewis L. Eastman, Thomas B. Main, Malcolm Dunning, Charles Beckwith, Henry Munsell, Henry Hollihan, R. J. Waldron, Peter Letts, Charles L. Jenny, Richard Richardson, William Kingsland, William A. Greenleaf, Daniel H. Coon, Thomas Gardner, Jerome W. Blackman, M. P. Anderson, George Richarson, Dayton Patterson, James Root, Thomas Shaw, William Wilson, Henry Lewis, Charles A. Harper, Charles B. Hollinghead, William Patterson, John Loyer, Stephen Hill, [Israel Richardson].

Midland City, Fourth Ward – Wilhelm Asmas, James Phettiplace, Cyrus F. Coon, Parley H. Smith, Alexis Malcom, George Hall, [William Gillman, Peter Campbell].

Midland County MI,

State of Michigan. Census of the state of Michigan, 1894, Volume III. Lansing: R. Smith & Co., state printers. 1896.

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