1894 Michigan State Census – Lapeer County

United States Soldiers of the Civil War Residing in Michigan, June 1, 1894

[ Names within brackets are reported in letters. ]

Almont Township – David Paton, Jacob Clark, David P. Ross, Jacob Shumar, Abram Van Antwerp, John Rattray, William W. Paton, John Sullivan, Seth J. Hall, John B. Robinson, James Seaton, William Murdock, [Henry Hull].

Village of Almont – John Paton, William W. Taylor, Porter Conger, A. V. Ammerman, 0. D. Black, Benjamin F. Johnson, Lewis M. Rutherford, Eleazer Hathaway, Stephen Taylor, William Colerick, Leonard L. Bruce, Zery Carter, Cyrus Carpenter, James J. Swain, Alexander Block, Seneca Hartsell, John Murdock, Leming J. Eckler.

Arcada Township – Edward Hustead, James Huntley, Lary Smith, Allen Timbrooks, Albert Middleditch, Milden Dillenbeck, William Livermore, Leverett Lyon, George Roney, Charles Swain, Miles Wait, Isaac Blackmore, Henry Vincent, Daniel Carpenter, Isaac Adams, Reuben Read, Samuel Cooley, Washington Judd, Timothy Shepperd, Samuel Lewis, Darius Covey, John Barrett, L. A. Flansbury, Porter Lamphier, Fred Vogler, Moses Bonney, William E. Mann.

Attica Township – Alson Webster, C. J. Manning, Francis M. West, William Rogers, Samuel St. John, Baker McNiel, William Elliott, Heman Walker, Charles M. Moon, Adam Horsington, Harry Miller, Nathaniel Campbell, Patrick Burke, Ira C. McClellen, Truman Hartwell.

Village of Attica – Daniel Kindier, Daniel West. William Harris, William Harsen, James Brown, John Hubert. David York. Philo M. Hutton. Smith Ross. Charles Buddington, Clarence Wilber, George W. Williams. Robert Cain.

Burlington Township – Stephen F. Spencer, Harrison Bradshaw, David M. Taylor, Henry Hathaway, Lester J. Weston, Elijah B. Evans. Martin L. Blackmore, Samuel Haight, [Harrison S. Castle].

Village of Clifford – William Eveland, Stephen Hutchins. Norman Burton, George W. Petrie. Thomas Kinney, George Niles, Thomas Atkins. Henry A. Fisher, Nelson T. Hendricks, Edwin Curtis, [Jas. Cornfoot).

Burnside Township – William A. Montgomery, David Hillis. John Sinclair, John Henn, William Howton. Epenetus Howe. Judge B. Kniffen. Pembrook Vandewalker, John Hagner, Philip Yokey, Michael Youngs, Thomas Hoffman. [Francis A. Jones, Martin Miller. Michael Wingert].

Deerfield Township – George R. Newbegin, Henry Watson. Daniel Herren, Richard Robbins, John W. Austin, Michael King. Walter Johnson, Charles Watson. William Foskitt, James Littell, Andrew Warren. John A. Bard, Abram Burch. Charles McArthur. Amos Smith. Moses Swadling. John B. Selders, Edward Bullock. John H. Hill, Frederick Cook. Eli G. Smith. Charles O’Brien, James Deline. David C. Weaver, Rinalda Manchester, Heman Dockham, Henry M. Hudson.

Dryden Township – William Baird, Gilbert Fisher, Augustus Ditman, John Burch, Merritt Lamb. Merritt Zavitz, Elisha Whittier. Waldren Clark, Leander Brown, Sylvester Hall, John Cade. William Reynolds.

Village of Dryden – Wesley Herrington, Daniel Craft, Ridgeway Emons, Edward Kelsey, C. Hoberson, Albert Buch, Thomas Williams, Edwin Hodson, Romaine Vankeek, W. Churchill, C. Hoberson.

Elba Township – James Hervey, William Beckett, Charles Croff. George Crankshaw, Warner Butts, Horace Lamford, John Van Etten, Isaac Lane, Warren S. Beebe, Seymour A. Lewis, S. H. De Beaulieu, John R. Hammond, George Baldwin. Lewis Allis, John Beckett, Daniel Compton. Conrad Minick.

Goodland Township – Willard Horwood. Lyman Rutherford. Melvin Munger, James Sexton, Thomas Meeker, John Lothrop, S. J. Godden, Giles Flansburg, Barney Trainor, Everett Torry, John Williams, V. Mathews, Leon Dickerson. F. Q. Erity, Horace Reid, Nelson Cheney, Charles Churchill.

Hadley Township – D. S. Henderson, Frederick Smith, John H. Kile, Samuel S. Clemens, Marvin Davidson. John T. Paslean.George H. Langan. William S. Van Buren, Andrew W. Davidson, George S. Hemingway, George Davenport, David Riley, Frank Bowles, C. G. H. Hartwig, William P. Randall, John Fiffield, Lucius Sanborn, George Thompson, Gottlieb S. Rieman, Octavus Townsend, Delos Adams. William M. Trumbull. Nathaniel N. Greene.

Village of Hadley – J. P. Kore, Adelbert N. Trumbull. William R. Hewitt, Andrew J. Snook, Peter Slimmer, William A. Henderson, Franklin Langdon, A. L. Haywood, V. A. Bailey, Spencer D. Gleason, James S. Miller, Jacob Beadtelyon.

Imlay Township – Robert F. Allen, John Leach, Henry Harvey, Oscar Spencer, Theodore Shores, Birney M. Snyder, William Seabury, Alpheas C. Widger, William Haggadone, Harrison Lewis, Alexander Bevins, Ebenezer Trimm, Levi C. Clark, Elijah Cody, Charles Ross, William Nettnay, Henry Harder, Almon J. Young, William Kirkland, Nathaniel C. Hayes, Samuel Bevins.

Village of Imlay City – Thomas H. Sheppard, Lyman Carlow, D. M. Washer, Sylvester Fox, Henry F. Foster, James M. Mann, John W. Ghrist, Jeptha Tucker, Lawrence D. Burke, George F. Gustin, Benjamin F. Goddard, George H. Bowen, E. A. Buzzell, Hiram C. Wells, W. T. Dodge, Daniel S. Malsbury, Thomas B. Keyworth, Mylon Hull, Wallace Huntly, Charles H. Hyde, D. H. O’Dell, A. C. Funston, John G. Sparling, William Smith, James Schramiin, Patrick Delany, Thomas D. Gustin, John Rinks, P. J. Enright, D. S. Helmer, A. A. Lord, Albert Gark, Harry H. Miller, Stephen Harvey, James T. LeGear, Robert Burghardt.

Lapeer Township – David Carr, William Rice, Anson Shafer, Daniel Beckwith, Edward O. Morey, Marcus H. Beardsley, Winfield Tripp, Marvin Bolton, Edward Speas, Peter C. Bessett, Clement Waldron, Isaac Robinson, George A. Downing, George Barber, William H. Brayman, Henry Wixon.

Marathon Township – Harris Edgerton, William W. Broadwell, James E. Monroe, James H. Vanleu, David A. Thatcher, William A. Monroe, Abram Maxfield, Henry M. Johnson, Ellis E. June, Levi Lawrence, Robert Fielding, Bradford Johnson,, Daniel D. King, Gideon Burrit, Oliver W. Levalley, Wesley Robinson, Eugene Reed, John Lawrence, Allen Swayze, William W. Whipple, John D. Brown, Harrison Hayne, John W. Blakely, Alonzo Bradley, Wallace A. Coe, Theophilus P. Mitchell, David F. Whipple, Edwin Crittenden.

Village of Columbiaville – Henry Tibbles, John Shaver, William Cline, John Jones, Jr., Charles Warner, William A. Shafer, V. M. Miller, William J. Buck, Dan Bowles.

Village of Otter Lake – Edgar C. Balcom, Benjamin Woodworth, Elisha Hoard, Charles H. Lockwood, Menzo Hoard, L. Bathrick, Freeman Decker, Joseph Hart, [William H. Howe].

Mayfield Township – William Slater, Asa Evans, Henry McGunnegle, Carlton Peck, David Poss, Charles W. Cox, Smith Young, Jay Taylor, Anderson Cain, George Holman, William McCornac, George Farquharson, Francis Skinner, William White, Henry H. Smith, George Gibbs, Nathan Wadsworth, James Converse, William J. Doe, Abner Chaffee, William Hunt, James Niles, Edward Evans, George Hill, John W. Moore. James Jones, Sheldon Thomas, George Alcott, Sylvanus Lathrop, Levi Oviatt. John Mills, Henry E. Skinner.

Metamora Township – Elias Martin, Pliny Bigler, Isaac Newton, William Hardwick, Albert Porter, John H. Phipps, Jeremiah M. Goodman, Abram D. Smith, James M. Church. James S. French, Francis W. Goodale, Thomas J. Merritt, Cyrus Harris, Carna N. Thomas.

Village of Metamora – Abram V. G. Lundy, Lewis Y. Struble, George H. Willobee, Isaac H. Lewis, Orrin C. Thompson, Alexander J. Holmes, Jonathan Rossman, James H. Taylor, William W. Post.

North Branch Township – James Smith, Geo: Arris, John Swoish, Robert Dowling, Abel W. Haines, Dwight Faulkenburg, Henry Gallinger, Justin Harmon, Asel Armstrong, George Griffith, Thomas Haskell, Martin Kambf, James Snover, Christopher Stine, Alvin Cooley, Henry Ward, Edward Irons, Frank Klauka, Peter Laman, Martin Gage.

Village of North Branch – Riley G. Naracon, A. Labon, Aaron B. Grant, William E. Best, George Shari, [David C. Briggs, Asael B. Weston, Albert S. Sholes].

Oregon Township – Fred Alber, David Lambert, Lyman Goodale, William 0. Fowler, Alfred Taylor, William McClellan, Simeon N. Cayrl, Daniel Newcomb, Patrick Dugan, Peter Williams. George W. Moore, William Hawkins, George Grant, Joseph Bohnsack, Charles 1. Oliver, A. 0. Bacon, John Martin, Charles H. Ward, William Chatfield, Henry Everson, Levant May, A. S. Henry, J. F. Bradshaw, Andrew Shepard, A. P. Shepard, George W. Hosner, James Bothwell, William Jewell, Joe’ T. Smith, Ezra Sittzs.

Rich Township – Byron A. McTaggart, Richard Welch, Montgomery Vanderpool, Wesley G. Wilber, Orlando J. Smith, Perry A. Crandall, William Waldie, Samuel Masten, Joseph Tubbs, Lucius Bush, Jonas Vanderpool, Henry S. Calkins, George Robinson, M. W. Wadsworth, George W. Curtis, John Donovan, Jas. S. Peterson, Charles Dickerson, John Rogers, William Belch, Joshua J. Baker, George W. Miles, Cornelius Donovan.

Lapeer City, First Ward – Edward H. Kilbourne, Edwin A. Weston, Crawford V. Austin, Gad. Norton, Oscar A. Williams, Victor Willey, Thomas McCarthy, William M. Henderson, George W. Cramton, George F. Demorest, Charles W. Willey, Samuel S. Shelley.

Lapeer City, Second Ward – George W. Barlow, John H. Cunningham, Cornelius D. Croley, Fred L. Henderson, Jacob Piper, George Elliott, Orange S. Church, Reuben Bradshaw, Albert Morey, Royal H. Watson, George H. Henderson, Elisha Hayes, David Pardee, Robert King, John K. Hough, George Lisk, Henry Compton, John Sheldon, John Adams, George B. Crain; Wheeler Oviatt, John 0. Smith. L. W. Hinman, James W. Fenn, Floyd McClaskie, Robert A. White, [Francis F. Cramton, James W. Briggs].

Lapeer City, Third Ward – Morris Voice, Samuel P. Spaulding, L. Miller, William L. O’Bryan, A. J. Bassett, Moses D. Crawford, Henry K. White, Jonathan Houghton, Elias B. Van Marter.

Lapeer City, Fourth Ward – John Randolph, F. L. Wilcox, Clarence Houghton, Darius Cooley, James A. Hungerford, Francis McElroy, William P. Grover, S. J. Martin, Simmons Thomas, Thomas Curriston, Silas Bradshaw, Charles T. Hinman, Stephen Gates, Dewitt C. Lake, James Sherman, Leonard Fitch, E. P. Sperry, James T. Clark, Charles Marfelius, Henry C. Rankin, Marago Estell, William Reese, Ira Green, Joel E. Mapes, Stephen Henry, L. Briggs Eldredge, Reuben S. Miller.

Lapeer County MI,

State of Michigan. Census of the state of Michigan, 1894, Volume III. Lansing: R. Smith & Co., state printers. 1896.

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