1894 Michigan State Census – Kent County

United States Soldiers of the Civil War Residing in Michigan, June 1, 1894

[ Names within brackets are reported in letters. ]

Ada Township – Elijah Swan, George Crow, K. D. Herington, William Grant, Patrick Hogan, Thomas Doyle, Casey Shepard, Lucius C. Warner, Washington L. Stinson, Joseph C. Sillaway, William Schenck, Lucius C. Burt, Oscar F. Wisner, William A. Weller, Albert J. Sisson, Anthony Cook, Edwin R. Chaffee, Steven Lebarge, Eleser Fairchild, Nelson Robinson, David M. Winters, Thomas Reville, Charles L. Kern, A. D. Lamoreaux, Samuel Beach, James Finn, Alfred H. Turner, John Morris, James Lawrence, Thomas Purple, John A. Waunsch, Joseph W. Carpenter, Charles Cramton, Sidney Haskins, William S. Archibald, Charles P. McEvoy, Anderson Wride, Charles M. Wheeler, Josiah Ferris, Charles P. Miller, Earl Gardiner.

Algoma Township – Edward W. Paine, A. L. Toms, William Byers, George Denton, William H. Bennett, John Helsel, James F. Hall, Westbrook Norton, Ezra M. Chaffee, Francis Walton, Jonathan McFall, David C. McLain, William Post, Seymour C. Cogshall, Isaac Burgett, Josiah Ipes, John E. Spicer, Henry C. Rounds, George W. Palmer, W. M. Speaker, John Whipple, John F. Peterson, Reuben S. Austin, L. D. Stanton, James A. Stewart, Orville Hoadley, Ebenezer Cuddington, Charles A. Bolin, Peter Risch, Henry C. Rector, William Smith, Buel B. Blakely, William D. Kilgour, Charles E. Bemus, Edwin Stoppard, Harley G. Rawson, Horace Snow, Gersham Williams, Eli Burleson, Henry Magoon, John H. Armstrong, Andrew Norman, Charles Parker, Samuel Davis, Lafayette Bradley, James W. Elkins, Robert Harrison, Orrin D. Beach, Stephen Hicks, James Van Wormer, T. H. Burch, Devello Stedman.

Village of Rockford – Peleg R. Perry, Charles F. Sears, Charles A. Blanchard. Christopher Skinner, Allen M. Carr, Edwin A. Morris. C. Lemore, William B. Welch, Albert L. Pickett, Theodore D. Inman, Harrison Wilcox, A. W. Toms, William Grose, John J. Ely, John Myers, George A. Sage, Wilber F. Long, Francis M. Woodruff, Louis Girodet, Delos V. Wait, Charles H. Cowdin, John J. Reinshagan, Thomas Fenton. Henry D. Lovelace, D. W. C. Burch, Chauncy Veeder, William H. H. Davis, Alonzo Davis, Sherman Goodrich, Martin Vanloo, Daniel Blain. Seth E. Wells, George Mosher, Phineas S. Waston. Erwin C. Watkins, David L. Reynolds, Theodore Acker, Alvin C. Hyde, Ralph Depew, William Coakeley, Daniel Goldwood, Charles A. Underhill, William Wall, Alvah H. Clark.

Alpine Township – Francis Brewer, Andrew Clark, L. D. Brown, James Isham, Charles Goldsmith, Charles Isham, Andrew Pugh, Edward Wheeler, Elias Langdon, George Bates, Lewis Williams, Reuben Williams, Robert Baumhuff, J. August Saur, James Huron, James Halpin, William Wheeler, Erastus Fox, Frederick Klenk, Hanson Rogers, James N, Cramner, Charles Saur, William La Barge, Lyman Kirtland, Frank Chamberlain, Levette Harris, Gardner Hattus, Philip Williams.

Bowne Township – Isaac C. Colby, Duncan Ross, G. W. Winslow, William H. Stone, Isaac S. Wilson, William Perkins, Joseph Lewis, Gilbert Foster, Charles A. Jordan, John W. Kline, Henry Mishler, William V. Van Order, Amos Fox, Martin A. Holcomb, Fayette Houk, Peter K. Thomas, Levi D. Fry, Joseph Yoder, Jeremiah Stahl, Albert Van Dyke, Charles B. Peet, William R. Andrews, Lewis Warner, Edwin A. Bunker, Thomas F. Burns, William H. Lee, Benjamin J. Lee, Henry H. Thompson, George J. Geiger, William Glosgow, Thomas Evans, John W. Sydnam, John W. Houk, John Leece, Daniel D. Blough, Christopher Hoffman, William E. Davis, [Justus Case, Isaac A. Keeler].

Byron Township – C: A. McClenathan, Reuben Haines, Charles R. Stewart, John H. Parr, David Irwin, John R. Drinkall, John Allen, William T. Morman, Harvey V. Taylor, Fred G. Pysher. Calvin W. Winchester, James J. Winchester, David B. Hartman, E. G. Kenyon, Alanson Beebe, E.’Landis, George Zimmer. James E. Johnson, Edward B. Seeley, Amos H. Hamilton. George Lilly, James C. Bailey, Charles W. Westcott, George W. Knight, William D. Westcott, Sidney O. Williams, Riggs Whitcomb, Charles W. Dutcher. Nelson F. Cooper, James S. Toland, George W. Hall, Robert Smith. Nathan Burr, Alonzo Green, Watson Colley. Henry Tucker, Lyman Havens, Alexander A. Palmer, David S. Irwin, E. Sadler. Samuel S. Towner. Nathan S. Thomas, George W. Blain, Gideon F. Corey, John B. Morse, James J. Carpenter. Josiah Kilburn. Moses Rosenberg. William F. Herman, Lucius L. Hickox, [William T. Quackenboss. Jno. Anderson, William G. Allen, Martin Reidsma].

Caledonia Township – Alvah Marsh, Mortimer Welton. Patrick Bruton, George Page, William Schrader. David Dutcher. Austin Dibble, Jacob Liebler, Horace Fairchild, Everett Beckly, Abram McNeil, Alpheus Hill, Jeremiah Kilmartin, William Pennell, James Gay. Ezra F. McIntyre, John W. Forbes, Solomon Wood, William Hutchinson, Lester Moffit, Edwin Mead. Mead H. CrandalL, Albert Tobey, Levi Rathbun, Henry Winks. John Currin, Peter A. Bale, George P. Sweet, Alfred W. Stow, Charles Dunham. Amos W. Palmer, Benjamin Fulton. George W. Williams.

Village of Caledonia – George W. Barbour. William Dickens, Orsemus Rathbun, Lester Stimpson. Samuel Lymanstall.

Cannon Township – Harry Wightman,Valentine Beach, Wesley Wheeler, Fred Armstrong, Thomas B. Young, Henry Leslie, Henry F. Farr, Edwin G. Patrick. Barnett Bragg, Richard W. Barker, Emery Wheeler, James Booker, George Kutz. Murzo Weller. Alexander Wilkinson, Benjamin Oules. Horace Emery. Truman Colby, Myron Hoag, Nelson Johnson, Timothy Farrell. James Holcomb. James A. Mericle, Sidney Weller, Minor B. Coat. Amaziah Thomas, I. L. Sargent. Homer A. Burch, John McNaughton.

Cascade Township – Isaac Auble, Thomas Quigley, John R. Todd, Seneca Teeple, John M. Patterson, Curtis Washburn, Elias Palmer, Garrett J. Roberts, Sylvester R. Cook, Ransom S. Sampson, Martin Parkes, Roscoe Philbrick, Horace Johnson, Byron D. Wisner, Lorenzo Thompson, Frank Haynes, Sanford Fish, Elbert B. Teeple, Rodman Hart, Henry Wood, Lewis B. Stark, John Hulbert, Frank S. Bates, Edwin S. Quay, Peter Finnegan, William H. Marr, Charles F. Holt, William A. Baker, David Clark, James Lewis, Corydon A. Barrows, John Wooding, Thomas Nippress, Charles Buttrick.

Courtland Township – William R. Foot, Robert N. Grawbarger, Albert Genung, Manley Rounds, Thomas Gage, William Swift, William H. Morris, Theodore W. Schraper, D. W. D. Schouten, Patrick Garity, John Carlyle, William Johnson, Orlin Spaulding, Andrew Stout, James Tate, Corydon Wallace, William Myers, Walter D. Blanchard, Ira A. Cutler, George Shaddock, James Fitch, George L. Cathey, James Pennington, Nicholas Childs, Charles Orloss, Ezra Stoner, Stephen Lockwood, Daniel B. Smith, George E. Paine, J. K. Morris, William J. Adams, Charles Jaque, William Walters, Edward Sumner, Norman Spaulding, Harmon Burch, Robert Hickok, John Magee, Julius Lewis, G. W. Zimmerman, Horton Shaddock, S. N. Raymer, William Jones, Millard Blackly.

Gaines Township – Timothy Riley, Lewis Hendrick, Wesley Bloss, John T. Walton, Joseph Martin, Reuben Huff, Harland Hendrick, Edward Hooker, John Cliugman, John I. Cutler, Alfred Joles, Charles H. Finton, Joseph Johnson, Charles Anderson, Orlando H. Holly, Edward Mead. George C. Graves, Andrew J. Pelton, William H. Wells, Martin l)egroat, Joseph Blain, Henry Davis, Hiram Wilber, Amos Brearley, Lee Kelley.

Grand Rapids Township – George M. Murry, Charles H. Elliott, William Olney, Daniel Alcumbrack. Samuel J. Spaulding, John Backmann, John M. Thomas. Oscar Moon, John Lamberton, Stocie Weatherby, Edward P. Everett, James L. Eldred, Rolland Rickard, William H. Gibbs, William 0. Westfall. Earl A. Hoag, John E. Spaulding, Charles A. Maynard, Squire M. Armstead, Abraham Hawker. William H. Hillard. Henry James, M. D. HNydenberg. William J. Willson, Patrick Kelley, Leonard Kamerlink, Thomas Frawley. Pitt M. Clark. John McClillen. Edgar B. Smith. Robert M. Orser. William H. Woolworth. Joseph Gier. James H. Martin.

Village of East Grand Rapids – M. Dewitt, Gustave Lange, Cyrus Mallory, Thomas Reed, George Bower, Wiley Sanford, A. A. Stevens, Page C. Norlan, George Moore, George Youngh.

Grattan Township – Clark Wakeman, William Wynn, Allen J. Spicer, Solomon Ramsdell, Silas W. Ward, Richard Bookey, Joshua Freeman, David Alma, Max William Gaise, Chester M. Slayton, John Pendergrass, Ennis M. Owen, Henry O. Green, Eli Rogers, Edwin Howard, George Howard, Rufus Tower. Henry West, Gibson Reid, David B. Welch, Orrin Ford, Pardon D. Cornell, Charles Cowles, George Bidwell.

Lowell Township – Theodore B. Carter, Joseph Kinyon, Joseph C. Ball, Peter Fenning, Christopher Stinchcomb, Edson H. Train, James M. Hulbert, Simon Pettit, James L. Hart, Francis M. Godfrey, Salmon W. Cooper, John Hillaker, John Eaton, Alexander N. Hudson, Samuel S. Hudson, John B. Hawk, John F. Hatch, William Millen, Levi Burras, George Blakeslee, Daniel Pletcher, Charles Winks, Simon Kiel, Clement Parrott, John Oberley, Harry Courtright, Orville Reynolds, T. P. Ingersoll, Marcus Court, Fred J. Yeiter, D. L. Sterling, L. L. Fairchilds, H. H. Tidd, Abram Wood, Isaac Brannan, Thomas J. Hurlbert, Alva R. Rolf, John Shook, [Jno. Hartley, Jacob Rauch, Anthony Newman].

Village of Lowell – Frank G. Hoffman, John J. McNaughton, Wayne P. Pardee, Earl W. Avery, Martin J. Painter, Norton C. Ransford, William H. Thayer, Thomas Charles, James H. Godfrey, Frastus Scott, Elias S. Taylor, Daniel B. Ranney, Theodore Mason, Sylvester P. Hicks, James Chambers, Andrew J. Howk, Theodore Mueller, Benjamin Morse, Freeman Winters, Moses A. Hewitt, Willis N. Bailey, Arvine P. Hunter, Reuben Quick, John Crawford, Ira S. Herriman, Augustus M. Barnes, Collosian Kniffin, Leonard H. Hunt, William H. Eddy, William H. Eddy, William H. Fox, William J. Atkins, George B. Avery, Hiram B. Aldrich. Luther W. Waterman, Jabez H. Hull, Robert B. Boylan, Martin Barber. Charles McCarty, John M. Randall, Loren. Taylor, William Lettick, John R. White, George B. Moore, Randall P. Packard, Samuel F. Edmonds, James McPherson, Henry J. Taylor, Charles Althen, Charles J. Ashley, John Flake, Henry H. Tidd, Heman F. Dawson, Able M. Gibbs, Jesse Frost, Oscar A. Robinson. John Wright, Archie McMillen, Leander M. Kellogg, Wallace Annis, Albert L. Covill, David Hazelton, Ephraim Rolf, Amos B. Smith, Richard L. Dawson, Frank Terry, William Potts. [Charles M. Watters, Jos. H. Adams, Omer O. Adams, Orton Hill, James Crawford, Lester C. Hildreth, A. H. Peckham].

Nelson Township – Addison Dean, Henry Hoyle, James S. Akres, Albert E. Jacobs, Philo Borst, Simon Towns, Charles Root, Henry Spaulding, John J. Earl, Miles Milford, Mathew Gillett, Jason R. Squires, Henry Hoyle, Plinney Smith, Cornelius Kryger, Rush Harding, Henry J. Fletcher, Frank Whitaker, Edmund Brayford, James B. Hills, Thomas Parker, James Scott, David B. Phillips, E. P. Palmer, John Van Wagner, Charles B. Moon, Orville M. Cool, Nelson Tindall, Martin Heath, Isaiah Spaulding, M. Porter, Mathias Easter, John Plumb, David B. Trill, David Cargill, Martin Davis, John S. Tisdell, Samuel B. Smith, Waldo Palmer, Willis H. Brooks, Warren Lawton, James Davis, John Childs, Porter Scott, Merrill Growenor, Reuben Farnham, John W. McClure, George Davis, Albert McEwan, [Jos. Trexell, Jacob Oblus, Thomas Parker, Charles Russell, Alexander Runnell, Andrew Floant, John Howe, Jerome H. Corry].

Village of Sand Lake – Joseph Meyers, Henry W. Bennett, Charles A. Green, Thomas Parker, John E. Campbell, William A. Zent, S. H. Kellogg, Hamilton W. Johnson, Wellington Rasco, Thomas W. Briggs, George W. Curtis, William B. Whitney, James P. Whitney, Jerome H. Carey, Mickel W. Campbell, Peter Hibler, William Parker, Albert R. Hicks, John Kelley, Madison V. Wilson, Francis G. Pierce, George W. Crabbe, James Thorp, Benjamin F. Whitbeck, John Shick, Franklin F. Allen, Dexter M. Tuttle, Stephen S. Rasco.

Oakfield Township – Samuel Brown, Charles Chase, James Hough, Merritt A. Foote, Benjamin Shingler, Leonard Howe, John Banks, Jeremiah P. Craig. Loren L. Stults, Solomon 0. Strecker, Hugh S. Hill, Louis Lotting, James Clifford, Nathaniel Havens, Isaac Anderson, David Siegenfuss, Thomas Crawford, Lemuel E. Brooks, Worthy Williams, John R. Ransley, Andrew Opple,

George Crawford, William Duffey, P. T. Stocking, John W. Finch, H. E. Rowley, William Thorn, Edwin W. Blanchard, Abram Johnson. William H. Dennis, Edward Cooper, Edward H. Jones, Daniel West, Nelson H. Rich, Josiah Mastin, Amos W. Stevens, Peter Shoemaker, Daniel B. Miller, Amassa L. Hull.

Paris Township – Marcus Teeple, D. J. Benedict, A. J. Van Dee, William Lawyer, George Prescott, Manser Peck, James Finney, Robert Haynes, Everett Beckley, Horace Rockwell, Charles McCrath, Joseph Carroll, Hugo Rathburn, Isaac De Long, Andrew Impson, John Shine, Thomas Hynman, Benjamin Bright, John Heard, William Watt. Harvey Smith, Miner D. Davis, Henry Ten Brock, Horace Richards, James Auble, Gilman Warner, Hiram Haynes. Richard Wykes, James Oppenier, Lyman J. McCrath, W. B. Hoover. Evan Hendershott. Joseph Stoddard, Eli Buck. Walter Ames. M. K. Deming, Horace Keyes.

Plainfield Township – John Post, Phillip Post, George P. Butts, William Wilson, John H. Bemis, William M. Parkes, Ephraim E. Brown, Abram Fredenburg. Samuel Van Antwerp. Solomon V. Cook, William R. Davis, Louis Merritt, Henry Pissett, Jesse Mapes, Joseph W. Babka, Truman Young, Adelbert W. Lampson. Solomon Sullivan, Frederick Obets, Irving Moe, Martin De Glopper, Amos Crissman, Frank Knoor, George Warner, James Brooks, William C. Hoxie, Edwin N. Davie, Martin Casady, Henry Maynard. Chauncy B. Van Deusen, Charles M. Shawl, P. W. Crissman, William Hyser, John Hill, Theodore Williams, Henry Baker, David De Vree, Gardner Cranston, Gordan Hannahs,

James A. Tinney, Henry D. Plumb, Thomas Peel. John O’Donald, James Brisland, Samuel S. Stout. Daniel Haves. Arthur E. Perry, K. S. Davis, William Forest, Jacob W. Kiser. Charles J. Andrews. James K. Davie.

Solon Township – T. Stickles. Wesley Stowers, Wilber Cook, Phineas Dodge, William Simmons, Hiram Sawyer, John Cook. Matson J. Miller, Andrew J. Ipe. George Davis, Joseph Dines. Elias Gardner, Charles Sneathen, Abner Harding, Daniel Albright, George Fullington, Francis Phillips, Edwin Rogers, William Dines, Nathan Hubbard, Simeon Simmons. John Towns, Gilbert Smith, James Eadie, Charles Ford, Edwin Mabie, Nelson Garv, Elmer S. R. se, James P. Hysell. Henry N. Weller, David Turck, Edwin Blair, Abram Race, [Oscar Stout. Jeremiah Goodwill, Henrv Whitney, J. A. Bowersox. Henry Bloomfield, A. W. Dumphy, William Hanover, David Huff, Thomas Hall. Solomon Ipe, Matson J. Miller, Jno. O’Dell. Jas. H. Quaif, George Russell].

Village of Cedar Springs – Freeman H. Dart, Irving W. Crissey. William Fowler, Samuel E. Andrus, Hermon Spaulaing, Moses M. Brooks, William H. Jones, Orson B. ODell. Wallace J. Rawen. Frank McKee. James D. Jackson – Hiram Alberts, John Philbrooks, John Pollock. William Walter, Riley Smith, Albert T. Sisson, Joseph Felnogle. Joseph Bullock, Jacob A. Swartz, John Swank, William Worthington, Wesley P. Andrus, John G. Richardson, Samuel Greenwood. Robert W. Parkinson, Delbert Dorman, Stephen F. Smith, Darius T. Wilkinson, Austin P. Waterhouse, David E. Mench, Daniel G. Dove, Joshua W. Pillars, Louis Beck, John F. Mackey. James M. Canaan. Sanford E. Burroughs, Levi Bears, [Jno. J. Risinger. Andrew J. Provin, Orville Hoadley, Franklin C. Stone, Wesley Stower, Warren Lawton, Jno. Towne. Walter Tuttle, Peter Vione, Henry N. Weller, Peter K. Smith].

Sparta Township – Fred M. Cummings, Henry D. Hope, Albert S. Bracket, J. E. Hinman, Alfred Dutton, Clinton L. Barnhart, James S. Hanford, Benjamin Rhodes, Jeremiah Crowley, John Saur, William Boosembark, Christian J. Mann, Henry F. Orser, James M. Hope, Perry Brown, Jonathan Hazzard, Arthur C. Prince, Chauncy B. Field, W. H. Simons, Daniel McConnell, William Chapman, Hollis Hilton, Charles BIa ckall. Avonley E. Roberts. Andrew T. Myers, William C. Vend, John Miller, William S. Bass, James Shangles, Ira H. Thompson, Martin Lockard, Edgar Sprague, Harmon S. Taylor. George H. Howard, John Fry, Abraham Tufflemire, Abner R. Beebe, William Hughes. Tracey Burnap. [Joseph Fry, Augustus Grawn, Elisha Clark, Henry Clark].

Village of Lisbon – Orpheus Smith. Jacob F. King. Henry Hull, Franklin McNitt, Emanuel King, [Jacob F. Mann].

Village of Sparta – Charles B. Hilton. James S. Barkman, Andrew J. Covert, Norton Fitch, William Grunwell, Amherst B. Cheney, Levi H. Tanner, Murlin M. Murry, William Van Antwerp, Welcom Evans, Isaac J. Spink, Hiram Brown, Leander A. Raymond, Chester D. Walch, Howard M. Freeman. William E. Kinsman, James S. Toothaker, Wellington Fitch, Orpheus Church, George N. Thayer, Isaiah Stout, Calvin C. Crain, Henry E. Powers, Joseph Hope, John H. Cole, Julius Gardner. [Andrew J. Stephens, Jno. Brown, Newell J. Rice, Jno. W. Hallock, J. E. Matthews, Newman Chilson, Andrew J. Billinger, Walter Ryness, Levi W. Simons].

Spencer Township – John H. Rhodes, Richard Albertson, Shepard B. Cowles, James G. Medler, Moses Hemingway, George H. Petters, Philip E. Fifield, William Lambertson, Harvey Lockwood, Andrew Howard, A. Lambertson, L. S. Ellis, Charles S. Medler, James S. Newland, Andrew McDonald, Gabrael Hemingway, Sidney E. Petters, John W. Curch, Theron Lambertson, George Tourtelett, Alvin Watson, Jacob Ford, Orrin Bowen, Warren Shepard, Ely Bowen, Edward Bradshaw, Josiah P. Van Brocklin, John Wolverton, George W. Church, Leonard Enrich, Charles Stang, James B. Lesley, Seeley Clark, Hummer Joles, William F. Parshell, Ebenezer Boyngton, Lemuel Holland, Victor Leland, Stephen K. Irish, John L. Eurich, James H. Roberts, Robert Douglass, Comfort Slawson, Nelson D. Gross, Hutson Jackman, Judson S. Spittler, Lorenzo Mead, Jason Graham, John W. Westbrook, [Sidney S. Thomas].

Tyrone Township – Elijah Helsal, James W. Barber, Harmon Coburn, Edward Chubb, Lorenzo Chapman, John Miller, Newton T. Young, Charles R. Barrett, Washington Brott, James Stennett, William T. McCullick, William W. Fenton, Hiram Carr, John H. Newland, James Hammond, George F. Brown, Charles Afton, John H. Binehower, James R. Baker, George K. Playter, Samuel R. Miller, Perry Allen, George Crispin, Chauncy H. Bailey, Edgar B. Chase, Hugh J. Kelly, Philander A. Thompson, Peter Nelson, Joseph W. Gould, Abram L. Power, Elijah A. Bowen, Jerome Bitely, Oscar Post, Harmon Aldrich, Lyman S. Clark, Charles C. Jewell, John Thomas, Henry H. Wylie, John Thompson, Amos I. Jackson, John S. Ross, Samuel Orcutt, Birdsley Green, Benjamin Holben, Edmond Wilson, Charles Peterson, Henry Beason, Robert Ferguson, Joseph Holben, George S. Soles, Martin D. Gardner, [Jos. O’Hara, Francis Walton].

Village of Casnovia – James Van Orden, Horace Heath, Stephen Bitely, Mortimer J. Bonner, Emerson D. Smith.

Vergennes Township – I. J. Batchelor, G. W. Crosby, C. Barney, John L. Selover, W. L. Merriman, E. L. Bennett, C. D. Pratt, Daniel W. Watson, Henry W. Booth, Olonzo Wilcox, Ira S. Gardner, William H. Beach, James H. Andrews, James A. Lyon, Fred L. Rodgers, John G. Hapman, Eugene Campbell, William B. Aldrich.

Walker Township – George W. Albertson, George Wiley, Samuel Pennell, Christopher C. Norton, R. Lamphire, Henry A. Barnes, Silas Withey, Frank Gross, James Hagerty, Daniel Willis, P. T. Peck, Robert Kelly, C. W. Rising, Sebring Vannortwick, Benjamin Kellogg, John H. Egbert, Tames R. Neal, John C. Winchester, Charles Chapman. John Crane, fitephen D. Maynard, Theodore Springstead, Edwin E. Shaw, James E. Arment.

Wyoming Township – George Birdsell, Oliver Putt, Alexander Gallaway, William J. Withey, John S. Warner, George W. Crosby, William G. Allen, Charles Scoby, David Evarts, Reuben Elwell, Lewis G. Farrand, Holmes Roys. Isaac Leroy, Henry T. Clark, Talbert L. Owen, Adrian Yates. Harry Lince, Samuel A. Crouch, Chillion B. Runnells, Myron W. Gibbs, Alfred Hammond, James Hynes, Milton Velzy, Byron Russell, Earl Gorham, Zimri W. Burnham, Owen Madden, Edwin H. Morse, Wilson Gossett, John H. Schlamb, John F. Connell, John R. Moore, Andrew E. Retan, James D. Williams, John W. Smith, Hamilton H. Henderson, [Charles F. Ferrand. Jno. J. Brudi].

Village of Grandville – John C. Graham, Tzar Caldwell, Joseph Blake, Henry H. Masten, William C. Hildreth, I. B. Hamilton, Edwin M. Talcott, Sylvester Edson, John N. Jackman, William H. Galloway, William Brown, Hamilton Courson, Alvin Cox, Cyrus C. Hildreth, John W. Rose, Cyrus M. Burgess, John Ellis, Nicholas M. Elsworth, Loren Day, Marcus H. McCoy, Ora C. Taylor, Philo P. Henderson, Adelbert H. Weston, John W. Thomas, John Shultz.

Grand Rapids City, Kent County

Grand Rapids City, First Ward – Lyman A. Stickles, William Smith, Richard J. Thompson, Albert Phelps, James D. Bunions, Gottlieb Soutter, Charles Fox, Dorr Skeels, Horace W. Miller, Orange W. Van Dyne, James Shoemaker, Jasper Henderson, Peter W. S. Bunions, Henry Houghtaling, Jan Hendrick Vos, Charles Edmonds, John Stathey, William Catherd, Orrin P. Huntley, Harvey Johnson, Alexander L. Rose, Edward Cane, Thomas Clinton, George V. French, Luther S. Wright, Robert L. Mann, Thomas Maroney, Wallace S. Hunt, Peter W. Scott, Melville Hall, By-. ron Rustin, William Woughton, Fred Gill, Helas Hendrews, Benton C. Lewis, John W. Wood, Franklin Beebe, James Richmond, Zimri Brownell, Edward Park, James Stewart, Arthur Furner, Lorenzo Hitchcock,. Louis Lacey, Bradley Cole, Charles Herbstreith, Byron Pierce, Francis Salono, John Richards, George McDormand, William Harper, Alma Bennett,. Hermanus Gezon, John A. Rumsema, Freeland Gray, Oliver Pratt, Charles A. Kendrick, Elisha A. White, George Mitchell, Thomas Doethey, Charles Howard, William Hart, George W. Stoler, Almon V. Carpenter, Henry Goodyear, Henry Everts, Joseph Jenkins, Isaac Plass, Elias Griggs, Henry Daily, Ephraim Prindle, Joel Countryman, Wilson Leet, Cornelius Wright, Levi M. Van Ocker, Cornelius Gast, Joseph Lardie, William Hines, William H. Townsend, John W. Ricker, Granger Van Vleck, Fzra J. Bigelow, John Holmes, James Howden, Michael Burns, James Steward, John Sonke, David Lamoens, Henry H. Allen, Charles S. Smith, John D. Snyder, Jeremiah Miller, Charles Reeves, William Lacey, Wilbur Dickinson, Barnum Franklin, James Ester, John H. McCellan. Arthur Drewshaw, Damon Bennett, Daniel Parnyea. Patrick Doherty, George L. Savage, William J. Driggs, Jackson Ricker, Joseph Crocker, Louis H. Hines, William McGraw, George F. Anderson, James Higgins, William Bedford, John M. Lynch, Joseph Boobney, Richard Brunner, W. C. Scott. John E. Young, [Alex Bumsma, Leonard Semyn].

Grand Rapids City, Second Ward – Joseph W. Welton, Henry Daley, George E. Judd, Alfred D. Rathbone, John P. Creque, Eugene Boise, Laurens W. Wolcott. Philip L. Jewett, Daniel Hawk, Joseph Jenkins, Horace W. Abbott, Frederick Hock, Charles Rath. Edgar Warrenton, Matthew Slattery, Charles Willsey, William Bordman, Alexander Innes, Erastus Cummings, Gilbert M. Steese, Heman Parish, George D. Herrick, Thomas T?. Perry, Samuel A. Kennedy. James W. York, Gaylord B. Miller, Frederick A. Thiebeaud, Elliott E. Judd, George A. Smith, William Haynes, Charles Sadin, William Beem. Alban B. Botsford, James H. Woodworth, Frank Riseley, Thomas D. Adams. James B. Miller, Octavus Dietrich, Charles W. Watkins, Lawrence Tolford, Cyrus Dickinson. Benjamin Meeker, John Widdicomb, William T. Lamoraux. Jas. H. Roseman. George L. Crosby, Frank H. Graves, George N. Wagner, Samuel J. Chase. Gilbert F. Bailey, George D. Crothers, L. D. Lamphere. Washington Pound, William H. Clement, Elijah Fisher, George C. Kimball, Oliver S. Waters, George H. Newell, William H. Culver, Horace D. Tucker, Edwin J. Brooks, James Cooper, WDI. S. Wilcox, Edward Priddey, George C. Shepard, Peter C. Campbell, Gco. A. Gould, Thomas P. Smith.

Grand Rapids City, Third Ward – James L. Manning, George K. Johnson, John Brady, William Tanner, George W. Chambers, L. H. Hascall, Edwin S. Pierce, Solon W. Baxter, S. I. Vanderbeck, William Gelock, George H. Long, Frank Johnson, Archie McAllen, William Winegar, John C. Buchanan, James J. Weir, William B. Smith, Abram G. Amsden, Hiram T. Gay, Alonzo H. Fowle, Frederick Shriver, William Dunham, James J. Smith, Charles D. Lyon, Joseph M. Murray, Charles W. Eaton, Cornelius Verstay, Joseph C. Herkner, Isaac P. Powell, Edgar B. Powers, Hubert Pratt, Thomas Forbes, John Wickham, Albert Peckham, Andrew B. Coffinberry, Hiram B. Pierson, Peter Steketee, William Vander Strahlen, G. A. Cole Frambes, John C. Stainton, Abraham B. Ellis, Charles C. Barber, James M. Wood, Roswell H. Lee, William Nesbitt, Albert Clement, Henry E. Kanoun, William H. Jones, Lewis Heath, Fred F. Taylor, George C. Nelson, Lyman C. Patten, E. B. Dikeman, William T. Hess, Daniel E. Stearns, Adelbert E. Worden, Christian Schnidt, Herman Vinnegaarts, Isaac Quick John W. McGowen, John Bolya, William B. Bostock, George B. Loveland, Komer Esveld, John B. Fortier, Joseph Morris, Ora Pierson, Alexander Zacharias, P. Sherman, Benjamin C. Tracy, Albert Babcock, Levi S. Boynton, Edward G. Raymond, Calvin Ainsworth, James M. Dudley, Joseph H. Wonderly, James Ireland, Edward H. Hunt, Horace Lamos, Clark A. Adsit, Albert Southwick, Birney Hoyt, William H. Raiguel, Timothy G. Turner, James C. McBride, C. C. Morton, George W. Hamilton, Lycurgus J. Wheeler, Alpheas M. Beebe, Gideon Rutherford, Harry R. Martin, Charles Searles, Charles Foster, I. C. Smith, Heman N. Moore, Jacob Geelhoed, William R. Pursell, Harry Widdicomb, William B. Croninger, George F. Sinclair, Byron M. Cutcheon, George S. Thompson, Isaac F. Griffith, Charles B. Field. William Stewart, Nelson B. Clark, L. C. Remington, Luther Densmore, David C. Powers, Colonel Russell, Clinton D. Woodruff, Charles Jocoy. [Robert Carlton].

Grand Rapids City, Fourth’ Ward – George Anthony, William Scott, John M. Hurst, Uriah L. Haves. Alvin F. Stevens, William Oliphant, Gardner B. Clark, George Curtis, Benjamin Whitman, Albert S. Smith, Eben Snyder, Michael Reinhardt, Martin McNamara, William Fl. Banks. Louis D. Locktin. Johannes Grootemaat, Thomas Lowden, Daniel E. Corbitt. William H. PeCamp, Edgar D. Higbee, August Schmidt, Ralph Lee, Edwin Went, Peter Broschardt, B. W. Fuller, Joseph B. Josselyn, Bernard Allen, David C. Krum. William F. Parish, Nicholas Johnson. Darius L. Arnold, Peter G. Stacy. William J. Stebbins, John F.’Alcott, Samuel Orcutt, benajah Ames, Daniel E. Marvin. John Saur, Edwin J. Codner, George Blakesley, Adelbert Halloday. Cyrus Croff, Frances E. Seymour, Andrew J. Stebbins, Hiram Ellis. Robert Hughes, Dennis Hodskey, Ira Vanstinsel, Orville D. Carlisle. George Ben Lano, Julius G. Faenger, Paul Waltz, William H. Cline. Walter Ryness. George Gildersleeve, Eli Link, Jul ins Rathman, James Lampman, Leonidas E: Burt, Joseph Downs, George Ffolmes, Thomas Gaines. James M. Travis, Darwin E. Slawson, George G. Briggs, George W. Rodgers, John R. Daniels, John A. S. Verdier, Daniel Powers, Perren V. Fox, Zach. Aldrich, William Richardson, William D. Frost, Marvin Osborne, Chauncy Carpenter, Le Grand Rathbone, Joseph Snyder, Elijah H. Foote, Charles H. McComber, Aaron L. Foote, Miles H. Winans, Harry Hubbard, Sylvester Lindley, Jeremiah W. Boynton, Ford Whitch, Byron Soules, William G. Beckwith, Capt. Roth, Charles 0. Wallroff, George W. Powers, John Hall, Herbert M. Reynolds, Godfrey Kalmbach, Theodore Click, Wallace Dickenson, Theodore Putnam, Charles W. Calkins, Harvey Galbraith, Merritt Manley, Henry J. Long, William J. Bailey, Francis Tindall, Marion A. Shafer, Henry Van Dyke, Albert A. Lord, John H. Immon, Anson B. Bartlett, Frederick Hirth, Albert A. Lord, George B. Phelps, Arthur W. Currier, Eugene Sawtell, Samuel Alley, Stephen J. Coffyn, ‘alter Scott, Harrison Bostwick, Judson E. Rice, Charles E. Flint, Joseph B. Griswold, Charles K. Gibson, John Howard, Albert Driggs, Alonson Woodworth, M. J. Bolts, David H. Brenner, James Vander Sluis, Charles W. Todd, James P. Tipton, Antoine Boet. Peter Boyer. Edwin Vinter, Isaac S. Little, Gustave A. Laudauer, Charles McCool, George S. Nelson, Charles H. Robertson, John S. Glidden, Henry D. Van Assen, C. Cheney, Ansen T. Driggs, William H. Rouse, Eber Rice, Moses D. Emerson, S. E. Kiefer, William W. Roberson, [Zerah V. Cheney].

Grand Rapids City, Fifth Ward – Asa W. Slayton, Ward P. Smith. E. V. Carr, Austin A. Stillwel, C. W. Hulbert, Joseph Fox, Henry C. Ramsey, Joseph F. Ray, Esber Child, Henry Knapp, John G. Steincke. Edwin Fallas, Russell Godfrey, Leonard Nye, Joseph French, Hezekiah Smith, Hiram Aldridge, George A. Davis, William H. Harris, Hiram Carlin, Michael Quirk. J. B. Woodard, Thomas Comfort, John H. Call, John Klemdhaas, Hiram Miller, A. M. Parmenter, Patrick McEwen, Charles H. Richardson, John Barrett, Antoine Verway, Enos Page, William H. Miller, Charles Verstay, John C. Waters, Charles T. Stewart, Samuel Stem. Dennis Sullivan, William Coryell, Seymore J. Pickert, Jesse B. Williams, Joseph Gothila, Franklin Whitbeck, Reuben Fuller, Eli Kahler, Henry H. Leffingwell, Theodore Cole, Charles D. Blakeslee, Charles H. Griffin. John Martin, John S. Daniels, Alexander Gunn, Joseph Price, George S’. Van Wert, Francis McGinnes, Calvin Smith, Joseph C. Potter, Rozelle Rose, Archibald Walker, G. Verhoek, Thomas Burns, Jones E. Davis, Hiram Weeks, Robert E. Martin, George Bernatz, John Prindle, Nathan P. Bachus, George E. Gibbs, Mills B. Hinsdale, Edwin Wade, Michael Finn, Thompson Wisner, Otis Smith, Charles Clinton, George Wells. Iwan W. Thomas. H. W. Cummings. George Schulties, Bennett Bartlett. Ransom G. Parker, John E. Jildes, Adolph T. Campau, Samuel D. Collins, John Dardy, William H. Watts, Fred Snyder, James Larkins, Andrew S. Lovell, R. Ovenden, Lucius Collins, Thomas Gorman, Thomas C. Price, John Dale, Edgar P. Mills, John H. Tranger. William M. Briggs. Moses Allie, James O. Whitney, Andrew Spencer. Oscar Harrington. Benjamin Chapman, Charles Hnneman. Truman Smith, William H. Harris. William Proper, Franklin Konkle, Michael O’Donahue, James Reed, Roswell Rexford, reo. W. Cole, Joseph G. Fisher, William C. Balbach, Harvey Hutcheson, James McConnell, Richard Cothiman. John S. Berry. Martin Huizinga, Bernard Dolan, Frank Gardafee, Gideon Chilson, John Haskell. Henry L. Spicer, Wilson Wood, Daniel Fisher, William A. Brown, Daniel Gribben, John Beard, Jacob H. Hazen, Henry G. Hill, Aaron P. Thompson, Alonzo Clark, Alvin Cotton, Samuel J. Dean, John McIver, Mangus I. Slack, James D. Estey, John Wickham, Charles W. Dipple, Oliver P. Earl.

Grand Rapids City, Sixth Ward – Harm. W. Stevens, Henry W. Lyons, Samuel White, William W. Arthur, Harvey H. Wolven, Adam A. Hydorn, William L. Bailey, Elias Sayles, William M. Du Bois, Sake Boonstra, Alfred B. Seals, James H. Westervelt, Fletcher 0. Williams, George Salton, Otto Sallow, Amos Konkle, Henry A. Parker, Peter Weber, James A. Walter, John Hadden, Andrew McQueon, Benjamin Fannaff, Stephen T. Wilcox, Luman Cooley, James K. Watson, Alvin D. Porter, John McGowen, Henry W. Diamond, Daniel C. Dodge, Henry Albertson, Sidney W. Davy, Michael Keppler, Monroe Coffin, John Youngblood, Charles L. Shattuck, Peter J. Alfien, George W. Wynkoop, George Bates, Edward Duffy, William H. Stokes, Jacob Hock, Eliphalett Walcott, Martin H. Andrew, Charles C. Marsh, William D. Thayer, Joseph Demel, Nathaniel A. Hopkins, William R. Sayles, Samuel H. Pullen, Charles Scott, Oregon Hamilton, Charles H. Post, John Lamb, George E. Carter, Robert McGee, Warren H. Congdon, John S. Mankin, James Ward, Franklin Tayer, James B. Page, Byron J. Bullard, Frank L. Tubbs, Orlow Hopkins, Winfield S. Anderson, John H. Jones, Charles R. Calkins, Calvin E. Hull, John W. Emmons, John Schmidt, Francis Richards, Alonzo J. Crippen, Lester Hildreth, Harry Crosson, George W. Ruggles, Aaron C. Frost, Almon Olds, Jared Chapman, Safford White, Allen D. Linn, Andrew J. Swan, Charles A. Bissonette, [Lemont H. Dewey, Lucus Cole, Alvin D. Porter].

Grand Rapids City, Seventh Ward – W. P. Irwin, John B. Hudson, A. S. Damskey, Hiram Madden, John Wheeler, Oscar Whitney, Joseph Kirster, Louis Pettit, David Heileman, Charles 0. Wade, J. W. Prentice, Cornelius Mastenbrook, Conrad Fey, John Gardner, Abraham Jones, John Challender, Charles Lonnon, Riley L. Sizer, George J. Barr, Antoine Newman, S. H. Aldrich, Squire C. Phillips, Mortimer McKinney, Carlton Neal, John Dunlap, F. M. Walworth, J. P. Simmons, Isaiah Irwin, George R. Philip, William E. Pullin, Joseph Copeland, L. M. Blackwell, James Cramrine, Elijah A. Stevens, John Williamson, George Turner, Charles Wines, William E. Wiley, Squire
Taylor, William Miller, Timothy Rose, George Bean, Elisha 0. Stevens, Harvey C. Taft, Levi Young, Joseph 0. Bellaire, Lewis Wheeler, James Broderick, H. Charles Sprague, William B. Adams, Alex Thompson, George Nichols, Alfred Simmons, John Leonborger, Roger Fryer, August Hayer, Henry M. Catrell, G. Hathaway, Jacob Barth, Hiram Lanigton, Maloney Reed, Gustave Giroldot, William Kaepke, Delos Palmer, Joseph Dove, Andrew Price, Baker Borden, Isaac Sigler, Frederick Spraker, Charles Ellet, Steven Winterhalter, Thaddeus Foote, Frederick Day, Aurelius Welster, William J. Kirkpatrick, F. H. Selinger, John Parker, August Wissrhan, G. R. Spencer, Jacob Osterle, Albert Kelley. Ritter A. Bail, Gerret Cole, Oscar Hall, Martin Zindel, Anton Bott, David C. Leach, D. D. Cook, William A. Snyder, Henry Rice, Franklin B. Chapman, Charles Wynert, William H. Kuhl, John A. Hagens, Carlton Neal, [Andrew Doyle].

Grand Rapids City, Eighth Ward – James L. Scribner, James N. Davis, William F. Ryder, Ferris Rose, Andrew Welton, George W. Gilman; Benjamin Bright, Aaron H. Wood, George W. Canfield, Otto H. Sallon, David Werner, James B. Beadle, Peter Schickel, W. S. Turner, John E. Bero, James Graham, Carl Schweitzer, John G. Quimby. Joseph A. McKee, Judson Garnsey, William Bierbower, William Moredyk, John H. Leach, Vanness V. Cook, Elisha Mason, O. M. Forbes, George A. Love, Edgar Wygant, Albert Notting, W. H. Shellar, John Booth, Frederick Maier, L. L. Launiere, Dayton S. Peck, Smith G. Ketcham, Henry J. Wheeler.

Grand Rapids City, Ninth Ward – Aaron C. Keeler, H. E. Derrin, George W. Wheeler, Timothy Clark, Heinrich Schnable, Gideon S. Mosher, Benjamin Cooper, J. Elem Lefebre, Thomas Hardesty, Jerome H. Huntly, John Zimmerman, Marshall Kennon, Jacob R. Bunn, Covert Rosegrant, John Pendleton, Michael Fitzgibbons, Aaron Ketchman, George Tabor, Myron Myers, Charles Scowell, James Rice, Elliott Covell, George V andvoort, Thomas McCarty, John Carpenter, William Lace, James Sherman, Charles W. Hooker, Merritt Huntly, Lorenzo Willworth, Orwell G. Wells, Gardner Mathews, Henry Grebel, Dennis Moylan, Isaac Coon, Henry S. Williams, Francis Ragan, D. H. Kellogg, Hiram Welling, David McDonald, Latham Averill, John Martin, John Emperor, Daniel Beebe, James Greenwood, John Wright, Richard Scott, George Chapel, Hiren Haden, Frank Muehlberg, Amos Stearns, Isaac Skillman, Marson Kannolton, William Forbes, William Rand, Deloise Henry, William Tate, Cornelius Gelock, Stephen Hartswell, Theodore Weed, Samuel Anders, Joseph Wickham, Joseph Burch, George Wilcock, Peter Lewis. Frank Nye. Fred Randall, [Alfred M. Apted].

Grand Rapids City, Tenth Ward – Alfred B. Nichols, John J. Johnson, George Cook, George Rosencrans, Daniel C. Snyder, Matthew Brice, D. C. Williams, Luther David, Daniel C. Kline, Nat. D. Smith, George Stuck, Charles A. Hepburn, James E. Virgil, Charles R. Stewart, John H. Thomas, Joseph Penney, Albert Headly, Horace W. Stewart, Allen D. Pease, Martin Vander Luyster, James Conway, Thomas Wright, Frank J. Lamb, Charles E. Allen, Jacob Hann, Orson B. Gibson, Michael Jahrsdorper, John T. Gould, Francis Steady, George Pringle, George M. Bennett, Stephen M. Kent, Thomas F. Softus, Horton H. Dewey, Charles E. Tusbury, Charles E. Belknap, Benjamin F. McReynolds, George M. Crane, Teye Burma, John Wanderon, John Hansard, Aaron P. Drake, Byron D. West, Thomas Farmer, James A. Wilson, Robert Hyman, Alexander Thompson, Edward Watson, Abel Blood, Martin Gelock, Garland Jackson, Egbert Blakely, Charles S. Wilson, James L. Lewis, James Jillet, F. W. Simmons, George T. Wickers, John Richards, John K. Carruthers, Thomas E. Reed, William Hewitt, John Bagley, Felix Raniville, Frank Chickering, Andrew McReynolds, George F. Potter, J. Johnannes Cornelisse. Martin R. Parkhurst, William S. Gallup; Edward J. Keate, Alva L. Holmes, W. A. Wilson, Loomis K. Bishop, Henry B. Fairchild, Daniel Paddon, John McNab, Hugh O. Watrous, Arthur M. Church, James H. Jones. George L. Antisdel, A. Lanson Kimball, Elijah Dart, Thomas C. Winter, Uri J. Baxter, Henry F. Higgins, Henry Williams, George F. Palmer, Benjamin F. Gilden, John C. Klyn, Elias Hall, Silas J. Powell, Lewis B. Schramm, Hiram P. Springstead, Orson B. Kellogg, M. Andrews, Amos S. White, Alexander McConnell, William A. J. Ryan, William H. Underhill, Leroy Riddle, Marion J. Wrisley, Andrew Ferguson, Royal A. Ide, Daniel W. Spring, William N. Baker, Kenneth F. Morse, Samuel A. Holt, Benjamin W. Thompson, Nelson H. Walbridge.

Grand Rapids City, Eleventh Ward – Emil A. Dapper, George W. Miller, Martin Miner, George W. Jenkins, Denslow Halliday, John Staats, Isaac Montonye, Crawford Smith, Alexander Jones, Jeremiah C. Robinson, Charles A. Easton, John S. Taylor, Edward F. Normand, Miles K. Norton, Henry C. Palmer, Henry Fost, R. Strong, James Rice, Jeffrey F. Barnes, Edward Vinnegar, Andrew Galloway, Charles Seymour, Luke Hyman, Daniel C. Smith, Edward S. Horton, Charles C. Bunting, Manning F. Drake, Henry E. Thompson, John D. Nellist, William B. Griffith, Peter W. Simmons, Elias Sahm. Joseph H. Bachelor- Oliver Buckingham, Jonathan B. Worley, Frank H. Gill, Rufus Robinson, Marion Wilder, James M. Carver, Henry Searer, William T. Cummings, Harvey J. Anway, Nathaniel Wellman, Daniel E. Stoneburner, Elliott Norton, James N. Aniba, Albert M. Ormsbee, Benjamin B. Davis, William H. Harris, Reuben E. Huff, Joel McLenithan, Albert L. T. Bush, William H. Mulick, Charles G. Loomis, Austin T. Stone, Warren L. Marks, Cyrus Brown, Thomas J. Nixon, John M. Sadler, John N. Race, Melvin J. Lincoln, John Q. Patterson. Reuben W. Brainard, Jefferson M. Brown, Horace Wilder, Frank E. Drew, Myron S. Creager, Wright W. Smith, James Hanna, Frank B. Woolston, Wesley Hawkins, George B. Wilson, Newton L. Chamberlain, S. S. Chamberlain, Charles D. Harrington, Isaiah Skinner, Charles H. Scribner, William S. McCormick, Joseph E. Gillis, Thomas R. Van Wert, Edwin L. Cole, Robert W. Andrus, George L. Freeman, Isaac R. Church, George W. Lawton, J. L. Post, Joseph Kerr, Jas. A. Curry, George W. Osborne, George Johnson, James Butler, Edwin P. Dana, William T. Merritt, Wilber C. Booth, Frank I. Maybury, Stephen Parr, Flavius J. Smith, Charles H. Brown, Wallace Bryant, Spencer T. Redford, Hiram L. Gildersleve, James Davis, Aaron Frans, William A. Clark, William H. Wood, Lewis Reed, Jerome L. Winchester, Oscar D. Markham- George K. Moshier, James S. French, Obediah P. Coleman, F. C. Church, Edgar A. Freeman, Philo Collins, Nathan J. Arnold, James Johnson, Charles R. Lewis, Calvin J. Root, Charles A. Pinckney, George W. Eby, James G. Scott, Giles Gregory, Charles Devall, Charles A. Beebe, Eustace W. Tower, John F. Failing, Thomas Ludden, Philander Drake, George W. Simpson, Edmond P. Galer, John H. Bower, Leonard Hurlburt, Lucien B. Brewer. Calvin C. Barnes, Ezra T. Kirkbride, Dwight S. Drake.

Grand Rapids City, Twelfth Ward – Rosalva W. Graham, William H. Barbey, Jeremiah Fitzpatrick, Peter K. Smith, George Blain, Edward Mabin, Henry C. Hendershot, Henry Hicks, Elias G. Young, G. W. Dillenback, William Ostrander, Shad. F. Rouse, James P. Gossett, Isaac Watts, Daniel Dwelling. Andrew K. Miller, Benjamin F. Kewaga. Col. Salisbury, Jacob G. Gaiz, Fred S. Wileman; Isaac Lamoreaux, Ezra Cole, John De Faye, John Davis, Henry Preston, John Wood. Charles Mowres, Winfield S. Pratt, Robert D. Sees, Charles Runyon, J. B. Arnold, Edward Scofield, Kennedy Hanna, Albert F. Wiley, Ransom Johnson, Isaac J. Bear, George H. Smith, .John Knowlen, Cash. M. Wise, Miles R. Sherwood, Jerome Brownell, James H. Morgan, Byron J. Dart- William T. Johnston, Edward Howard, John Stoneburner, Louis P. Gilbert. Roland D. Reed. Robert Whinery. Joseph Besancon, William H. Smith, Seth Ellis, Frank Henricle, James T. Hood, Thomas R. Ellis, J. Harvey Bell. Malvin Gregory, Edward Racine, George W. Lyons, John Whinery, Edward H. Stein, George F. Daniels, Henry L. Smith, Frank W. Goodspeed, John Oppeneer, Nelson Patterson. John N. Bixby, F. E. Rosenkrans.

Soldiers’ Home, Kent County

Benjamin F. Graves. Chester B. Hinsdell, Edward Carolin, Edward Went. Charles Wright. David M. Wilder. James Walton. Jay Whayling. Emery Wheeler. John Wood. George Wooden. George Woodward. George Walter, Charles Verlautz. Samuel Van Tassel]. James Thrush. Samuel Thurston. Philip Traver. Eugene Tebo. Philip Turner, George Tower. John Olds. Edgar G. -Newman. Charles McCool. William McGregor. Thomas McKee. John McDoer. James W. Long, Henry Gibson, Lotan C. Reid. Zachariah Wizmer. Charles Wilkinson. Thomas Welker, (‘urtis Wheeler. D. Watkins. Daniel Ward. Franklin L. Wilcox. Peter Wambrodt, Benjamin Williams. Samuel Worden. George S. Van Wert, Esdres Van Zeva. Amos Thompson. Peter Trossel. Daniel Thompkins, James Thompson. Jones Thomas. Andrew Nickerson. Daniel W. Nichols. L. J. Neil. Andrew McGovern. Ronald McDonald. Alexander McLeaster, John Me Teal. Mathew McFadden. Edward McWilliams. Michael McEwan, Thomas Moor, Orange S. Mason, Stacy J. Miller, John Mullholland, Patrick Mullany, Isaiah R. Marriott, John Mooney, Charles H. Adams, William H. Allen, William Anderson, John C. Alexander, Henry 0. Baker, Harvey S. Briggs, John Bortz, Thomas Burns, Charles G. Briggs, Isaac Burbank, John Brow, George T. Batchelder, John Bruce, William Barry, Benjamin E. Barnes, August Belm, William Beck, Edward McGugan, Michael MeDonnough, Joseph Moorlenger, Edward F. Mead, John Myer, James Moon, John Conrad Myers, William Murray, Joseph Moon, James Malloy, William Almy, William Austin, John L. Ackerman, Oscar Bergman, Hudson Bacon, Hiram Beardsley, Gilbert F. Brundage, Jacob F. Burkhart, John Briggs, Andrew J. Benson, John Boomhower, Reuben H. Bradley, Peter Burnes, David Barney, Hugh Bailey, Charles Burch, Lewis M. Bark, Andrew M. Bradley, Jacob Billings, John M. Beard, James Clark, Lewis E. Collins, Patrick G. Crosby, William Coe, Caleb Silvers, John Shuler, John V. Sayler, Andrew Shultz, Hercules Stannard, William Sherbourn, Erastus Snow, Fritz Schnider, Ludwig Schmidt, Charles Seele, John M. W. Smith, Edward Stenman, Thomas R. Shockley, Andrew Shaffer, Rowen Summers, Joseph Sleiger, Robert Spencer, S. S. Shoemaker, George Shutters, Henry Rogers, Lester A. Babcock, Henry Banks, Patrick Conley, William Craig, Vanness V. Cook, William V. Cooper, Orrin Treat, Charles D. Smith, John J. Switz, Jacob D. Smith, Fred A. Stuart, Harding Smith, Charles Stewart, Philip Schneider, Julius E. Sipp, John W. Smith, George 0. Severance, Daniel Stonebourn, George W. Smith, John V. Soles, James Stoneman, Frederick Sherver, John Schmidt, Truman Stuart, Thomas A. Sprague, Thomas Red – rave, John C. Roahl, Numa P. Rose, William Raub, Joseph Rinehart, August Rokal, Peter Rooney, Robert T. Ramsey, Julius Ruby, Edward Rosier, William Russell, William L. Ryan, Joseph Qulaski, Samuel Portens, Ebenezer Partridge, Cyrus C. Payne, Daniel Parrgie, Charles E. Pressley, John Oliver, Dennis O’Brine, John Orth, Hiram Chadwick, Charles Chapman. Henry S. Calkins, Christian H. Castler, David R. Campbell, Tobias M. Coon, Isaac W. Combstock, Edward Collins, Julius Reynolds, John Rest, James Rachford, John Raper, William H. Rowley, James C. Rogers, Jacob Reihl. Hugh Riley, Henry Reynolds, Lucius S. Reed, John Pendall, William Proper, Allen Parker, Peter Pruss, lewis Petitt, Jacob E. Post, Adam Orth, Frank O’Donnell, Edmond Ockney, Adolphus Cruger, Madison W. Cook, David M. Colby, William H. Chandler, Luman Cooley, James W. Curry, Edward Carey, Ezra Curtis, Thomas Cooper, T. L. G. Conant, Jno. H. Griswall, Calvin A. Carpenter, Samuel Dole, William Drenden, William E. Downer, Rowan P. Davidson, Joel Doubleday, John H. Dickinson, George S. Dean, Loren W. Dexter, William Dixon, George R. Earsley, James Esmond, Gottlieb Fear, Jacob Ford, William Foster, Henry Fitting, Bailey K. Flagg, Joseph Fish, Patrick Grace, James Gerrety, John A. Hall, Philander Hill, Alonzo Hovey. David Higgins, Henry Clay, Allen Campbell, George Chambers, James S. Crego, Timothy W. Doyle, Francis Donley, Joseph Denite, James Dewitt, Charles D. Dean, Daniel Donahue, Thomas W. Dougherty, Dennis Doyle, John Eccard, John Eisenzmier. Charles Fry, Patrick Fallen, James Foster. William W. Fowler, Peter Foernir, Daniel Ferguson, Cornelius Foggauty, George Griffis, Alexander Greenbush, Andrew Holcomb. John A. Hovey, Abraham Hawker, John Hannerd, Richard R. Hurley, Peter Helms, Warren Hunt, Charles H. Hall, John Hill, David Howd, Michael Hoey, John C. Ingalls, William Jackson, John Jordan, William Jones, Jacob Klink, James Kelley, William Ruby, Elvoy C. Knight, Lewis D. Lee, John Larkins, Arthur Lavery, Isaac Lake, Robert H. Love, Joseph Lasner, John Lardie, Henry A. Lewmings, John Little, Dennis Haskins, Jehiel Helms, Martin V. Hines, Otto Herman, George Hart, Samuel Harlt, Benjamin A. Hey, Charles Johnson, William Jacker, William Jones, John F. Knapp, Peter Kraus, William Kerwin, John Klindurst, Thomas Kemps, David Lawn, Lewis N. Logro, Joseph Loeser, Homer Leach, James Lyons, Gustave Lange, Ansil Lewis, John B. Leiby, Baptiste Ladusa.

Kent County MI,

State of Michigan. Census of the state of Michigan, 1894, Volume III. Lansing: R. Smith & Co., state printers. 1896.

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