Biography of Benton Miller

The subject of this sketch was born in Sardis, Monroe county, Ohio, December 26, 1838. He lived in his birthplace until he was sixteen years of age, when his parents moved to Missouri and settled in what is now Colfax township, Daviess county, in 1855.

In 1861 he enlisted and served six months in the home guards, and in February, 1862, enlisted in Company A, First Missouri Cavalry Militia, in which he served during the war. In April, 1863, he was promoted from orderly sergeant to first lieutenaut, and for the last eighteen months he was in the service, had command of his company. He participated in all the engagements against General Joe Shelby in his raids in Missouri in 1863, also in the fights during General Sterling Price’s raids in this State and Kansas during the fall of 1864, and many skirmishes of less note with the guerrillas under Quantrell and Anderson. With his company, was mustered out at St. Louis on the 11th of February, 1865, and returned to the old homestead in Daviess county. Remaining upon the farm until the following October, he came to Gallatin and engaged in general merchandizing with his brother Michael, under the name of Miller & Brother, continuing the business until the fall of 1868, when he retired from the firm. In March, 1869, he again embarked in the mercantile business, and was so engaged until February 1, 1875, when he once more retired and gave his attention to the building of a brick business house, which is one of the most complete in fixtures and appointments in Gallatin.

During the winters of 1875 and 1876, Mr. Miller was collector of taxes for Union township, and has always been identified with those who have worked for the best interests of Gallatin and of Daviess county. He has been a generous and willing helper in all worthy enterprises of whatsoever character, to aid in the building up of Gallatin and the county.

Mr. Miller was united in marriage to Miss Mattie A. Robinson, on February 22d, 1866, near Hickman’s Mills, Jackson county, Missouri. They have three children; namely, Norman B., Virgil G., and Ida B.; all born in Gallatin.


The History of Daviess County, Missouri. Daviess County, Missouri: Birdsall & Dean. 1882.

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