Biographical Sketch of Samuel Stecker

Samuel Stecker was born near Easton, Northampton county, Pennsylvania, August 18, 1841. His parents are John and Sarah Stecker, who were born and reared in the same county. He lived with them until he was twenty, and was educated in the public schools of his native county. On leaving home in 1860, he went to Illinois and worked as a hand on a farm near Freeport for one year, and then went to Three Rivers, Michigan, where he worked until 1862, when he enlisted in Company D, Twenty-fifth Michigan Volunteer Infantry to serve for three years, but being wounded at … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Milton Bickel

John Milton Bickel was born in Elkhart, Indiana, December 18, 1847, and is the son of Benjamin and Catharine Bickel. His mother dying when he was six years old he was taken by his grandparents, with whom he lived until he was eight years old, when his father having married again he returned home and lived until he became of age. He was educated in the Seminary of South Bend, Indiana, and the Collegiate Institute of Goshen, Indiana. He began teaching at the age of eighteen and followed it seven consecutive years. In the fall of 1871 he came to … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Thomas John Jefferies

Thomas John Jefferies was born in Pudymore, Somersetshire, England, November 9, 1841. He lived with his parents until he was eight years old, when he left home, while attending school, without their consent, and came to the United States, arriving at New York city in the spring of 1849. He paid the expenses of the voyage out of money given to him by his grandmother for ” pin money.” Being among strangers he found it hard work to• maintain himself, but making the acquaintance of a farmer from Herkimer county, New York, by the name of Reuben Reynolds, he was … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Joseph Henry Mallory

Joseph Henry Mallory was born near where Winston is now located, March 22, 1844, where he was reared. He is the son of George and Elizabeth Mallory, pioneers of Daviess county, of 1838. His mother dying when he was only three weeks old he was taken and reared by J. H. Mallory, a relative, until he was seventeen years old. He had no educational advantages but by personal application has acquired a fair business education. January 25, 1866, when nineteen years old, he married Miss Matilda Man-ring, of Daviess county, and began to farm which he followed until 1863, when … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Henry G. Deering

Henry G. Deering is a native of Kentucky, and was born near Grayson, August 11, 1826. His father, John Deering, was born in Stokes county, North Carolina, in 1801. His mother was a native of Virginia. When he was quite young his parents moved to West Virginia, remained but a short time and returned to Kentucky, and soon after went to Ohio. In 1848 he came, in company with his parents, to Daviess county, where he continues to reside, engaged in farming. He was married, in 1850, to Miss Melinda M. Hanna, daughter of James P. and Rebecca D. Hanna. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Henry C. Kelso

Henry C. Kelso is a native of Daviess county, Missouri, and was born December 13, 1846. His father, E. C. Kelso, was a New Jersey farmer who came to Daviess county at an early date. Henry C. received his education and early training in his father’s home and at the age of nineteen began life for himself. He spent one year in traveling and then in 1868 entered a drug store in Hamilton, Missouri, remaining two years, when he returned to Daviess county and turned his attention to farming which now occupies his time. Mr. Kelso was married, in 1873, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Lewis Evans

Lewis Evans was born in the village of Watertown, Jefferson county, New York, December 1834. His parents were natives of Massachusetts. Mr. Evans remained on the farm with his parents until he was twenty years of age, during which time he obtained his education. Going to Minnesota in 1854, he worked on a farm nearly two years, then returned to Jefferson county. At the expiration of three years more he cattle to Daviess county, first settled near Winston, afterward moved to Caldwell county, and from thence back to Daviess county, where he now resides, engaged in farming. February 22, 1866, … Read more

Biography of Benton Miller

The subject of this sketch was born in Sardis, Monroe county, Ohio, December 26, 1838. He lived in his birthplace until he was sixteen years of age, when his parents moved to Missouri and settled in what is now Colfax township, Daviess county, in 1855. In 1861 he enlisted and served six months in the home guards, and in February, 1862, enlisted in Company A, First Missouri Cavalry Militia, in which he served during the war. In April, 1863, he was promoted from orderly sergeant to first lieutenaut, and for the last eighteen months he was in the service, had … Read more

Biographical Sketch of A. J. Kemberling

A. J. Kemberling is a native of Union county, Pennsylvania, and is the son of A. J. and. Catherine Kemberling, both of whom were natives of the same county. He was born March 24, 1828, and remained with his parents until he attained his twenty-first year; being engaged in farming and attending school. In 1849, he went to Seneca county, Ohio, where he spent twelve years on a farm. From that place he removed to St. Joseph county, Michigan, and at the end of nine years came to Daviess county and purchased a farm in Colfax township where he resided … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Robert Carter

Robert Carter was born in Holmes county, Ohio, February 28, 1822. He was reared in his native county and there received his education. At the age of nineteen he migrated with his parents to Daviess county and settled on a farm, where he spent the next three years, and commenced farming for himself. At the beginning of the war he was enrolled in the State Militia, and during the last year of that great struggle was called into active service. After being honorably discharged he returned to Colfax township, where he now resides on a finely improved farm of 247 … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Dudley Malcolm Clagett, M. D.

Dudley Malcolm Clagett was born in Natchez, Mississippi, March 24, 1846, and is the son of Hezekiah and Elizabeth Clagett. He lived with his parents at his birth-place until he was ten years old, when they removed to St. Louis, where he lived with them until 1870, excepting four years that he worked on a farm for his father in Franklin county, Missouri. He obtained his education by attending the public schools and the St. Louis High School, from which he graduated in 1865. In 1868, while on his father’s farm, he began the study of medicine under the instruction … Read more

Biography of Michael W. Young

Michael W. Young is a native of Europe, and was born August 17, 1831. He is a son of Michael Young, a native of Germany, born May 11, 1804. The mother of Michael W., whose maiden name was Dorothy Wander, is also a native of Germany, born in 1802. Our subject remained in his native. country until he was about four years of age when he came with his parents to the United States and first settled in Stark county, Ohio. After a short time his. mother died and he was hired out to work for his clothes and schooling. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of I. B. Gurney

I. B. Gurney was born April 10, 1845, near Cleveland, Ohio. His father, Asa H. Gurney, was a native of Ohio, and his mother, Catherine Sortor Gurney, a native Allegany County, New York. When he was ten years of age his parents moved to Lake County, Ohio, where they were located on a farm, and where Mr. Gurney received his education, attending school during the winter for several years, and afterward entered college at Berea, Ohio. In August, 1863, he went to Venango County, Pennsylvania, where he became foreman in the office of the McClintock Oil Company, where he remained … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Thomas J. Wood

Thomas J. Wood was born in Fountain county, Indiana, March 15, 1836. His parents were natives of Scott county, Kentucky, but migrated to Indiana, and from thence to Caldwell county, Missouri, when he was about three years of age, and soon moved to Daviess county. Mr. Wood has resided in this county since 1839. He was enrolled in the State Militia in 1862, and served two. years as one of the home guards. Since that time he has been engaged in farming and now lives on a well improved farm near Winston. Mr. Wood was married, January 1, 1869, to … Read more

Biography of Frank B. H. Brown

Frank B. H. Brown is a native of Canada, born near the Bay of Canta, April 14, 1836. His father, James P. Brown, is a native of Eastport, Maine, and was born in 1805. He made merchandising his principal occupation during life, and died December 3, 1874, at Danville, Dodge county, Wisconsin. Young Brown remained at his birthplace until he was five years of age, and at the age of fifteen was engaged in clerking in a store in the town of Glen-Allen, Ontario, remaining in this business for two years. In 1852 he went to Jefferson county, Minnesota, where … Read more

Biography of Frederick Converse Eastman, M. D.

Frederick Converse Eastman was born in Lincoln county, Ontario Province, Canada, December 28, 1842. His parents, William and Catharine Eastman, were also natives of Canada. His father dying when he was live years old, he lived with his mother until he was fourteen, when he was employed in the store of G. C. Fields, of Smithville, Canada, as a clerk. Before leaving home his mother endeavored to give him a fair education. After clerking one year he attended the Academy at Gilsonburg, Canada, and was in attendance for four years. He began the study of medicine in 1861 under Dr. … Read more