Biography of William O. C. Woodbury

William O. C. Woodbury, long a prominent business man of Claremont, N.H., and one of the leading Odd Fellows in Sullivan County, was born in Acworth, N.H., February 26, 1818, son of Amos Woodbury. His father, who was born August 5, 1795, was twice married, first to Mary Farnam Carleton, born October 19, 1795, by whom he had: William Oliver Carleton, Mary Lawrence, Hannah Kelly, Eliza Crombee, Amos Omera, Amelia Jane, Judith Annette, Harriot Angeline, and Sarah Maria; and second to Louisa Chandler, born August 18, 1807, who gave him James Vilas Chandler and Samuel Ira Lawrence. Of these children by both marriages the living are: Mary L., Hannah K., Amelia J., and Harriot A. Amos Woodbury was a clock repairer by trade.

William learned the trade of his father. In his youth he entered the store of Eben and Samuel Bailey, makers of spoons, silverware, and small wares; and for his services in retailing to customers he was allowed the privilege of repairing watches. He soon established a good trade; and, acquiring capital by economy and hard work, he eventually succeeded his employers in business, remaining for twenty-seven years at the old stand in Bailey Block. Having accumulated a snug fortune for those days, he sold his business interests, but afterward he bought back his old store and continued for some eighteen months longer in business. He died December 29, 1875. Mr. Woodbury was a charter member of Sullivan Lodge, No. 12, I. O. O. F., first organized October 23, 1845. Some time afterward this lodge was disbanded; but Mr. Woodbury by his deep interest and enthusiasm for the society succeeded in having it reinstated in 1872, and was always looked upon as the father of this lodge. His wife is a charter member of the Rebecca Lodge, which was called Woodbury Lodge after him. Mr. Woodbury was liberal, hospitable, and public-spirited, and, though retired in habits, a man of good judgment and well liked by all his acquaintances.

He married Polly M. Spencer, daughter of Lewis S. Spencer, of East Randolph, Vt., a native of Claremont, and his wife, Polly Miner, of Lempster, N.H. Mrs. Woodbury’s paternal grandfather was Reuben Spencer, who married Alice, daughter of Edward Ainsworth. Lewis S. Spencer was born March 13, 1788, and his wife Polly, December 27, 1793. They were married May 25, 1815, and their children were: Timothy M., Fanny, Polly M., Norman, Lewis G., Edwin, Charles, Timothy M. (second), Reuben, Maria L., and Annie E., of whom Timothy M., Norman, Lewis G., and Charles are now deceased.



Biographical Review Publishing Company. Biographical Review; containing life sketches of leading citizens of Merrimack and Sullivan counties, N. H. Boston. Biographical Review Publishing Company. 1897.

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