Campbell’s Abstract – P Surnames

The publication of the Tribal Rolls, in 1907, gave the roll number, name of the allottee, age, sex and blood, and operated to a large extent to inform the public, but this information was not sufficient, in fact, it aided only those who, by reason of their familiarity with the workings and records of the Indian Offices, knew how to secure additional information. John Campbell set out to help researchers determine the family relationships between the allottee’s by providing an abstract index of all names from the records. This index has proven invaluable over time by providing a quick method to research family relationships within the tribal rolls.

P Surnames

Pacananney, 51
Pachaney, 2421. 2085.
Paconthla, 2261.
Pacoweney, 2784.
Paheahney, 2421, 2985.
Pahcoquah, 2308.
Pahhe, 252.
Pahose, Chake, 2399.
Pahoseyahola, Bennie, NB1273.
Pahoseyahola, John, 2464
Pahoseyahola, Josie, NB273.
Pahoseyahola, Lodie, 2464.
Pahoseyahola, Soatka, 2464. NRI273
Paine, Eliza, 2684.
Painkiller, Peter, 2259.
Pakoska, Jennie, 195, NB1119.
Pakoska, Lewis, l788, NB1117
Pakoska, Liza. l788.
Pakoska, Lucy, l788.
Pakoska, Noah. l788.
Pakoska, Winford, NB1119
Palmer, 1605, 2601, 3153.
Palmer, Daniel, NB196.
Palmer, David, 3521.
Palmer, Eliza, 23, NB195, NB196.
Palmer, Ella, N11564.
Palmer, Jack Frost, M167.
Palmer, James, M167.
Palmer, James W., NB195.
Palmer, Jennie, 2263.
Palmer, Jim, NB561.
Palmer, John W., NB195, NB196.
Palmer, Lucy, 1605, 2601.
Palmer, Malinda, 2601.
Palmer, Mary, 2263, 3528, NB561, M167.
Palmer, Tom, 2263, 3528.
Palmer, Wally A., 1605.
Panoska, 105.
Panoska, Allie, 106.
Panoske, 2205.
Panoske, Andy, 2205.
Panoske, Daniel, 2205, 11450, 51451.
Panoske, Lydia, 51450.
Panoske, Melsey, 2205, M150, M151.
Panoske, Penie, M151.
Panoske, Susan, 2205.
Panoske, Wagey, 2205.
Panoskey, 2482.
Panoskey, Lydia, 2482.
Panoskey, Tom, 3052.
Pantany, 2262, 2116.
Panter, Jemima, 1721, NB337, M150
Pantoney, 100.
Paquain, 2783.
Parcheneya, 2439.
Parcinda, 2599.
Parheche, 1221.
Parhose, 1140, 1111, 2161.
Parhose, Jennie, 1411.
Parhosey, 1280.
Parhosey, Jemima, 1280.
Parkany, 605.
Parkee, 3061.
Parker, Catherine, 718.
Parker, Charles Edward, NB151.
Parker, Jessie, 2557, NB151.
Parker, Martha, 1019.
Parker, William E., NB151.
Parkinson, Jennie, 1019.
Parkinson, Jim, 598.
Parkinson, Jonathan, 1019.
Parks, Chaney, 3515.
Parks, Dora Ellen, NB190.
Parks, Fannie, 3s15.
Parks, Fronie, 3815.
Parks, Julius, 3815.
Parks, Margaret Atkins, 3781, 3815, NB290. M293.
Parks, Rosetta, M293.
Parks, William, 3815, NB290, M293.
Parlie, 1674.
Parney, 1315, 1407.
Parnoche, 3220.
Parnockey, Sarah, 3158.
Parnoche, Lizzie, 3220.
Parnosk, Rosanna, 2491.
Parnockey, 3105.
Parnoskie, Baruoge, 3052.
Parnosky, 93S, 2491, 2492.
Parnosky, Cheparney, NB1104.
Parnosky, Cindy, NB1103.
Parnosky, Minnie, 2491.
Parnosky, Noah, 2191.
Parnosky, Salina, 2191, NB1103, NB1104.
Parnosky, Sarah, 1780.
Parnosky, Willie, 2191, NB1103, NB1104.
Parsachkee, 1512.
Parskover, 1307, 2566, 2581.
Partahkazolee, 2984.
Partaka, Dickey, 1418.
Partaka, Liza, 141S.
Partarke, Lucy, 2976.
Parthena, 180.
Parthenia, 3978.
Parthla, 957,
Partridge, Alice, 2076.
Partridge, Amos, 2076.
Partridge, Anna, 1831.
Partridge, Beeker, 2076.
Partridge, Bessie, 103.
Partridge, Clara, 1169.
Partridge, Gibson, 103, 314.
Partridge, Jemima, 923, NB1006.
Partridge, Jonas, M387.
Partridge, Kazzie, 910.
Partridge, Leonard C., 1169.
Partridge, Louisa, 808.
Partridge, Lucinda, 103.
Partridge, Mary, 2076, M3S7.
Partridge, Noah, 923, 2076.
Partridge, Ollie, 2076.
Partridge, Reuben L., 1169.
Partridge, Ruby M., 1169.
Partridge, Sam, 314.
Partridge, Thahepne, 2070.
Partridge, Toby, 2076, M387.
Pascover, 1307, 2566, 2581.
Patake, John, 2272.
Patarkey, John, 85.
Patcheshe, 1382.
Pathla, 1010, 1012.
Patokike, 3872.
Patterson, Wm., 454.
Patton, Dora, NI3893.
Patton, Emma, 1731, NB892, NB893, NB894.
Patton, J. O., NB892, NB893, NB894.
Patton, Leo Ora, NB894.
Patton, Lora, NB892.
Paygee, 1616.
Payne, Charley, 308.
Payne, Hester, 1241.
Payne, Richard, 308.
Peck, 2458.
Peconweny, 236.
Peeche , 2814.
Peeper, Clarence, 3612.
Peeper, Everett, 2257.
Peeper, Frank, 2257, 3612, NB801.
Peeper, Mary, 2257, 3612, NB801
Peeper, Viney May, NB801.

Peester, 85.
Pefatka, 1408, 1539.
Pefatka, 1408, 1539.
Peggy, 170, 174, 1469, 2111, 2153.
Pehoye, 2827, 2829.
Pelah, 2103, NB939.
Pemberton, Charity R., 619, 1346.
Pemberton, Ida L., 619.
Pemberton, James A., 619.
Pemberton, John C., 619.
Pemberton, Naoma, NB969.
Pemberton, Reacy Adeline, NB969.
Pemberton, Viola C., 619.
Pemberton, Washington L., 619.
Pemberton, Wm. J., 619, 1346.
Pemberton, William T., 619, NB959.
Pemberton, Wilton, 619.
Penaka, 858.
Pendelton, Dora, 3729.
Pendelton, Enoch, 1153.
Penn, 1517.
Penn, Annie, 2095.
Penn, Emoney, M222.
Penn, Mary, 3899.
Penn, Miley, 2095, 3899, M222.
Penn, Sharpsey, 2095.
Penn, William, 2095, 3899, M222.
Pease, Alice, NB566.
Pense, J. H., NB566.
Pense, Malissa, 233, NB566.
Perkins, Gus, 3115.
Perkins, John, 3115.
Perkins, Nancy, 3115.
Perry, Charles Owen, S43.
Perry, Cunnussa, CE4040.
Perry, Ed., 843.
Perry, Gibson, CE4040.
Perry, James, CE40-10.
Perry, Maud, 843, NB181, NB182.
Perry, Susie, CE4040.
Perryman, Ab, 808.
Perryman, Adam, 1400.
Perryman, Addie, 677.
Perryman, Alex, NB554, NB555.
Perryman, Andrew, 910.
Perryman, Anna, 455, 864, 2495, NB88O.
Perryman, Annie, 455, 861, 2495, NB88O.
Perryman, Arparye, 910.
Perryman, Aurthur R., 2199.
Perryman, Ben, 1238, 1583, NB325.
Perryman, Benjamin, 1238, 1583, NB325.
Perryman, Celie, 2364.
Perryman, Cinda, 594.
Perryman, Clarissa, 677.
Perryman, Cornelius B., 683, M303.
Perryman, Cosetta, 812.
Perryman, Daniel, 229, 432, 1583
Perryman, Dicey, 1583
Perryman, Dora, 229
Perryman, Ed, 323, NB1093.
Perryman, Eddie, 323, NB1093.
Perryman, Edith M., 3553.
Perryman, Ebmond, 1861.
Perryman, E. G., 3451.
Perryman, Eliza, 792, 1016.
Perryman, Ella, 2199.
Perryman, Ellen, 158, 010, 1887, 1990.
Perryman, Ellen B., 158, 910, 1S87, 1990.
Perryman, Elsie, 1103.
Perryman, Emma, 323.
Perryman, Enos, 229, 449.
Perryman, Flossie, 677.
Perryman, Frances E., 1238.
Perryman, George, 658, 808, 810, 812, NB149.
Perryman, Geo. B., 568, 808, 810, 812, NB149.
Perryman, George R., 455, 3451.
Perryman, Georgia R., 455, 3451.
Perryman, Gristie, 802.
Perryman, Hamor C., 2309.
Perryman, Hannah, 804.
Perryman, Hattie, 342, 449, M273, NB780.
Perryman, Hattie W., 2199.
Perryman, Hellen, 808.
Perryman, Henry W., 910.
Perryman, Hepsey, 656.
Perryman, Bettie, 2147.
Perryman, Hornet, 910.
Perryman, Isaac, 864.
Perryman, J. C., 2309.
Perryman, J. M., 792, 1016, 2295.
Perryman, John, 1653, 1995.
Perryman, John T., 681.
Perryman, John W., 641, 677, 688, 1232, 1633, 1995, 1861, 2147.
Perryman, Joseph, 792.
Perryman, Jos. M., 792, 1016, 2295.
Perryman, J. W., 641, 077, 6S8, 1232, 1653, 1861, 1995, 2147.
Perryman, Katie, 1060.
Perryman, L. C., 2365.
Perryman, Leah, 2365, NB1093.
Perryman, Legus, 2598.
Perryman, Legus C., 910.
Perryman, Lewis, 808, 910, 2495, 3226.
Perryman, Liley, 323.
Perryman, Lillian, 229.
Perryman, Lizzie, 432.
Perryman, Louis, 677, 2147, 2199, 3226.
Perryman, Louisa, 1995.
Perryman, Lucy, 323, 792, 1051.
Perryman, Lula, S12, 3553.
Perryman, Lydia, 455.
Perryman, Mamie, 808, S64, NB1237, NB1238.
Perryman, Martha, 405, 455, 1238, 1653, NB395
Perryman, Mary, 340, 449, 455, 677, NB325.
Perryman, Millie, 1492.
Perryman, Mollie, 373, 864, 3470.
Perryman, Montle, NB325.
Perryman, Mose, 373, 812, 1103, 3553.
Perryman, Moses, 373, 812, 1103, 3553.
Perryman, Nathaniel, 677.
Perryman, Nellie, 3470.
Perryman, Nettie, 641, 688, 1861.
Perryman, Nicey, 299.
Perryman, Nitey, 2147.
Perryman, Noble, 449, 831, 1060.
Perryman, Okema, NB149.
Perryman, Ollie, 3451.
Perryman, Ophia, NB149.
Perryman, Philip, 299, 2361.
Perryman, Phoebe, 449, NB140, M122.
Perryman, Prince, 323.
Perryman, Rachel, 229, 334, 638, 808, 510, 812.
Perryman, Rachael H., 229, 812, 334, 658, 810, 808.
Perryman, Ralph, 702.
Perryman, Riley, 455, 475.
Perryman, Robert L., 792.
Perryman, Rosalie. M303.
Perryman, Rose, 402, 101.
Perryman, Ruth, 455. 175.
Perryman, Sallie, 323, 581, 802
Perryman, Sam, 310, 449, 683, 864, 3470. M337.
Perryman, Samuel, 340, 449, 683, 864, 3470, M337.
Perryman, Sanford, 342. 699.
Perryman, Sarah, 1876, NB1093.
Perryman, Sarah Ann, M303.
Perryman, Silla. 1653.
Perryman, Sophia, 1231, 2110, NB554, NB353
Perryman, Susanna, 119
Perryman. Susie, 695, 3170.
Perryman, Tecumseh, 2117.
Perryman, Thomas L., 2199.
Perryman, Thomas W., 1887, 2190.
Perryman, Thompson, 591, 804.
Perryman, Trona, 340.
Perryman, Walter L., 2199.
Perryman, Wash, 651.
Perryman, Washington L., 681.
Perryman, William, 323, 310, 681, 1653.
Perryman, Willie, 299, 681.
Perryman, Wright, 158, 2361.

Pesogee, 2857
Petelle, 2724.
Peter, 1867.
Peter, Jennie, 2303, NB1230.
Peter, John. 3890.
Peter, Joseph, 3063.
Peter, Linda, 2305, 2507, 2509.
Peter, Little, 2505, 2507
Peter, Lizzie, 2127.
Peter, Locahull, 3386.
Peter, Louisa, 2505.
Peter, Millie, 2507.
Peter, Nicey, 2127, 2256, 3063.
Peter, Sallie, 2509.
Peter, Simon, 2127, 2256, 3063.
Peters, 907.
Peters, Ben, 1002.
Peters, Betsey, 1002.
Peters, Cilla, 1002.
Peters, Ellen, 1002, 2371.
Peters, Isom, 1707.
Peters, Jesse, 1707.
Peters, Kizzie, 1002.
Peters, Louisa, 1707, 2034
Peters. Lula, 1707.
Peters, Sampson, 1002.
Peters, Simon, 907.
Petha, 2823.
Petoehey, 2720.
Pettit, Frank, 983.
Pgifepka, 3210.
Phelama, 2816.
Phillip Jane, 1853.
Phillip, Tiger, 1853.
Phillips, Abbie, 2181.
Phillips, B. H., 2025.
Phillips, Ben, 2021, 2775.
Phillips, Bettie, 270.
Phillips, Betsey, 2183, 2184.
Phillips, Betsie, 2028.
Phillips, Billy, 2775.
Phillips, Coosie, 270.
Phillips, Daniel, 2028.
Phillips, Eliza, 270, 496, 2028
Phillips, Hannah, 2028.
Phillips, Hattie, 270.
Phillips, Hettie, 2028, NB20, M50.
Phillips, Jennetta, 270.
Phillips, Jennie, 2775.
Phillips, Joe, 270.
Phillips, John, 275.
Phillips, Johnson, 2028, NB20, M50.
Phillips, Kate, 905.
Phillips, Lewis E., 496.
Phillips, Louisa, 2184, NB642.
Phillips, Lydia, NB20.
Phillips, Mattie, 2775.
Phillips, Nancy, M50.
Phillips, P. H., 270, 496, 2184.
Phillips, Palms Harjo, 270, 496, 2184.
Phillips, Parhose Harjo, 2184, 270, 493.
Phillips, Sarah, 270.
Phillips, Taylor, 2184.
Phillips, Tecumseh, 270, 275, 1364.
Phillips, Thomas, 270.
Phillips, Wallace, 2025.
Phillips, Walter, 270.
Phillips, Wicey, 1364.
Phillips, Wysie, 275.
Pholothoka, 78.
Pickett, Ada, 556.
Pickett, Albert, 63S.
Pickett, Arlaquinny, 939.
Pickett, Daniel, 556.
Pickett, Ella, 536.
Pickett, Jennetta, 556, 638.
Pickett, Jennie, 556.
Pickett, Johnson, 939.
Pickett, Lucy, 556.
Pickett, Louisa, 556.
Pickett, Malinda, 556, 557.
Pickett, Marshie, 578.
Pidgeon, Jesse, 448.
Pidgeon, Dave, 448.
Pidgie, 2618.
Piegon, Leetchee, 1882.
Pierce, Jacob, 949.
Pierce, Jennetta, 949.
Pierce, Sallie, 949.
Pierce, Silla, 949.
Pigeon, Cemelanc, 3238, NB1193.
Pigeon, Dave, 1658.
Pigeon, Jakeman, 2411.
Pigeon, Jennie, 2830, NB1193.
Pigeon, Jesse, 35.
Pigeon, 3235, NB1193.
Pigeon, Jimmy, 2154.
Pigeon, Joe, 1658, 2411.
Pigeon, John, 2139, 2153, 2111, 3238
Pigeon, Jonas, 2411.
Pigeon, Joseph, 2411.
Pigeon, Lena, 2411, 51109.
Pigeon, Lesbee, 2154.
Pigeon, Lizzie, 35.
Pigeon, Mahtee, 2153.
Pigeon, Mate, 2111.
Pigeon, Misser, 3368.
Pigeon, Nache, NB1193.
Pigeon, Nancy, 1658, NB315.
Pigeon, Peggy, 1658.
Pigeon, Robert, 33.
Pigeon, Sallie, 35, 3238.
Pigeon, Sally, 35, 3238.
Pigeon, Tiger, 1658.
Pike, Albert, 206.
Pike, Edna, 613, NB155.
Pike, Fay, NB155.
Pike, George, 206.
Pike, Joseph, 206.
Pike, Pamelia, 206.
Pike, Wester, NB155.
Pinehill, Abner, 665.
Pinehill, Lasley, 895, NB1185.
Pinehill, Leo, 893.
Pinehill, Mary, NB1185.
Pinehill, Robert, 311.
Pinehill, Sallie, 895, NB1185.
Pinehill, Sally, 895, NB1185.
Pinehill, Sarah, 344.
Pinehill, Wm, 895.
Pingolichchee, 886.
Pinkey, Lilia, 1147, M338.
Pinkey, Willie, 1150, M338.
Pinky, 1150.
Pinky, Lizzie, M338.
Pinky, Willie, 1150, M338.
Pinnege, 389.
Pinyer, 1827.
Pitchee, 621.

Pitcher, Seco, 1587.
Pitman, Arthur 1154.
Pitman, Bob, 5?5.
Pitman, Cecil, 3478.
Pitman, Clarence, M70.
Pitman, Edith Lucinda, M432.
Pitman, Edward, M54, NB848.
Pitman, Florence, NB608.
Pitman, Homer, 1154.
Pitman, J. W., M70.
Pitman, John W., 1154, 3478.
Pitman, Laurel, 1154.
Pitman, Lewis, 1154, NB608.
Pitman, Lucinda, 565, NB794, M432.
Pitman, Mary, 1154.
Pitman, Moses, NB848.
Pitman, Robert, NB794, M432.
Pitman, Robert, Jr., NB794.
Pitman, Rosanna, 1154, 3478, M70.
Pitman, Rosella, 1154.
Pitman, Bowie Elizabeth, 565.
Pitman, Sammie, 1154.
Pitman, Susie, NB848.
Pitman, Vonnie, NB608.
Pitman, Walter, 1154, 2375.
Pittman, Celia, 2138.
Pittman, Edwin, 2138.
Pittman, Jennie, 2138, NB363, NB364.
Pitts, Burrell H., NB668.
Pitts, Drannan, NB667.
Pitts, Emma, 695, NB667, NB668, NB1014.
Pitts, Frank, 695.
Pitts, David Franklin, 695.
Pitts, Frank Fields, NB667, NB668, NB1014.
Pitts, Major Barbee, NB1014.
Pitts, Pearlie, 695.
Pitts, William R., 695.
Prisa, 2482.
Pocananney, 77.
Pocco, Hokte, 2304.
Pocharney, 3032.
Pocofah, 2729, 2730.
Poconweny, 236, 2188, 2731.
Pocca, Micco, 121S.
Pofner, 1558.
Pokoconweney, 2705.
Pokoska, Joe, 1788.
Polakaconthla, 2252.
Polecat, 3271.
Polecat, Kanocheeshumar, 3271.
Polecat, Nonpechee, 3052.
Polecat, Pahlatahsheeney, 3271.
Polecat, Sapesa, 3271.
Polk, Benjamin, 2050.
Polk, Billy, 2393.
Polk, Cinda, 2243.
Polk, Comfort, 2050.
Polk, Delilah, 2050.
Polk, Daniel, 2243, 3642, CE4041, NB747.
Polk, Daniel W., 2243, 3642, CE1041, NB747.
Polk, Ethel, NB747.
Polk, Katie, 2243, NB747.
Polk, Lucinda, 1985, 2029.
Polk, Martha, 2393.
Polk, Mose, 2393.
Polk, Sarshoye, 2029.
Polk, Siah, CE4041.
Polk, Silla, 2671, 3642.
Polk, Thomas, 1985, 2029, 2243.
Polk, Thomas H., 1985, 2243, 2029.
Polk, Thomas K., 1955, 2029, 2243.
Polk, Walter, 2050.
Polk, Walter R., 2050.
Polk, Winey, 3642.
Polledagee, 215.
Pollie, 604, 149, 283, 672, 818, 969, 1206, 1215, 1293, 1562, 1587, 1905, 2029, 2187, 2532, 2785, 2907, 3053, 3274, 3823, CF4055.
Pologe, 2739.
Polly, 149, 283, 604, 672, 818, 969, 1206, 1215, 1293, 1562, 1587, 1905, 2029, 2187, 2532, 2785, 2907, 3053, 3274, 3823, CE4055.
Poloke, Lucy, 2530.
Poloke, Sam, 2530.
Polokee, Esal, 3085, NB1267.
Polokee, Ludie, 3086, N13879, M352.
Polokee, Susie, 3055, 3086, 3092.
Polokee, Tom, 3085, 3086, 3092.
Ponkilley, 3221.
Ponkilley, Melely, 3221.
Pootka, 1482.
Poquin, Hattie, 2309.
Porchee, 2368.
“Porter,” 1816.
Porter, Annetta Mary, 1991.
Porter, Ben, 1517, 1739.
Porter, Ben E., 729, 3005.
Porter, Benjamin, 1991, NB401.
Porter, Betsey, 683.
Porter, Edith P., NB211.
Porter, Edward B., 729.
Porter, Elizabeth, 13.
Porter, Elsie, 114, NB102, NB103.
Porter, Hager, 1374.
Porter, Isom, 3090.
Porter, Jack, 1311.
Porter, James, 1311, 3090, NB401, M281.
Porter, James Summerfield, 517.
Porter, Jemima, M281.
Porter, John, 114, 1058, 1271, 1374, 2163.
Porter, John S., 1739.
Porter, Katie Slay, 46.
Porter, L. Ray, NB210.
Porter, Lena, 1730.
Porter, Leonora E., 1991
Porter, Lewis, 114, NB102, NB103
Porter, March, 1371
Porter, Martha, 265.
Porter, Mary E., 161.
Porter, Mary, 1739.
Porter, Mary Ellen, 1991.
Porter, Mattie, L., 1991.
Porter, 31eKinley, NB103.
Porter, Mildred M., M7, NB7.
Porter, Milly M., 461
Porter, Misey, 1271.
Porter, Nancy, 1311, NB101, M281
Porter, Nellie, 2199.
Porter, Ochee, 1272.
Porter, Pen, 2166.
Porter, Phoebe, 1517, 1991.
Porter, Pleasant, 491, 1991, NB102.
Porter, Pheasant, Jr., 161.
Porter, Sallie, 1271.
Porter, Sam, 46, NB210, NB211.
Porter, Sarah, 3005.
Porter, Stockton, 461.
Porter, Susan. 46, NB210, NB211.
Porter, Tildy, 411.
Porter, Tobie, 2529.
Porter, Topsy, 1271, 1272.
Porter, Will, 161.
Porter, William A., 461, NB7, M7.
Posey, Albert W., 2229, NB979
Posey, Alexander L., 1132, NB1.
Posey, Andy W., 32I8, NB470, 3140.
Posey, Annie L., 813.
Posey, Beat ice, 3217.
Posey, Beatrice E., 3217, 3219.
Posey, Benjamin, 595.
Posey, Bettie, 736.
Posey, Bill, 762.
Posey, Boyce W., 3268.
Posey, Carrie, 832, NB986.
Posey, Charles Kenneth, 3140.
Posey, Canny, 502.
Posey, Darwin, 892.
Posey, Dennis, 3217.
Posey, Dora M., 535.
Posey, Edith, 978.
Posey, Edward U., 6211
Posey, Eli, 711.
Posey, Eliza, 595.
Posey, Elizabeth, 2221, 2220, 3217.
Posey, Ella, 802.
Posey, Elmer Carl, 2229.
Posey, Emily. 3268, 3500.
Posey, Eloise, NB686.
Posey, Emma, 1167.
Posey, Frank, 6117, NB686.
Posey, Flora, 736.

Posey, George A., 620.
Posey, Gertrude, 667.
Posey, Harriet, 892.
Posey, Henry, 762, NB512.
Posey, Henry A., 762, NB512.
Posey, Homer H., 3607.
Posey, Horace, 892.
Posey, Hugh F., NB156.
Posey, Hulda E., 533, 813, 326.
Posey, Huldy, 335, 813,
Posey, Hurley E., 535, 813, 3268.
Posey, Irving, 1132.
Posey, J. S., 3268, 3500.
Posey, James S., 3268, 3500.
Posey, Jim H., 813.
Posey, Johann, 859.
Posey, John, 892.
Posey, John M., 813, M156.
Posey, John W., 813.
Posey, Jonathan R., 3217.
Posey, Kennie, 3268.
Posey, Kipling, 1132.
Posey, L. H., 847, 892, 896, 1132.
Posey, L. Hena, 667.
Posey, Laura E., 813, NB156.
Posey, Laura 8., 535.
Posey, Lee A., 736.
Posey, Lena L., 3268.
Posey, Leonard Earle, 2229.
Posey, Lewis H., 847, 802, 896, 1132.
Posey, Lola Colesta, NB483.
Posey, M. A., 2224.
Posey, Mary A., NB976.
Pussy, Mary Ann, 2229.
Posey, Mary E., 714, 736, NB512.
Posey, Mary L., 535, 3607, NB153, M22.
Posey, Mary V., 620.
Posey, Mattie, 892.
Posey, Mendum, 892.
Posey, Minnie, 1132, NB4, NB470, 3140.
Posey, Nancy, 667, 847, 892, 896, 1132.
Posey, Nellie H., NB483.
Posey, Nina E., NB976.
Posey, Nora S., 3268.
Posey, Ola B., 535.
Posey, R. T., 3219.
Posey, Richard T., 3217, 3219.
Posey, Robert A., 736.
Posey, Ruby, 813.
Posey, Ruth Lucile, M22.
Posey, Susan, 762.
Posey, T. C., 3500.
Posey, Terry O., NB153.
Posey, Thos. B., 535, 813, 3217, 3268.
Posey, Thomas Owen, NB470.
Posey, Thomas U., 3268.
Posey, Uriah, 620.
Posey, W. A., 2224, 2229.
Posey, Walter, 535, 859, 3607, NB153, M22.
Posey, Walter A., 813.
Posey, Will, 978.
Posey, William, 736, 892, 896.
Posey, William A., 736, 3219, N13483.
Posey, William Edward, NB512.
Posey, Wynema Torrans, NB4.
Post, Cornelius, 850.
Post, Id Louisa, NB621.
Post, Homer, 1856.
Post, John, 850, 1856, 1860, 1968.
Post, Laura, 850, NB620, NB621, M28.
Post, Samantha, NB620.
Post, Thomas, 850, NB620, NB621, M28.
Post, Thomas, Jr., 3128.
Post, William, 1968.
Postoak, Arthur E., NB599.
Postoak, Bettie, 680.
Postoak, Charley, 680.
Postoak, Charley, NB900, NB901, Creek Frd. 707.
Postoak, Eli, NB979.
Postoak, George, 680.
Postoak, Gracie, 710.
Postoak, Hattie L., NB600.
Postoak, Jennie, NB901.
Postoak, Julia, NB900.
Postoak, Lillie, 710, NB599, NB600.
Postoak, Lilly, 710, NB599, NB600.
Postoak, Lincoln, 710, NB599, NB600, NB979.
Postoak, Mollie, 2727.
Postoak, Nannie, 710.
Postoak, Rachael, 680, NB900, NB901.
Postoak, Rachel, 680, NB900, NB90I.
Postoak, Sallie, 3127.
Postoak, Taylor, 710, 2727, 3127.
Postoak, Tecumseh, 710.
Potato, Mollie, 2500.
Pothka, 1680.
Pothla, 1010, 1012, 1208.
Pothlar, 3313.
Pothoigee, 2661, 2692.
Potogigee, 2661, 2692.
Potoka, 29SS.
Potolige, 2343.
Powell, Carline, 2395.
Powell, Charles, NB395.
Powell, Cinda, 3272.
Powell, Elizabeth, 2744.
Powell, Hannah, 3157, 3272.
Powell, John, 2395, 2744, NB395.
Powell, Martha, 16.53, NB395.
Powell, Park, 3317.
Powell, Pearl, 3317.
Powell, Pesaka, 2744.
Powell, Robert, 3317.
Powell, Sammie, 3317.
Powell, Willie, 3272.
Presley, Arthur, 403.
Presley, Farilla, 403.
Presley, Harrison, 403.
Presley, Harrison E., 403.
Presley, Lillie, 403.
Presley, Louisa, 403.
Presley, Mary M., 403, NB52, M66.
Presley, Rosetta, 403.
Presley, Smith, 403.
Presley, Thomas Jefferson, 403.
Pressgrove, Aaron, NB125.
Pressgrove, Joseph, NB125.
Pressgrove, Lizzie, 720, NB125.
Price, Belle, M221.
Price, Benny, 293.
Price, James, 878.
Price, James, Jr., 878.
Price, James Lawrence, 711.
Price, J. M., 31228.
Price, Lelia, 293, M232, NB238.
Price, Louina, 2375.
Price, Louvina, 1151, 2007.
Price, Lucy, 878.
Price, M. B., NB1009, M104.
Price, Mamie, 31228.
Price, Nary Lucile, 31221.
Price, Minnie May, NB1009.
Price, Mose B., 711.
Price, Moses B., M104, NB1009.
Price, Nora Nellie Marie, M104.
Price, Oscar, 293.
Price, Owen, 293, M221.
Price, Pleasant Porter, 878.
Price, Priscilla, 711.
Price, Sallie, 711, NB1009, M101.
Price, Susan, 878, M228.
Price, Wm., 293, 294, 306.

Prisa, 2482.
Proctor, Alex, 1694.
Proctor, Annie, 2667, 3114.
Proctor, Billie, 1148.
Proctor, Caesar, 2701.
Proctor, Chaeller, 2688, NB1187, NB1188.
Proctor, Dave, 2675, 2835, NB455.
Proctor, David, 2675, 2835, NB455.
Proctor, Dennis Flinn, NB905.
Proctor, Ellen, 1148.
Proctor, Freeman, CE4042.
Proctor, Kailey, 1768.
Proctor, Harry, 2667.
Proctor, Huethlego, 2701.
Proctor, Bully, 3759.
Proctor, Jeannetta, 3324, 3759.
Proctor, Jennetta, 3759, 3324.
Proctor, Johnson, 1148.
Proctor, Katie, 1637, 2829, NB482, NB455.
Proctor, Kelly, 2660.
Proctor; Leah, 1634, NB481
Proctor, Leber, 2821.
Proctor, Lena, CE1042.
Proctor, Lewis, 1148, 1863, 2667, 3114.
Proctor, Lillie, NB455.
Proctor, Louis, 1863, 2667, 3114, 1148.
Proctor, Lumber, 3114, CE4042.
Proctor, Lydia, NB1188.
Proctor, Mabel, 794.
Proctor, Mahala, 3777.
Proctor, Manda, 2675.
Proctor, Mandy, 1921, 3777.
Proctor, Maxie, CE4043.
Proctor, Monroe, 1921.
Proctor, Myrtle, 3837. I
Proctor, Nancy, 1148, NB1182.
Proctor, Nellie, 1021.
Proctor, Nicey, 1863.
Proctor, Sallie, 1768.
Proctor, Sam, NB482, NB1187.
Proctor, Sampson. 3759.
Proctor, Sarah, 3918.
Proctor, Schokah, 1148.
Proctor, Stella, NB481.
Proctor, Sucky, 2669, NB1187, NB1188.
Proctor, Susan, 704, 3837, NB905.
Proctor, Susie, 1148.
Proctor, Timmie H., 1921.
Proctor, Timothy, 1604.
Proctor, Tom, 2688.
Proctor, Toney E., 794, 3837, NB905.
Proctor, Tulsa, 1921.
Proctor, Wash, 1941, NB481, NB482.
Proctor, Washington, 1911, NB481, NB482.
Proctor, Wisey, 3324.
Provence, Bertie, 1107.
Provence, Mary, 1107.
Provence, Mathew, 1107.
Provence, Ruth, 1107.
Provence, W. II., 1107.
Puddie, 1311.
Puety, 3112.
Pumpkin, DeConthla, 601.
Pumpkin, Thomas, 3549.
Puntka, 3161, NB1158, NB1159.
Puntka, Cinda, 3161, NB1158, NB1159.
Puntka, Eliza, 3161.
Puntka, Jimsey, 3161.
Puntka, Josie, NB115S.
Puntka, Lucy 3161,
Puntka, Mikey, 3161.
Puntka, Winey, NB1159.
Puryear, Emma H., 861, NB146
Puryear, Frank M., NB146.
Puryear, William H., NB146.
Pussey, Sarah. 1314.
Puttie, 2117.


Campbell, John B. Campbell’s Abstract of Creek Indian Census Cards. 1915.

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