Campbell’s Abstract – M Surnames

The publication of the Tribal Rolls, in 1907, gave the roll number, name of the allottee, age, sex and blood, and operated to a large extent to inform the public, but this information was not sufficient, in fact, it aided only those who, by reason of their familiarity with the workings and records of the Indian Offices, knew how to secure additional information. John Campbell set out to help researchers determine the family relationships between the allottee’s by providing an abstract index of all names from the records. This index has proven invaluable over time by providing a quick method to research family relationships within the tribal rolls.

M Surnames

Machekcliyee, 556.
Mackey, Bessie Adella, NB767.
Mackey, Cherokee, 579, NB767.
Mackey, George, NB767.
Mackey, William, 2969
Maco, Tomathle, 1520.
Madison, Alice, 230, NB339, NB340.
Madison, John, 230.
Madison, William, 230.
Maeche, Heneha, 2732.
Mafolage, 201.
Mafolika, 130.
Mageeley, 1617.
Magethhoge, 2087.
Magethloke, 2209.
Maggie, 142.
Magilbe, Mistohale, 90, 1510.
Mahahchee, 1341.
Mahala, 1548, 1836, 2279, 2685, 2915, 3730.
Mahaley, 1621.
Mahonihehe, 1862.
Mahta, 1215.
Mahtar, 2218.
Mahte, 2797.
Mahtee, 2139, 2153
Majole, 1898.
Major, 2347.
Major, Ma, 2347.
Major, Loby, 2347.
Major, Maley, 2347.
Major, Nellie, 2347.
Major, Sallie, 2317.
Major, Sally, 2563.
Maka, 2416.
Makakpoyah, 62.
Makannocke, 67.
Makithle, 85.
Malarher, 1488.
Maley, 2347.
Malinda, 1794.
Malone, Hepsey, 756.
Maloney, Annie, 2375, NB613.
Maloney, Annie C., 869.
Maloney, Dave, 869.
Maloney, Jim, NB613.
Maloney, Lena, NB613.
Maloney, Ruby, 869.
Mamie, 1487.
Manac, Betsey, 1141.
Manac, Jeffrey, 1141.
Managee, 2765.
Manahwee, Cinda, 2194, NB1166.
Manahwee, John, 1701, 2194, NB1166.
Manawa, Bunnie, 2300.
Manawa, George, 2300.
Manawa, Leah, 2300.
Mamma, Lydia, 2300.
Manawee, Betsey, 1408, NB1030.
Mandy, 2513, 3083.
Mancehee, 1210.
Manhosena, 1712, 1743
Manka, 2202.
Manley, Adam, 3339.
Manley. Arthur, NB950.
Manley, Bunnie, 3639.
Manley, David, 3070, 3774.
Manley, Dicey, 3774.
Manley, Disey, 3262, 3339.
Manley, Eliza, 3070, 3774.
Manley, Fannie, 1706, 2907
Manley, Halley, 2212, 3126.
Manley, Hallie, 2242, M26.
Manley, Harvey, 3203.
Manley, Isaac, 3262, NB727, NB728.
Manley, Jack, 3205.
Manley, Jonas, 20.
Manley, Joseph, 1861.
Manley, Katy, 2986, NB858.
Manley, Leeda, 3339.
Manley, Lena, 2334.
Manley, Linda, 2242, 2334
Manley, Lindy Isaac, NB727.
Manley, Lizzie, 2127, 2212, 3218.
Manley, Lofa, 2127, 2242, 3218.
Manley, Louis, 3205.
Manley, Martha, 2334, NB727, NB728.
Manley, Mary, 3139, 3205, 3639, NB956.
Manley, Melah, NB728.
Manley, Millie, 3139, NB956.
Manley, Mose, 3076.
Manley, Moses, 2045, 3262, 3339.
Manley, Peepsie, NB858.
Manley, Pompey, 2334.
Manley, Samuel, 1864.
Manley, Sarah, 1864.
Manley, Siah, 20.
Manley, Sunny, 1864.
Manley, Tarby, 20.
Manley, Thomas, 3218, 3639, NB956.
Manley, Tisey, 3076.
Manley, Tom, 2045, NB858.
Manly, Fannie, 2089, 2691.
Manly, Lawyer, 2501, 2393.
Manly, Levi, 1931.
Manly, Lydia, 2501, 2503.
Manly, Sina, 1931.
Manly, Tobe, 1931.
Mann, Addie B., 639.
Mann, Hannah, 1336, NB775. M212.
Mann, Hazel, 639.
Mann, Hazel May. M212.
Mann, J. F., M212.
Mann, Manila, 639.
Mann, Sarah E., 639.
Mann, Thomas E., 639.
Mann, William, 639.
Mann, Wm. J., 039.
Mannie, 2522.
Mantooth, Annie, 308, NB795.
Mantooth, Isabella, NB795.
Mantooth, James H., NB795.
Mantooth, Jim, 308.
Mantooth, Laura, 308.
Manuel, Lucy, 1033.
Manuel, Mary, 239, 2848.
Manuel, Robert, 1170.
Manuel, Sam, 1092.
Manuel, Thomas, 1170.
Manuel, Tom, 1092.
Manwarring, Melita, 921.
Manwarring, Melita Grace, 921.
Manwarring, Silver, 921.
Manwarring, T. A., 921.
Mapetha, 3301.
Marbeah, 1329.
Marcey, 979.
March, A. K., 3952.
March, Edith, 31459.
March, Gracie, 3952.
March, Lloyd, 3952.
March, Nicholas, 3952.
March, Stella, 3952, 31459, M460.
March, William K., M460.
March, Willie H., 3952, 31459, M460.
Marcum, Doc, 1086.
Marcum, Rose, 1086, NB1037, NB1038.
Marcum, Sarah, 1086.
Marcy, 1159.

Marfay, 2368,
Marfolochee, 2415.
Margaret, 2810.
Margeda, 2522.
Margey, 2751.
Marhechar, 1593.
Marhosena, 1637, 1742, 1743.
Marhoyee, 1329.
Mariah, 778.
Marks, Annie, 2137.
Marks, Charles B., 2137.
Marks, George, NB508.
Marks, John, 2505, NB508.
Marks, J. N., 1561, 3584.
Marks, John B., 3584.
Marks, John N., 1561, 2137, 3584.
Marks, Lizzie, 2137.
Marks, Lucy, 2137.
Marks, Martha, 1561, 3584, NB508.
Marks, Samuel, 1561.
Marks, Thomas J., 1561.
Marleah, 1174.
Marlesa, 3872.
Marley, 4023.
Marhilly, 3110.
Marlow, Ellen, 1276.
Marlow, James P , 1276.
Marlow, Ruth, 1276.
Marme, 1308.
Marpeatar, 1861.
Marpiyecher, 1250.
Marsey, 387, 1300, 2898.
Marsey, Dave, 387.
Marsey, Intey, 1548.
Marsey, Jennie, 1300.
Marsey, Katie, 1300, 1548, NB940.
Marsey, Louisa, 1300, NB1077.
Marsey, Lumsey, 1518.
Marsey, Mack, 1514.
Marsey, Mike, 1546, 1518, 1596.
Marsey, Nancy, 387, 1300, 1544, 1546, 1506.
Marsey, Sam, 1300.
Marsey, Sam, Jr., 1300.
Marsey, Thomas, 1596.
Marsey, Winey, 1596.
Marsey, Wisey, 1548.
Marseya, 2343.
Marshall, 6.
Marshall, Aggie, 1504, 1159, 3067, 3974.
Marshall, Alva Ruth, 590.
Marshall, Amanda, 51332.
Marshall, Andrew, 1384.
Marshall, Angeline, 1139, 1159.
Marshall, Anna E., 599.
Marshall, Arie Ann, 851.
Marshall, Arthur, 851.
Marshall, Barney, 1264.
Marshall, Beauregard, 599.
Marshall, Belle, NB190.
Marshall, Benjamin, 599, NB22, NB23.
Marshall, Benjamin Jr., NB22.
Marshall, Betsey, 158.
Marshall, Billie, 1150.
Marshall, Charles, 1000, NBS84.
Marshall, Charley, 1023.
Marshall, Charlie, 1000, NB884,
Marshall, Choatkey, 117.
Marshall, Chopotey, 3067.
Marshall, Cordelia, 303.
Marshall. David, 703,
Marshall, Delaphine, 1196.
Marshall, Delphine, 803
Marshall, Dinah, 644.
Marshall, Eliza, 1081, 1990
Marshall, Elizabeth, 599, 1810, 1814, 202.5
Marshall, Ellen, 303.
Marshall, Elsie, 111, NB102, NB103.
Marshall, Elvina, 1951. .
Marshall, Freeland, 303.
Marshall, George, 599, 1810, 1811, 202.5.
Marshall, George Freeman, NB23
Marshall, Gertrude Belle, 599
Marshall. Henry, NB884.
Marshall, Hepsey, 1113.
Marshall, Hildred, 703.
Marshall, Ida, 122.
Marshall, Jacob, 1311.
Marshall, James, 122, 3007.
Marshall, Jeff, 1139, 1139
Marshall, Jim, 1159.
Marshall, Joe, 969.
Marshall, John, 851, 1139.
Marshall, Johnny, 1504.
Marshall, Judy, 1459.
Marshall, Lafayette, 303.
Marshall, Laura, 703.
Marshall, Lena May, NB190.
Marshall, Leonidas, 2070.
Marshall, Lewis, 114, M332.
Marshall, Liley, 1159.
Marshall, Lizzie, 6, 1023, 3122, NB369,
Marshall, Lizzie B., 590, NB22, NB23.
Marshall, Londo, 1159.
Marshall, Louisa, 1053.
Marshall, Mamie, 51332.
Marshall, Martha, 1948, NB884.
Marshall, Alary, 1168.
Marshall, Mattie, 122, 303.
Marshall, Millie, 494, 1501.
Marshall, Mitchell, 114, 292.
Marshall, Mollie, 3971.
Marshall, Molsie, 1501.
Marshall, Nancy, 1716.
Marshall, Nellie, 3016.
Marshall, Nettie, 851, 1810.
Marshall, Nicholson, 1990.
Marshall, Nitty, 1243, CE4019, NB172.
Marshall, Nora, 851, 2025.
Marshall, Parney, 1213.
Marshall, Philip, 1081, 1501.
Marshall. Phillip, 1831.
Marshall, Phillips, 1380.
Marshall, Polly, 515.
Marshall, Rachel, 112, 122.
Marshall, Rufus. 111.
Marshall. Sallie, 716.
Marshall, Sally, 1380.
Marshall, Sam, 3067.
Marshall, Susanah. 1185.
Marshall, Susannah, 3122.
Marshall, Susie, 1504.
Marshall. Thomas. 122.
Marshall, Thomas J., 1844, NB190.
Marshall, Timmie, 1081
Marshall, Tip, 851, 1106.
Marshall, Tucker, 2127.
Marshall, Violet, 1810
Marshall, Waitie, 122.
Marshall, Walter, 1834.
Marshall, Warrior, 703.
Marshall, Watie, 1504.
Marshall, Willie, 644.
Marshall, Win, 815.
Marshall, Willey, 111, 703, 1953, 1954.
Marshall, Wor, 111, 703, 1053, 1954.
Marshall, Yahoey, 3067.
Marshall, Yarner, 1081.
Marston, John 705.
Marston, Mary S., 705.
Marston, May Malinda, 705.
Marston, Nannie, 705.
Marston, Thos., W., 705.

Marte, 2894.
Martha, 237, 256, 288, 995, 1090, 1465, 1497, 1556, 2380, 2393, 2456, 2468, 2741, 2920, 2982, 3290, 3851.
Martha noe kee, 1839.
Marthla, Ak tar yar che, 1350.
Marthla, Nocose, 1137, 1299, 2732.
Marthla, Oktyche, 1341.
Marthlar, Coharse, 155.
Marthoche, Timmie, 3326.
Martie, 2814.
Martin, Anna, 50, M113.
Martin, Annie, NB10S, NB231.
Martin, Betsy, 1466.
Martin, Dave, 1614.
Martin, Etta Elmory, 50.
Martin, Evaline, 1083.
Martin, Henry, 1083, 1445, 1466, 51113.
Martin, Ida May, 50.
Martin, Jackson, 182.
Martin, James, 50.
Martin, Jesse, NB231.
Martin, Joe, M11.
Martin, Joe Ross, M11.
Martin, Johnson, 182, NB74, M1.
Martin, Leona, NB108.
Martin, Lewis, 1912.
Martin, Liley, 182.
Martin, Loney, NB74.
Martin, March, M1.
Martin, Nancy, 1217.
Martin, Polly, 1912.
Martin, Samuel, 2505.
Martin, Stebbin, NB670, NB671.
Martin, Susanna, 413, NB74, M1.
Martin, Susie, 427, M11.
Martin, Thomas, 50, NB108, NB231, M113.
Marts, Daisy, 1153.
Marty, 2505.
Martyr, Tommy, 2310.
Marwakike, 2202.
Marweoly, 1162.
“Marwole,” 2788.
Mary, 346, 516, 556, 819, 939, 1016, 1581, 1626, 1629, 2488.
Mary, Ann, 3259.
Marye, Hothle, 2572.
Maryticka, 1288, 1292.
Masehya, 2666.
Mason, 1372.
Mason, Polly, 1372.
Mastin, Win. J., 705.
Mat a lo ke, 443.
Matalokee, 2056
Mat a luk ke, 995.
Ma ta tah ke, 246.
Mathewson, F. M., 1684, 2332.
Mathewson, Bettie Ann, 1684, 2332
Mathewson, Phoebe B., 1684, NB258.
Matilda, 2175.
Mat i ye cher, 2014.
Matoy, Annie, NB1167.
Matoy, Charles, 1855, NB1167, M73.
Matoy, Gertrude, M73.
Matoy, John, 1198, 1855.
Matoy, Lydia, 2581.
Matoy, Martha, 1198.
Matoy, Maud. NB1167, M73.
Matoy, Maude, NB1167, M73.
Mattie, 10, 2089.
Mauda, 2520.
Ma wo ki gee, 2525.
Ma wo ki ke, 2274.
Mawsy, 1444.
Maxey, 2962.
Maxey, Eugene, NB119, NB120.
Maxey, Eugene Willie, NB119.
Maxey, Fannie, 2962.
Maxey, Neosho P., 915, NB119, NB120.
Maxey, Simeon C., NB120.
Maxwell, Colbert J., 799.
Maxwell, Jessie, L., 799.
Maxwell, John B., 790.
Maxwell, John C., 799, 3666.
Maxwell, Joseph L., 3666.
Maxwell, Laura E., 799.
Maxwell, Laura J., 799, 3666.
Maxwell, Leona V., 799.
Maxwell, Maude P., 799.
Maxwell, Rollie C., 799.
Maxwell, Sarophy, 799.
Maxwell, Thomas, 799.
Mayatka, 1646.
Mayes, James, 3364.
Mayes, Marry, NB373.
Mayes, Martha, 1029, 3364, NB372, NB373, M205.
Mayes, Martha, Jr., NB372.
Mayes, Minnie, M205.
Mayes, Thomas, 1029.
Mayes, W. A., 1029, 3364.
Mayes, Wiatt, NB372, NB373, M205.
Mayes, Wyatt, NB373, NB372, M205.

McBirney, Dorothy Vera, NB271.
McBirney, James H., NB271.
McBirney, Vera, 952, NB271.
McCalvey, Cornelius, 1305.
McCalvey, Edward, 1395.
McCalvey, Ella, NB341.
McCalvey, Emmit, NB743.
McCalvey, Everett, 1395, NB743.
McCalvey, Joseph, 1395, NB341.
McCalvey, Joseph Hiram, NB341.
McCalvey, Lucy, 1395, NB625, M82.
McCalvey, Margaret, 1395.
McCalvey, Nora, NB743.
McGann, Elizabeth, 333, 1039.
McCann, Josie C., 2035, 51243.
McCann, Michael, 333, 1039.
McCann, Thomas, 3258.
McCann, W. C., M243.
McCann, William C., M243.
McCaslin, Jennie, 1087, NB510, NB511.
McCaslin, Jessie, 1087.
McCaslin, John, 1087.
McCaslin, May, 1087.
McCaslin, Myrtle, 1087.
McCaslin, Nettie, 1087.
McCaughan, L. Elizabeth, 926.
McCaughan, John, 926.
McCaughan, Nellie, 926.
McCaughan, Minon, 926.
McCaughan, Thomas, 025.
McClosky, Mami M., 1390.
McCombs, Joaeph, 2088.
McCombs, Alice L., 597, NB17.
McCombs. Bessie, 1754.
McCombs, Bettie, 1755.
McCombs, David, 1754, 1759.
McCombs, George W., 1755.
McCombs, James, 1759.
McCombs, Joseph, 1758, 2088.
McCombs, Leah, 1754.
McCombs, Lena, 1754, M30.
McCombs, Marcellus, 2088.
McCombs, Marshall, 409.
McCombs, Millie, 1734, 1759.
McCombs, Mollie, 409.
McCombs, Nathaniel H., NB17.
McCombs, Pollie, 1754.
McCombs, Sally, 1752, 1755, 996, 1756.
McCombs, Sam’l, 1754, 1755, 1758.
McCombs, Sarah, 2775.
McCombs, Susan, 1754, 1755, 1758.
McCombs, Susie, 1755.
McCombs, Tom, 1754.
McCombs, Tooker, 1755, NB885.
McCombs, William, 996, 1755, 1752, 1753, 1756.
McCombs, Win., Jr., N1317.
McCombs, William P., 1756.
McCombs, Yarna, 409.
McCombs, Yarner, 2088.
McCosar, Alice, 51158.
McCosar, Arthur, NB6SS.
McCosar, Bessie, 2353.
McCosar, Bettie, 1602, 2353.
McCosar, Bunnie, 2353, M258, M190, NB6SS.
McCosar, Bunny, 1602.
McCosar, Eliza, 2353.
McCosar, Elliott, 2353.
McCosar, Ida, 2353.
McCosar, Katie, 1602.
McCosar, Nellie, 2591, M190, NB688.
McCosar, Solomon, M190.
McCoy, 611, 894, 1277, 2160
McCoy, Barney, 2160.
McCoy, Burney, 3518.
McCoy, David T., 929.
McCoy, Delphie, 928, 3779, NB752, M132.
McCoy, Henry, 611, NB171.
McCoy, Ida, 61, 3428, NB527, NB528.
McCoy, Israel, 351S.
McCoy, Joe, 1020.
McCoy, Lemuel, 928.
McCoy, Lina, 3779.
McCoy, Liza, 611.
McCoy, Mary, 894.
McCoy, Minnie, 3518.
McCoy, Nettit, NB527.
McCoy, Ollie, NB171.
McCoy, Robert, 1020.
McCoy, Robert Elihu, NB528.
McCoy, Ruthie May, 3428.
McCoy, Sallie Clinton, 578, NB171.
McCoy, Susan, 2160, 3518.
McCoy, Tecumseh, 928, 3779.
McCoy, William A., 3428, NB527, NB528.
McCray, Otto, 1666.
McCray, Tommy, 1666.
McCuen, Mary, 3852.
McCulla, Cheparney, 3168.
McCulla, George, 3168.
McCulla, Mary, 3168.
McCulla, Nancy, 3168.
McCulla, Thomas, 3168.
McCulla, Tulmarsey, 3168.
McCully, John, 1898.
McDermit, Ella Grace,
McDermit, Ella May, 769.
McDermit, Henry, 769.
McDermit, Leona, 769.
McDermit, William, 769.
McDermite, William, 27.
McDermite, Winnie, 27.
McDermott, Allie, NB1.
McDermott, Charlie, NB453.
McDermott, Helen, NBI.
McDermott, Jesse, 392, NB1.
McDermott, Lewis, 3531.
McDermott, L. H., NB452, NB453.
McDermott, Lizzie, NB452.
McDermott, Mary, 1472, 3531, NB452, NB453.
McDermott, Walter, 3531.
McDonald, Edward Ray, NB283.
McDonald, Martin J., NB283.
McDonald, Mattie B., 615, NB283.
McDuff, A. J., 754.
McDuff, Rachel, 834.
McDuff, Sally, 754.
McElroy, Clarence, 1952.
McElroy, Emmett, 1952.
McElroy, Geo. H., 1952.
McElroy, Hattie, 1281.
McElroy, Jennie H., 1281.
McElroy, Joanna, 1952.
McElroy, Oma G., 1281.
McElroy, W. A., 1281.
McFarland, David, 2433.
McFarland, James, 2433, M479, NB856, NB950.
McFarland, Leah, 51479.
McFarland, Lena, 2433.
McFarland, Lilly, 2433.
McFarland, Ned, NB856.
McFarland, Sam, 1890.
McFarland, Sarah, 2433.
McFarland, Yancy, NB960.
McFields, Joe, 2159.
McGee, Clarence, 930.
McGee, Cornelia, 930.
McGee, Elizabeth, 857.
McGee, Eulala, 885, M31.
McGee, Frank, 030.
McGee, John W., 557, 5131.
McGee, Mary, 030.

McGee, Nancy, 930, 5159.
McGee, Princess Aline, M31.
McGee, R. C., 857.
McGee, Richmond, 930.
McGee, Sudie, 930.
McGee, Tamar Belle, 857.
McGee, Walter, 930.
McGreeley, 1681.
McGeeley, Timmie, 1681.
McGertt, Inda, 6, 51480.
McGertt, John, 1519, 51480.
McGertt, Linda, 1520, NB78, 5145.
McGertt, Nathan, M480.
McGilbra, 2948.
McGilbra, Arnie, 1680, 2021, 2123
N1cGilbra, Amy, 1650, 2021, 2123
McGilbra, Annie. 2701, NB619.
McGilbra, Barney, 2051.
McGilbra, Capt., 2747.
McGilbra, Cinda, 1680 NB598.
McGilbra, Hailey, 1663.
McGilbra, Hepsey, 2717.
McGilbra, Jackson, NB508
McGilbra, Jennie, 2331. 2701.
McGilbra, John, 818.
McGilbra, Johny, 818.
McGilbra, Joseph, 1680
McGilbra, Lettie, 2701.
McGilbra, Lewis, 1080, NB671
McGilbra, Lizzie, 2033, 2701.
McGilbra, Miley, 1603.
McGilbra, Mistahala, 90
McGilbra, Sanford, NB071.
McGilbra, Silla, 2948
McGilbra, Solomon, 1680.
McGilbra, Susie, 3917.
McGilbra, Wiley, 3947.
McGilbra, Winey, 818.
McGilbray, 500, 1061.
McGilbray, Abbie. 3502.
McGilbray, Amy, 1961, 3064.
McGilbray, Captain, 282, 3502.
McGilbray, Daniel, 426, 2466, 2704.
McGilbray, Farsey, 187.
McGilbray, George, 459, NB1234.
McGilbray, Haley, 108.
McGilbray, Hepsey, 1211, NB1056
McGilbray, Jackson, 426, NB1231.
McGilbray, Jennie, 189, 190.
McGilbray, John, 191.
McGilbray, Hattie, 282.
McGilbray, Linda, 188.
McGilbray, Lipscomb, 459.
McGilbray, Lizzie, 282, 426, 2166, 3562
McGilbray, Louisa, 282.
McGilbray, Lucy, 282.
McGilbray, Melissa, NB598.
McGilbray, Minnie, 282.
McGilbray, Nieey, 3125, NB1234.
McGilbray, Polly, 818.
McGilbray, Rosanna, 1663, 3591.
McGilbray, Rose, 191.
McGilbray, Susie, 459.
McGilbray, Walter, 818.
McGilbray, Wisey, 426, 500.
McGilbry, George, 459, N 14078.
McGilbry, George L., 459, NB678.
McGilbry, Laura, NB678.
McGillwary, Daniel, 123.
McGillwary, Lizzie, 12:3.
McGirt, 1517.
McGirt, Aaron, 3010.
McGirt, Alex, 1131, 1561, 1017, 1051.
McGirt, Bessie, M189.
McGirt, Billy, 1578, 1561. NB710
McGirt, Buckner, 1651, NB911
McGirt, Daniel, 1503, 1511, 1520, 1923, 2078, 2096, 3015.
McGirt, Dick, 3015.
McGirt, Emma, 2776, NB719, NB715
McGirt, George, 3187.
McGirt, Hattie, 2119.
McGirt, Hepsey, 3017.
McGirt, Hepsie, 2006.
McGirt, Isaac, 1923.
McGirt, Jackson, 1646.
McGirt, Jennie, 1923, 3015.
McGirt, Jim, 3187.
McGirt, Jimmie, 2419.
McGirt, John, 1722, 3010, NB941.
McGirt, Lincoln, 1647.
McGirt, Linda. 1651, NB941.
McGirt, Louie, 2419.
McGirt, Loskey, 3187.
McGirt, Lusana, 1646.
McGirt, Mongy, 1722.
McGirt, Robert, 1651.
McGirt, Sodes, 1434.
McGirt, Sodes, 1434.
McGirt, Solomon, 2419.
McGirt, Susie, 1503, 2078.
McGirt, William, 2078, M189.
McGirt, Wisey, 1514, 2096.
McGirth, Houston, 1903.
McGirth, John, 1903.
McGirth, Polle, 1903.
McGirtt, Billy, 1564, 1578, NB719.
McGirtt, Dora, 1564.
McGirtt, George, NB719.
McGirtt, Sophia, 1504.
McGuire, Eliza, 539, M13.
McGuire, George W., NB40.
McGuire, Louis P., M13.
McGuire, Marcus Wilson, NB40.
McGuire, Oscar H., M13.
McGuire, Sophia, 293, NB40.
McHenry, Abbie, NB90.
McHenry, Bettie, NB91.
McHenry, David, 178.
McHenry, Greely, 178.
McHenry, James, 178, 2978.
McHenry, Jesse, 178.
McHenry, Lewis, 178, NB90, NB91.
McHenry, Lewis, Jr., 178.
McHenry, Rachel, 178.
McHenry, Silla, 178, NB90, NB91.
McIntosh, Abraham, 3241.
McIntosh, A. G., 3263.
McIntosh, Al, 2109.
McIntosh, Alex, 226, 3129.
McIntosh, Alice, 836, NB127.
McIntosh, Allie, 3452.
McIntosh, Annie, 124, 786, 885.
McIntosh, Annie Lila, NB127.
McIntosh, Amos, 661, NB773, NB774.
McIntosh, Annetta, 116.
McIntosh, Arsyno, 785.
McIntosh, August, 936.
McIntosh, lien, 873.
McIntosh, Ben Dave, 1972.
McIntosh, Bennie, M33.
McIntosh, Ben H., 873.
McIntosh, Bertha, 873, 3717.
McIntosh, Bertha A., NB1015.
McIntosh, Bessie, 835, 2010.
McIntosh, Bessie Lee, I807.
McIntosh, Bettie, 990.
McIntosh, Bonnie, 2010, NB593.
McIntosh, Catherine, 33.
McIntosh, Charles, 1072, 3717, NB1015.
McIntosh, Charles Curtis, NB1015.
McIntosh, Charles Lee. 1072.
McIntosh, Chessie, NB176.
McIntosh, Chillie, 1807.

McIntosh, Chilly, 2027.
McIntosh, Commodore, 785.
McIntosh, Cora, 226
McIntosh, Coffey, 2077.
McIntosh, Daniel, 547, 548.
McIntosh, Daniel M., 547, 548.
McIntosh, Daniel N., 3263.
McIntosh, David, 2554.
McIntosh, David H., S73.
McIntosh, Del, S73.
McIntosh, Delilah, 2893.
McIntosh, Della, 785.
McIntosh, Dick, 2553, NB540, NB1131.
McIntosh, D. N., 544, 836, 885, 1072, 1090,3263.
McIntosh, D. N., Jr., 836, 3452, NB127.
McIntosh, E. B., 1091.
McIntosh, Edna, 785.
McIntosh, Edith Edna, NB92.
McIntosh, Edith Louise, NB107.
McIntosh, Ella, 3129.
McIntosh, Ellen, 2562, 2295, NB1069.
McIntosh, Emma B., 547, 548.
McIntosh, Etta, 116.
McIntosh, Fannie, 544, 3365, NB176, NB177.
McIntosh, Eulala, 885, A131.
McIntosh, Freeland, 885, 3263, 3293, 3524, NB107
McIntosh, Freeland B., 885, 3263, 3293, 3524, NB107.
McIntosh, George, 1097.
McIntosh, Grace, 873.
McIntosh, Greely, 2409.
McIntosh, Hannah Vera, 536.
McIntosh, Jimmie, 661.
McIntosh, Hector, 544.
McIntosh, Henry, 2554.
McIntosh, Hepsey, 1965, 2554.
McIntosh, Ida, NB540.
McIntosh, Ida M., NB612.
McIntosh, Iona, 785.
McIntosh, Isaiah J., NB531.
McIntosh, Jane, 544, 885.
McIntosh, Jane E., 836, 3263.
McIntosh, Jemima, 785.
McIntosh, Jennette, 140,1807, NB593.
McIntosh, Jewel, 990.
McIntosh, Jim, 805, 3241, 3396.
McIntosh, Job, 2027.
McIntosh, John, 115, 116, 140, 226, 661, 785, 990, 1901, 2027, 2110, 2196, 2296, 2553, 2602, NB531.
McIntosh, John D., 873.
McIntosh, John Granville, NB1069.
McIntosh, John R., 3365.
McIntosh, Julia, 990.
McIntosh, Kate, 8S5, 990, 3524, N1392, NB93, NB107.
McIntosh, Katie, 673, 1072.
McIntosh, Kitty, 133.
McIntosh, Kogee, 2196.
McIntosh, Laura Bonnie, M60.
McIntosh, Leah, 1807, 2010, 2183, 2554, 3618, 5133, NB593.
McIntosh, Leona, 1807, NB612.
McIntosh, Leonie, 1807, NB612.
McIntosh, Lewis, 3758.
McIntosh, L. G., 1807, NB612.
McIntosh, Liza, 3728.
McIntosh, Lizzie, 785, 873, 2554, NB739.
McIntosh, Lou, 3293.
McIntosh, Louina, 661, NB773, NB774.
McIntosh, Louis, 2183, 3480, 3618.
McIntosh, Louisa, 1077.
McIntosh, Lucius G., 1807, 5160.
McIntosh, Lucile, 3293.
McIntosh, Lucinda, 2206.
McIntosh, Lucy, 226.
McIntosh, Luke G., 1807, NB612.
McIntosh, Lula, 3618.
McIntosh, Lula N., 547, NB128, M61.
McIntosh, Lula T., 3452.
McIntosh, Lyddia, 2553.
McIntosh, Lydia, 2110, 2196.
McIntosh, Malissa 873.
McIntosh, Malissa Christa, NB774.
McIntosh, Mamie, 544.
McIntosh, Maggie, 785.
McIntosh, Martha, 124, 226, 1022, 3241.
McIntosh, Mary, 2027, NB531.
McIntosh, Mattie, 873.
McIntosh, Mandy Van, NB773.
McIntosh, Slay, 2010.
McIntosh, Mildred, 2010.
McIntosh, Miley, 3259.
McIntosh, Minerola, 2027.
McIntosh, Minnie, 1807.
McIntosh, Mollie, 3263.
McIntosh, Monodese, 547. :
McIntosh, Morey, 515.
McIntosh, Morie, 2077.
McIntosh, Mose, 2902.
McIntosh, Muskogee, 115.
McIntosh, Nathaniel, NB1131.
McIntosh, Newman, 226.
McIntosh, Polly, 2027.
McIntosh, Rina, 2575.
McIntosh, Bolen, 115.
McIntosh, Roley, 835, 2010, 2295, 2296, 3365.
McIntosh, Roley C., 544, 3365, NB176, NB177.
McIntosh, Roley C., Jr., 544.
McIntosh, Rosa, 453, NB1131.
McIntosh, Roy, 990.
McIntosh, Rufus C., 885.
McIntosh, Sadie, 873.
McIntosh, Salina, 140, 846, 1901, 2027.
McIntosh, Sam, 1097.
McIntosh, Sanubure. 936.
McIntosh, Sarah, 226, 661, 756.
McIntosh, Sequoah, NB177.
McIntosh, Silitka, 549.
McIntosh, Solomon, 226.
McIntosh, Sulletka, 2554.
McIntosh, Susan, 115, 116, 785.
McIntosh, Susanna, 2553, NB540.
McIntosh, Toyota, 661.
McIntosh, Theodocia, 786, 3758.
McIntosh, Thomas, 515, 990, 2295, NB92, NB93.
McIntosh, Thomas F., 515, 990, 2295, NB02, NB93.
McIntosh, Tiger, 3480.
McIntosh, Tokka, 2602.
McIntosh, Van A., 3263.
McIntosh, Vera Thelma, 3717.
McIntosh, Vicey, S05.
McIntosh, Viola, 786.
McIntosh, Virgie May, 836.
McIntosh, Vivian, NB93.
McIntosh, W., 877.
McIntosh, Wadoe L., 3263.
McIntosh, Walley, 661.
McIntosh, Walter, 2902.
McIntosh, Wanda Wynona, 5160
McIntosh, William, 225, 673, 1077, 1521
McIntosh, William C. , 873
McIntosh, William Yancey, 517
McIntosh, Willie, 3524, 226, 673. 1077.
McIntosh, Win R., 786, 3758, NB1069.
McIntosh, W. F., 121, 990, 1986.
McIntosh, Winnie, 873, 877, 1046, 1072, 1620
McIntosh, Wisey, 2077, 3211, 3396.
McIntosh, Zolena Kaniah, 517.
McIntosh, Xenophon, 518.

McKan, George, NB1015.
McKan, Hepsey, 1624, NB1015.
McKan, James, 1621.
McKan, John, 1621, NB1045.
McKan, Sukey, 1621.
McKane, Hepsey,
McKane, John, 3898.
Mc Kane, William, 3898.
McKellop, 1452.
McKellop, Albert P., 110.
McKellop, Alena, 110, 259, 1531.
McKellop, Alice, 3611.
McKellop, Almarine E., 1302, 3611.
McKellop, Annie, 110, 1302, 1531.
McKellop, Arthur A., 110.
McKellop, Barney, 110.
McKellop, Betsey, 2623, 3514, M234, NB98
McKellop, Cherokee, 1531, M131.
McKellop, Effie, 1531.
McKellop, Eliza, 20S, NB79, 1106.
McKellop, Grace, 1302.
McKellop, Hattie, 3611.
McKellop, Hattie S., 1302.
McKellop, James, 1302, 1531.
McKellop, James E., 1302.
McKellop, James M., 110.
McKellop, Joseph, 259.
McKellop, Joseph Sl., 110, 1531.
McKellop, Louisa, NB98.
McKellop, Lucinda, 1452.
McKellop, Lydia, M234.
McKellop, Minnie, 259.
McKellop, Peter, 237, 3514, M231. NB98.
McKellop, Robert, 398.
McKellop, Ruth A., 1302.
McKellop, Sallie, 1531.
McKellop, Thomas, 1531.
McKellop, Wilson, 208, 237, 3514.
McKellop, Yarnah, 237.
McKim, Fannie Maree, 3569.
McKim, Hattie, 618.
McKim, Maggie, 618.
McKim, Minnie G., 3569, NB432.
McKim, Robert A., 944, 3569, NB132
McKim, Robert M., 944.
McKim, W. A., 61S, 650, 941, 1121.
McKim, William, 1121, 648, 650, 944.
McKim, William A., 618.
McKim, Willie I3yno, NB132.
McKinney, Albert, 1711.
McKinney, Anna B., 1712.
McKinney, Hepsey, 1598.
McKinney, John A., 1712.
McKinney, Poky, 1598.
McKinney, Russell, 1112, 1711, 1712.
McKinney, Sadie C., 1712
McKinney, Sam, 1598, 1599.
McKinney, Susan, 1112, 1711, 1712.
McKinney, Susie, 1598.
McKinney, Unah, 1599.
McKinnon, Amanda S., 54, NB209.
McKinnon, Lila Belle, NB209.
McKinnon, R. W., NB209.
McLemore, Charlotte, 861.
McLemore, James, 861.
MeLish, Sallie, 1077.
McMinn, Annie, 694.
McNac, Albert, 305.
McNac, Alex, 305.
McNac, Alice, 305, NB777, NB778.
McNac, Annie, 136, 3440, M481, NB407.
McNac, Bettie, NB902.
McNac, Cully, 1829, 2215.
McNac, Dave, 392, 393, 3202.
McNac, Dicey, 305, 392, 393.
McNac, Dick, 725.
McNac, Elk, 1806.
McNac, Ellen, 133.
McNac, Emma, 134, M428, NB902.
McNac, Flossie, NB407.
McNac, Fred, 136, 3440, NB407, M481.
McNac, Hailie, M428.
McNac, John, 2490.
McNac, Johnny, 2356.
McNac, Joseph, M447.
McNac, Julia, 134.
McNac, Katie, M397.
McNac, Leah, 1829, 2215.
McNac, Lena, 1820.
McNac, Lizzie, M481,
McNac, Louie, 426.
McNac, Lousanna, 393, M447, NB82, NBS3.
McNac, Martha, 393.
McNac, Marcy, NB83.
McNac, Mary, 305.
McNac, Mollie, 725.
McNac, Mulsey, 2272.
McNac, Myrtle, 305.
McNac, Nannie, 2356.
McNac, Parney, 393.
McNac, Peter, 393, 2272, M447, NB82, NB83. .
McNac, Phillip, 2356, 11397, NB1076.
McNac, Robert, 136.
McNac, Robinson, 134, Creek Frd., 1242, M428, NB902.
McNac, Sam, 133, 2490.
McNac, Sandy, 2327.
McNac, Susie, 2215.
McNac, Tommie, 393.
McNac, Tullie, NB1076.
McNac, Vicey, 1806.
McNac, Wallace, 305.
McNac, Wallace C., 1806.
McNac, William McKinley, 3140.
McNac, Wisey, 13$, M397, NB1076.
McNack, Aaron, 1183. .
McNack, Aleck, 1177, 1183.
McNack, Alex, 1178, 1179, 1183.
McNack, Berry, 1177.
McNack, Caroline, 1177, 1178, 1179, 1183.
McNack, Charley, 1178, 2327.
McNack, Dicey, 818.
McNack, Dick, 1178.
McNack, Mollie, 1178.
McNack, Rosana, 1175, NB684, NB685.
McNack, Shawnee, 1178.
McNack, Stella, 1178.
McNally, Belle, 1451.
McNally, Cassie, 1451, M119.
McNally, Mack, 1451.
McNally, N. N., 1151.
McNally, Samuel, 1451.
McNally, Susan, 1451, 2228.
McNally, V. N., 2228.
McNevins, 1455.
McNevins, Andrew S., 1455.
McNevins, Flora, NB558.
McNevins, George Dewey, 1455.
McNevins, Lee, 1455, NB557, NB558.
McNevins, Nancy, 1455, NB557, NB358.
McNevins, Willie Clay, NB557.
McNulty, Annie, 579.
McNulty, Beulah, 579.
McNulty, Cherokee, 579.
McNulty, George W., 579.
McNulty, Jeff, 579.
McNulty, John, .579.
McNulty, Lena, 579.
McNulty, Maude M., 579.
McNulty, Thomas J., 579.
McNulty, Wanney, 579.
McPerryman, 2495, NB554, NB555.
McPerryman, Celia, 249.5.
McPerryman, Eli, NB555.
McPerryman, Lewis, NB554.
McPerryman, Sophia, NB554, NB555.
McQuarie, Alice, 3284.
McQuarie, John Harold, 3284.
McQuarie, Ray Lee, 3284.
McQueen, Dave, 778, 2394, 2639.
McQueen, David, 2639, 778, 2394.
McQueen, Harnie, 2394.
McQueen, James, 778.
McQueen, Keno, 2042.
McQueen, Nancy, 3943.
McQueen, Sarah, 778.
McQueen, Sophia, 1404.
McQueen, Tena, 1648.
McQueen, Willie, 2639, 3943.
McRay, Belizora, 1087.
McRay, Frank, 1087.
McWilliams, Hannah, 2157.
McWilliams, Miley, 1818.
McWilliams, Thomas, 1818, 2157.
Meagher, Edward, 2.
Meagher, Frances Mitchell, M330.
Meagher, Isabelle, 2, NB110.
Meagher, John S., 3.
Meagher, Katherine Frances, M330.
Meagher, Mary, 2, 3, 4.
Meagher, Sarah, 2.
Meagher, T. F., 2, 3, 4.
Meagher, Thos. F., Jr., 4, M330.
Meagher, Walter, 2.
Mechiskoche, 2831, 2864.
Mechussey, 2763.
Medutwikey, 2811.
Meeks, Martha, 3004.
Mehaka, 379, 3352.
Mehakee, 2774.
Mehakey, 1895.
Mehale, 967.
Mehate, 2908.
Mehie, 1997.
Mehiti, 2827.
Mehoda, 2910.
Mehoka,, 2643.
Mehotka, 2841.
Mekko, Fushutche, 879, 1833.
Mekko, Harjo-Mikko, 1253.
Mekko, Kosar, 216.
Mekko, Pathos, 2087.
Mekko, Sadie, 1833.
Melar, 2426, 2430.
Mele, 118.
Meleah, 2086.
Melecher, 2806.
Meley, 377, 3203, 3221.
Melia (Nellie), 2834.
Meliah, 2740.
Meliktche, 445.
Melinda, 2832, NB1244.
Melissa, 2093, 2095, 2100.
Melissie, 2100, 2095, 2093.
“Melosa”, 3410.
Melton, Edward, 199.
Melton, Maxey, 199.
Melton, Micey, 199.
Merrell, Josie C., 2035, M243.
Merrill, Calhoun, 489.
Mesala, 2692.
Meseh, 3014.
Messing, Roxie, M45S.
Metayaha, 1782.
Metehoeke, 2233.

Meyers, Charles, 1019, NB626.
Meyers, Charles E., 1010, NB626.
Meyers, Herbert, NB626.
Meyers, John, 9.
Meyers, Joseph, 1019.
Meyers, Mabel, 1019.
Meyers, Martha, 1019, NB626.
Miargee, 1636.
Miatka, 3325.
Micro, 1186, 2019.
Micco, Aktiarchee, 1261, 3162.
Micco, Amanda, 1263, M494.
Micco, Artus, 1436.
Micro, Artusse, 1215, 1257.
Micco, Billie, 2736.
Micco, Chahoof, 3391.
Micro, Charley, 1288.
Micco, Charlie, 431.
Micco, Charty, 1144, 1438.
Micro, Chato, 858.
Micco, Chorea, 251S.
Micro, Cinda, 818, 2584.
Micro, Cocha, 2788.
Micro, Concharte, 385, 2070.
Micro, Concharty, 385, 1349, 1360, 2070.
Micco, Cosar, 25I5, 2519.
Micco, Cotcha, 2111.
Micco, Coweta, 563.
Micco, Cully, 282.
Micro, Cusseta, 2562.
Micro, David, 2736.
Micco, Dochee, 2009, NB426.
Micco, Euchee, 2131.
Micco, Fushutche, 2904.
Micro, Heneha, 518, 1114, 2584.
Micco, Henneha, 393, 1841.
Micco, Henry, 1249, NB426, M494.
Micco, Hotulke, 2128.
Micco, Hoye, 1243, 1244, 1249.
Micco, Hulbutta, 566, 2590.
Micco, Hully, 2065.
Micco, Hulpatta, 506, 2590
Micco, lerge, 1257.
Micco, Immeha, 1220.
Micco, Iseral, M191.
Micco, Itshars. 3068, 3270.
Micco, Itshas, 3068, 3270.
Micro, Jogarty Yahola, 1505
Micco, John, 1300, 1792.
Micro, Johnson, 1328.
Micco, Kapitehe, 3077.
Micco, Kateha, 2691. 2967.
Micco, Katie, 1288, 1637, NB182.
Micco, Kintar, 1319, 1350, 1351, 1670.
Micco, Kochus, 2102.
Micro, Lahta, 1328.
Micco, Lahtar, l288.
Micco, Lizzie, 1680.
Micco, Lucy, 328, 329, 330, 2131, 2548. NB426
Micco, Lydia, 863, 1633.
Micco, Mannie, 393, M340.
Micro, Marsey, 1300, 1792.
Micco, Mary, 1743, NB1039, NB1040
Micro, Mullie, 3988, CE1039.
Micco, Nahkup, 1845
Micco, Neha, 2999.
Micro, Nuscup, 1633.
Micco, Okehiye, 2342
Micro, Okfuskee, 1243, 1211, 1240.
Micco, Okfusky, 1243, 1244, 1249.
Micro, Parfena, 322.
Micro, Peter, 259.
Micro, Polly, 2736.
Micro, Rhoda, 1505.
Micro, Robert, 259.
Micro, Saena, 506.
Micco, Sarkinnarne, 1288.
Micco, Sartelo, 108.
Micro, Seber, 2777.
Micro, Soma, 2999.
Micco, Susanna, 2128,
Micco, Tahnarthe, 1516, 1518, 1519.
Micco, Tamarthlee, 1510, 1518, 1519
Micro, Tasekia, 2603,
Micro, Thompson, 1219.
Sliced, Tikee, 3270.
Micco, Tuckabatchee, 1015.
Micco, Tulmachus, 322, 1166, 1310
Micro, Tulmarthla, 1516, 1515, 1519
Micco, Tuhmoehus, 322, 1166, 1310.
Micco, Tulsa, 3273.
Micco, Tulwa, 313, 634, 2951, 3169
Micco, Tulwar, 30(11.
Micro, Tusekiah, 422.
Micro, Tuskergo, 3022.
Micro, Tuskegre, 1680, 2019.
Micco, Willie Tulwar, 3001.
Micco, Wotka, 2738, 3130.
Micro, Wotko, 2735, 3130.
Micco, Yahola, 2515, 2516, 2651, 2737
Micco, Yarkinka, 2436.
Miceochee, 1372, 1375.
Miccochee, Nokus, 1372, 1375.
Mickens, C. W., 1395.
Mickens, Margie, 1395.
Mickens, Nettie, 1395.
Micco, Oscar, 1395.
Micco, Walter, 1398.
Mickey, 2762, 3009.
Mickey, Mollie, 3009
Mickey, Palmer, 3009.
Mickey, Sandy. 3009.
Mickiley, 7, NB1018, NB1019.
Mickogee, 2947, 2950.
Miheecha, 3410.
Mihege, 2614.
Mikay, Silvah, 3057.
Mikey, 1298, 1308, 1309.
Mikey, Amy, 1298, NB548, NB549, NB946.
Mikey, Bessie. 3057.
Mikey, Enos Vey, NB840.
Mikey, Helen, 51206.
Mikey, Josiah-Chick. Frd., 543, 3332, NB123, NB840, NB206.
Alikey, Lewis, NB123.
Mikey, Lizzie, 1298, 3332, NB123, NB840, M206, 11446.
Alikey, Loley, 1359.
Mikey, Louie, 3057, NB823, M124.
Mikey, Magnolia, 3332.
Mikey, Marfy, 1309, 3865, NB553, M445.
Mikey, Ollie, 1359.
Mikey, Robinson, 3332.
Mikey, Silwar, 1298, 1309.
Mikey, Simon, 130.8.
Mikko, Casekaya, 2355.
Mikko, Harjo, 2319.
Mikko, Mekko Harjo. 1253.
Mikko, Tulmarthla, 1709.
Milam, A. M., 1728.
Milam, Arthelus M., 1728.
Milam, Kate W., 1728.
Milam, Laura T., 1728.
Miles, Jennie Murrell, NB116.
Miles, Louise, 273.
Miles, Rosalie, 273, NB117, NB116.
Miles, Vivian, NB117.
Miles, W. S., 273, NB116, NB117.
Miley, 1817, 2779, 3235, 3397, 3410, 3975.
Milford, Kizzie, 372, 374.
“Milker”, 2739.
Milker, Lucy, 37.

Millaka, 385.
Miller, 910, 2276.
Miller, Ambrose, 987.
Miller, Annie, 3327, 3824.
Miller, Benjamin F., NB272, NB273.
Miller, Bluford, 640.
Bluford W., 640.
Miller, Betty, 1209.
Miller, Betsey, 1910.
Miller, Catherine, 1980.
Miller, Cecil, NB1038.
Miller, Charles H., 957, 988.
Miller, Charles L., 3716.
Miller, Covilla, 957, 988.
Stiller, Daisy Childers, NB515.
Miller, Daniel, 177, 1562, 1564.
Miller, David, 1950.
Miller, Ella, 533, 3637, NB844, M279.
Miller, Emma, 1500.
Miller, Eugene, NI1112.
Miller, Florence A., 640, NB41.
Miller, George Thomas, NB272.
Miller, Houston, 3327.
Miller, Hulley, 3232.
Miller, Ida T., 640.
Miller, Jacob, 640, 788, 987.
Miller, James A., M176.
Miller, James Franklin, NB273.
Miller, Jennie, 860, 1893, NB509.
Miller, Jim, 1210, 2036, 2276, 3141.
Miller, John, 37, 2276.
Miller, Johnson, 132, 969, 2536.
Miller, Joney, 1895.
Miller, Katie, 136.
Miller, Kissie, 1607.
Miller, Lewis, 3141.
Miller, Lillie, 1562, NB133, M176.
Miller, Lizzie, 1562, 1895.
Miller, Lizzie A., 640.
Miller, Lizzie M. 2292.
Miller, Louis, 1562, NB133, M176.
Miller, Louis M., 1562, NB133, M176.
Miller, Louisa, 1895, NB1027.
Miller, Malvin H., NB1037.
Miller, Margaret A., 739, NB272, NB273.
Miller, Mary M., 640.
Miller, Mollie, 1740.
Miller, Nancy, 969.
Miller, Nessey, 1895.
Miller, Nick, 1910.
Sillier, Nora F., 3716, NB112.
Miller, Okaska, 2757.
Miller, Okosko, 136.
Stiller, Otto, 1562.
Miller, Polly, 533, 2536, 3637.
Miller, Quint H., NB1037, NB1038.
Miller, Reuben J., 1980.
Miller, Robert, 132, 860.
Miller, Rose Etta, 1086, NB1037, NB103S.
Miller, Sam, 533, 1895, 2533.
Miller, Samuel, 1500, 1740, 51279.
Miller, Samuel H., 1740, 3716, NB112.
Miller, Samuel H., Jr., NB133.
Miller, Sarah, NB844.
Miller, Sarah Field, 640, 788.
Miller, Seborn, 533, 3637, NB844, M279.
Miller, Sophie, 1562, 1364, 1740.
Miller, Susan, 1210, 2036, 2276.
Miller, Susie, 3141, 3327.
Miller, Taylor, 1209.
Miller, Thomas, 2036.
Miller, Tobias, 533.
Miller, Wilson, 177.
Miller, Zula, 860.
Milley, 1546, 2136.
Millie, 351, 1316, 1319, 1337, 1504, 1895, 2140, 2357, 2436, 2443, 2521, 2795, 2856,
3046, 3270, 3864, 3942, NB1025.
Millie, Annie, 884.
Milloche, 2806, NB1147.
Muter, 1306.
Minda, 2843.
Mingo, 832, 920, 2145.
Mingo, Aggie, 1795, NB711.
Mingo, Bessie, NB711.
Mingo, Bettie, 832.
Mingo, Billy, 1795.
Mingo, Carrie, 832. NB686.
Mingo, Goulay 564.
Mingo, Irene. 833, NB985.
Mingo, Joe, 667.
Mingo John, 3205.
Mingo, Joseph, 405, 832, 833, 1795, NB711, NB985.
Mingo, Josie, 3205.
Mingo, Louisana, S32, 408.
Mingo, Louisanna, 408, 832
Mingo, Lousana, 833, 667.
Mingo, Louella 831.
Mingo, Monroe, 1795.
Mingo, Narhe, 920.
Mingo, R. J., S33.
Mingo, Robert J., 833, NB985.
Mingo, Warner, 831.
Mingo, Youpehake, 833.
Minna, 77, 3337.
Minnechar, 100, 1566, 1594.
Minter, Bertie, NB97
Minter, Coachman, 55.
Minter, Douglas, 55.
Minter, Harry, 55.
Minter, John, 55.
Minter, Marcus S., 55.
Minter, Mark, 55, NB97.
Minter, Millie, 55.
Minter, Rupert, 55.
Minter, Thelma Agnes, NB97.
Minton, Ada, NB114.
Minton, Aurelia, 306, NB114.
Minton, Chaine, NB114.
Minton, Chaney, 306.
Minton, Ida Amelia, 306, NB114.
Minton, Jarritt O., 306.
Minton, Malven, 306.
Minton, Nona, 306.
Minugh, Alice V., 2006, NB740.
Minugh, C. E., 20011, NB740.
Minugh, Clarence E., 2006, NB740.
Minugh, Daisy Lee, 2006.
Minugh, Jesse L., NB740.
Minus, John, 162.
Minus, Vicey, 162.
Miska, 2.103.
Missah, 384.
Misseh, 1524.
“Missie”, 3274.
Missouri, Davis, 997.
Missouri, Fox, 997.
Missouri, Nellie, 997.
Misteothle, 318.
Mitchell, Addie, 1385. NB322.
Mitchell, Aggie, 3059.
Mitchell, Albert, 1220, NB1132.
Mitchell, Amy, 51471.
Mitchell, Anna, 1621.
Mitchell, Ben, 2865.
Mitchell, Bettie, 2959, NBS59, M349, M350, M351.
Mitchell, Billie, 2959, NB859, M349, M350, M351.
Mitchell, Bittie, 2959, NB859, M349, M350, M351.
Mitchell, Bunnie, 2865.
Mitchell, Cheparney, 3927.
Mitchell, Dan, 2351.

Mitchell, Eliza, 3711.
Mitchell, Emma, 2739.
Mitchell, Enoch, 1370.
Mitchell, Firsey, M350.
Mitchell, Francis, 2013.
Mitchell, Hannah, 407, 1370, 1417, 1421, 2117, 3741.
Mitchell, Hettie, M349.
Mitchell, Joseph, NB1133.
Mitchell, Levi, 1220.
Mitchell, Lewis, 1301, 2959, NB859, M319, M350, M351.
Mitchell, Louvina, 2865.
Mitchell, Mack, 1385.
Mitchell, Mandy, 2739, 3907, M171
Mitchell, Melesie, 1220.
Mitchell, Mintie, 1431.
Mitchell, Monroe, 1385.
Mitchell, Morris, NB859.
Mitchell, Moses, 2959.
Mitchell, Nancy, 2351, 2665 3081.
Mitchell, Nellie, NB1133.
Mitchell, Peggie, 2286, NB1132.
Mitchell, Rachel, 1121
Mitchell, Sam, 1370, 1117, 1121, 2611, 2613, NB1132.
Mitchell, Sally, 1220.
Mitchell, Sarwenoge, 3711.
Mitchell. Selanie, M351.
Mitchell, Selina, 2739.
Mitchell, Severs, 1301.
Mitchell, Sissie, 2351, 3927.
Mitchell, Soloman, 2959.
Mitchell, Waitie, 2739, 3927. M471.
Mitchell, Wattie, 2739, 3927. M471.
Mitchell, Willie, NB1132.
Mitchelly, 2812.
Mitchey, 42.
Mitiagne, 1045, 1795, 2093.
Mitiague, 1045, 1795, 2093.
Mittewaky, 622.
Mittilahke, 1809.
Mocknarlee, 21.
Mockta, 2127.
Moffer, Eliza, 1436, NB912.
Moffer, Waitie, 2792, NB912.
Moffer, Wilson, NB912.
Moffitt, Annie, 3331.
Moka, Tom, 2736.
Molitche, 1534.
Mollesy, 2926.
Mollie, 18, 102, 159, 733, 1568, 2172, 2171 2313, 2727, 2866, 2968.
Mollieanna, 1800.
Mollier, 1309.
Molloche, 1927, 2637.
Molone, Billy, 666.
Molone, Louisa, 666, NB19.
Molone, Sissie, 666.
Molone, Waffle, 066.
Monack, Mary, 1818.
Monadege, 3328.
Monadezie, 2108.
Monah, 187.
Monahwee, Cynda, 2191, NB1166.
Monahwee, David, 2004, 2191, 2241.
Monahwee, Ella, 2004, NB1166.
Monahwee, John, 1704, 2191, NB1160.
Monahwee, Miley, 2001, 2211.
Monahwee, Millie, 219 1.
Monahwee, Minnie, 1701.
Monahwee, Sambo, 2191
“Monarye”, 3287.
Monaye, 3811.
Monday, 884, 1708, 2526.
Monday, Annie. NB1213.
Monday, Edna NB1213.
Monday, Haga, 2526.
Monday, Jackson Louis, 329.
Monday, Jennetta, 881
Monday, Lizzie, Seminole 1648, NB1212, NB1213
Monday, March, 329, 881. NB1212, NB1213
Monday, Martin, 884.
Monday, McKinley, 329.
Monday, Teakah, 1708.
Monday, Tookah, 2526.
Monecha, 2630.
Monie, 2498.
Monk, George, 849.
Monk, Nancy, S49.
Monkey, 1011.
Monnawee, David, 555.
Monnetta, 2842.
Monnie, 103.
Monochagee, 1359.
Montarly, 1440.
Montgall, Lizzie E., 788.
Montgomery, Alfred, 3577.
Montgomery, Bessie, 296, 3577.
Montgomery, Eliza, 296.
Montgomery, George, 296.
Montgomery, George B., 3577.
Montgomery, Hattie, 296.
Montgomery, Henry, 3577.
Montgomery, Josie Belle, 296.
Montgomery, Thomson, 296.
Moody, 342.
Moon, Johnnie, 1312, 1313.
Moonie, Sallie, 11S0, 1186.
Moore, 2494.
Moore, Ada V., 1327.
Moore, Albert, 576, NB358, M380.
Moore, Annie, 1432.
Moore, Bessie, 2031.
Moore, Bob, 1327, NB1231.
Moore, Carr Orlando, 5195.
Moore, Carrie, 576.
Moore, Elizza, M389.
Moore, Georgiana, 1327.
Moore, Haney, 2031, 3574, NB379.
Moore, Heney, 2031, NB379.
Moore, James, 3574.
Moore, Jessie Susan, NB1231.
Moore, Jim, 576.
Moore, John, NB379.
Moore, John R., 327.
Moore, John W., 2031, 3574.
Moore, Julie, 478.
Moore, Leah, 576, 51389, NB358.
Moore, Limon, 478.
Moore, Linney, 478.
Moore, Lizzie, 327, 450, 478, 1303, 1327.
Moore, Lola, 218.
Moore, Lucy, 59.
Moore, Lydia A., 309, M95.
Moore, Mamie, 403.
Moore, Mark, 450.
Moore, Mark R., M95.
Moore, Martha, 327.
Moore, Mary, NB1231.
Moore, Matilda, M396.
Moore, Mattie, 478.
Moore, Moses, 478, 1303, 1327.
Moore, Napoleon B., 59.
Moore, Noah, 218.
Moore, Oliver Lee, 1327.
Moore, Phillip, 2031.
Moore, Robert, 1327, NB1231.
Moore, Robert Lee, 1327.
Moore, Rosa, 478.

Moore, Sallie, 2214.
Moore, Susan, 327, 576.
Moore, Susie, NB358.
Moore, Thomas, 478.
Moore, Thomas J., 1327, M396.
Moore, Verna Ellen, 1327.
Moore, Winnie, 1327.
Moore, Winnie Mary, M396.
Moore, Win., 59.
Moore, Wm. N., 327.
Moore, Wright, 327.
Morey, 181
Morey, Anson, 681.
Morey, Calley D., 681, 1018, 1721.
Morey, George W., 681.
Morey, Jacob, 181.
Morey, Samuel, 681.
Morey, Tally D., 681.
Morey, Wm., 681, 1018, 1021.
Morgan, Chilly W., 227.
Morgan, Edith M., 227.
Morgan, Edwin L. 227.
Morgan, Fannie, 1984.
Morgan, Florence, 227.
Morgan, Frank, 1984.
Morgan, Lawrence, 227.
Morgan, Leona P., 1984.
Morgan, Lizzie, 227.
Morgan, Luther F., 1984.
Morgan, Milly 227.
Morgan, Barmy 51, 227.
Morris, C. D., 3062.
Morris, Cheparney, 336.
Morris, Emma, 336.
Morris, Henry, 79, 129.
Morris, Ollie May, 3002.
Morris, Pearl Garland, 3062.
Morris, Peggy, 79, 129.
Morris, Susan, 336.
Morris, Susanna, 3062.
Morrison, A., 255.
Morrison, Addle, 1876.
Morrison, Ananias, 265.
Morrison, Anannias R., 257.
Morrison, Andrew Jackson, M32.
Morrison, Bessie, 255.
Morrison, Bluford, 255.
Morrison, Carrie, NB717.
Morrison, Duffey, 258.
Morrison, Eliza, 1352, NB839, M32.
Morrison, Ellen, 1353.
Morrison, Ennis, 258.
Morrison, Ernest, NB643.
Morrison, Felix G., 3671.
Morrison, Hence, 947, 3654, NB643, NB644.
Morrison, Henry, 255, 257, 258.
Morrison, Bettie Jane, NB644.
Morrison, Bettie Ola, NB717.
Morrison, J. C., 3671.
Morrison, Jeremiah C., 255.
Morrison, Jerry, 25S.
Morrison, John, 815, 047, 1353, 2879.
Morrison, John, Jr., 815, 5130.
Morrison, John, Sr., 815, 816, 817.
Morrison, Julia, NB972, NB973.
Morrison, Lena, 1754, NB653, M30.
Morrison, Lily, 3654.
Morrison, Louisa, 815, 816, 817, 947, 1353, 3896.
Morrison, Luke, 947.
Morrison, Lola Mildred, NB972.
Morrison, Major, 815, NB717.
Morrison, Manny, 815, NB072, NB973
Morrison, Martha, 255, 258.
Morrison, Mary, 255, 815, 3671, NB839.
Morrison, Nancy, 947, 3654, NB643, NB3644.
Morrison, Nicotia, 815.
Morrison, Sallie, 258.
Morrison, Sally, 257.
Morrison, Stan Watie, NB973.
Morrison, Tully, M30.
Morrison, Waitie, 1353, NB839, M32.
Morrison, Waity, 3896.
Morrison, Watie, 1876.
Morrow, Alfred M., 359, M360, NB413.
Morrow, Elva, NB413.
Morrow, Jesse, M359.
Morrow, Lester, M360.
Morrow, Marsey, 392, M359, M360, NB413.
Morton, Airy Ethel, 1129.
Morton, Annie, 1601.
Morton, Austin A., 86.
Morton, Benjamin H., 86.
Morton, Clarence, 1377.
Morton, Claude S., NB405.
Morton, Delilah, 499, 534, 1219, 1330, 1377, 1378, 1379, 1601.
Morton, Ellis, 1377.
Morton, Ellis M., NB696.
Morton, George F., 1129.
Morton, Irene, 1601.
Morton, J. C., NB499.
Morton, Joan, 1129, NB214, M229.
Morton, Joanna, 1129, NB214, M229.
Morton, Joseph, 86.
Morton, Joseph L., 86.
Morton, Josie A., NB405, NB696.
Morton, Felora, 1378.
Morton, Leo Britt, NB602.
Morton, Martha L., 499.
Morton, Mattie, 86, NB499.
Morton, Minnie May, 86.
Morton, Mittie B., NB602.
Morton, Mossie, 1330, NB305, NB696.
Morton, Okland, NB499.
Morton, Osborn A., 534, NB602.
Morton, Oscar 51. 499.
Morton, Perry K., 1601.
Morton, Richard L., 499.
Morton, Roy H., 499.
Morton, Roy Ray, NB214.
Morton, Stanton R., 499.
Morton, Thomas, 1129, NB214, M229.
Morton, Thomas Allen, M229.
Morton, Tucker W., 499.
Morton, Walter W., 1379.
Morton, William, 499, 534, 1219, 1330, 1377, 1378, 1379, 1601.
Morton, William Arthur, 86.
Morton, William P., 1219.
Morton, William V., 499.
Moses, Willie, 2862, 3001.
Mosey, 1314, 1492, 2995.
Mosquito, Albert, 587, NB382, M287.
Mosquito, Big, 1949, 3689.
Mosquito, Ira, M287.
Mosquito, Jensey Big, 3689.
Mosquito, Katie, N13382.
Mosquito, Polly, 606, NB382, M287.
Motahle, 2181.
Mothlachee, 1556.
Mothliche, 1962.
Mothoye, 1598.
Mothyoyetchee, 2378
Motley, Chewey, 2059.
Motlie, 222.
Moulton, Mose, 1109.
Mowelagee, 2618.

Mowelahke, 248.
Muckey, Sarah, 1092.
Muckner, 1536.
Mukes, Ada, NB778.
Mukes, Alex, 1179.
Mukes, Alice, 1179, 3098, NB777, NB778.
Mukes, Hattie, NB777.
Mukes, Joseph, 3098.
Mukes, Maggie, 1178.
Mukes, Thomas, 3698, NB777, NB778.
Mukes, Tom, 1178, 1179.
Mulga, 2747.
Mulgussie, 2203.
Mulgussie, Cinda, 2203.
Mulgussie, Lucy, 2203.
Mulkersy, 2171.
Mulkusee, Semite, 3050.
Mulleana, 397.
Mulleanna, 2921.
Mullen, Celestie, 796.
Mulley, 2195.
Mullie, 751, 1528, 3025, M453.
Mullie, Phenie, 3025.
Mullie, Sallie, 3025, M119.
Mullie, Sam, 3025.
Muffle, Siah, 3025.
Mullie, Willie, 3025.
Mully, Barney, CE4039.
Mully, Fannie, CE4039.
Mully, Jennie, CE4039.
Mully, Katie, CE4039.
Mully, Mitchell, CE4039.
Mully, Simon, CE 1030.
Mulsey, 2894.
Munihoehe, 2202.
Munna, 1715, 1718, 1727.
Muntloope, 3961.
Munzey, 213.
Murphy, Augustus, 57.
Murphy, Blanch, NB189.
Murphy, Catherine, 3710.
Murphy, C. M., 22, 719, 1959.
Murphy, Conny, 57, 2270, NB189.
Murphy, Conny, Jr., 57.
Murphy, C. W., 22, 749, 1959.
Murphy, Eliza, 22, 719, 1959.
Murphy, Eliza J., 57, 749.
Murphy, Eliza Jane, 57.
Murphy, Eva Dorcas, NB59.
Murphy, Hattie, 57.
Murphy, Nettie, NB50.
Murphy. N. P., 1950.
Murphy, Richard L., 3710.
Murphy, Robert, 57.
Murphy, Sallie, 57.
Murphy, Sarah, 57, 2270, 3710. 5
Murphy, Sara R. NB189.
Murphy, William S., 49, NB50
Murray, Wit, 782, NB710, M71.
Murray, A. J., 723, 782, 806, 807.
Murray, Charles E., 806, 3671
Murray, Clarence Lee, 782.
Murray, Delphic A., 806, 3671.
Murray, Delphine, 806, 3671.
Murray, Gerti May, 806.
Murray, Helen, 3370.
Murray, Helen M., NB625.
Murray, Jesse, 782.
Murray, John, 370, NB625, M52.
Murray, Lucy, 1395, NB625, M82.
Murray, Margaret Mary, 1182.
Murray, Martha, 723, 782, 806. 807.
Murray, Nettie Belle, 3674.
Murray, Ruth, 3370.
Murray, W. B., 3370.
Murray, Whig, 3370.
Murray, William, 3370.
Murray, William A., 806.
Murrell, Calhoun, Cr. Frd., 3460, NB310.
Murrell, Crawford, 489.
Murrell, Louisa, 489.
Murrell, Lucy, 489, NB310.
Murrell, Sambo, 4S9.
Murrell, Wiley, NB310.
Muscogee, 1041, 52, 853, 3760.
Musgrove, George, NB296.
Musgrove, Herold D., NB296.
Musgrove, Myrta May, 458, NB296.
Muska, 1868, 2470.
Musker, 2426.
Muskogee, 52, 808, 3760, 1041.
Mustoche, 3368.
Mutalocha, 1555.
Muteloka, 2470.
Mutleloke, 2306.
Mutta, 2152.
Muttellokee, 434.
MutteLoke, 2311.
Mutte Loke, Willie, 2311.
Myers, Betsey, 924, 3733, NB890, NB891.
Myers, Dave, 1654.
Myers, Caroline, 1651.
Myers, Jefferson M., 924.
Myers, Laura M., NB891.
Myers, Lizzie, 1654.
Myers, Minnie L., 024.
Myers, Oscar D., NB890.
Myers, Sallie, 2583.
Myers, William F., 924, 37 28, NB890, NB891.
Myers, Willie Frances, 3738.
Mylie, 1892.


Campbell, John B. Campbell’s Abstract of Creek Indian Census Cards. 1915.

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