Biography of Christmas E. Evans, D. V. S.

The veterinary profession in Racine finds a worthy representative in Dr. Christmas E. Evans, whose ability to successfully administer remedial agencies is manifest in the excellent results which have attended him in general practice. He was born in Utica, New York, November 2. 1860, and is a son of Evan R. and Margaret (Roberts) Evans, who came to Racine in 1874. The father was a veterinary surgeon and continued in active practice in Racine until July, 1908, when his labors were terminated by death. He had for four years survived his wife, who passed away in 1904.

Dr. C. E. Evans was a youth of fourteen years when the family came to Racine and he supplemented his public school training by study in the McMynn Academy, while later he became a student in the Veterinary College of New York and won his degree with the class of 1883. For thirty-three years he has practiced here and his pronounced ability has kept him at the front in professional circles. For a third of a century he has practiced, the years chronicling his increasing ability and registering his success. He has also been farm and herd inspector for the Horlick Malted Milk Company for the past fifteen years.

On the 11th of March, 1891, Dr. Evans was married to Miss Fannie Jones. Her father, Captain Owen D. Jones, came to the United States from Wales when ten years of age, in 1846, and was one of the early settlers a southeastern Wisconsin. He was a lake captain but is now deceased. He was married in Racine to Miss Fannie Roberts, who removed to this County front Utica, New York, in 1856, being a representative of one of the pioneer families here. She survives and still makes her home in Racine. Dr. and Mrs. Evans have become the parents of a son and a daughter: Russell who is a graduate of the Chicago Veterinary College and practices with his father and who is a member of the Masonic fraternity: and Lillian, who is attending college at Lake Forest.

The family is a member of the Congregational church. Dr. Evans is a member of the Masonic fraternity, in which order he has attained high rank, having taken the thirty-second degree. He has also crossed the sands of the desert with the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine and his name is on the membership rolls of the Knights of Pythias lodge in Racine. In politics he is a republican and for four years he served as alderman front the second ward, during which period he gave careful study to municipal conditions and opportunities, working diligently and effectively to further those interests which are a matter of civic virtue and civic pride.


Racine County WI,

Racine County Wisconsin History: Racine Belle City of the lakes and Racine County Wisconsin a record of settlement organization progress and achievement. SJ Clarke Pub Co. Chicago. 1916. 1216 pgs.

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