Biography of Peter Christiansen

Peter Christiansen, a member of the Junction Furniture Company, owes his success to the fact that he has always been a willing worker, not afraid of that laborious attention to business which is the basis of all honorable success. He was born in Denmark, May 10, 1869, and is a son of H. P. and Anna Marie (Stage) Christiansen, both of whom spent their entire lives in Denmark.

It was in the fall of 1889, when a young man of twenty years, that Peter Christiansen came to the United States. He sailed for eight months on the Atlantic as a seaman and then became connected with the Fall River line. plying between New York and Boston. He had previously been a sailor and fisherman in Denmark and in 1891 he returned to his native country but after remaining there for a short time he once more came, to the new world and arrived in Racine in 1892. He afterward made a few trips on the Great Lakes and for six months he was connected with the Racine life saving station. He started in the furniture business in Racine in 1893 but in 1896 went to Tacoma, Washington, although he returned in the same year. He was afterward with the Racine Boat Company until 1901, when he established a furniture store at No. 1326 Washington Avenue. Here he was afterward joined by K. F. Jacobson, who a year later sold to Lund Hensen. After three years William Lemke also bought an interest in the business. The two latter sold to Martin Larsen. The business was organized and incorporated in 1902 under the name of the Junction Furniture Company. There has been no change in the partnership since Mr. Larsen became his associate and under their direction the trade has constantly grown. The business was started on a very small scale, Mr. Christiansen having at the time a capital of but seven hundred and fifty dollars. In 1908 he rebuilt his plant, which he converted from a frame to a brick building, and the business is now well housed, while the line of goods carried is extensive and attractive.

On the 18th of September, 1895, Mr. Christiansen was united in marriage to Miss Anna J. Hansen, who was born in Denmark and in early womanhood came to Wisconsin. By her marriage she has become the mother of three children, Anna, Laura and Peter.

Mr. Christiansen is not allied with any political party but he belongs to the Danish Brotherhood, the Danish Society and the Danish Lutheran church and he stands for those things which are most worth while and of greatest value to the community. The spirit of progress which prompted him to seek a home in the new world in his early manhood has characterized his entire life. He has gained a wide acquaintance in Racine and those who know him entertain for him high regard, recognizing that his salient characteristics are sterling.



Racine County WI,

Racine County Wisconsin History: Racine Belle City of the lakes and Racine County Wisconsin a record of settlement organization progress and achievement. SJ Clarke Pub Co. Chicago. 1916. 1216 pgs.

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