Biography of August J. Eisenhut

August J. Eisenhut, who since April, 1910, has filled the office of city treasurer of Racine, having been re-elected to this position without opposition, was born on the 22d of October, 1876, his parents being August and Martha Eisenhut. The father was born March 27. 1852, and came to the United States with his son August in the year 1881 and remained for a short time a resident of New York City, but the same year removed westward to Milwaukee, where he resided until the fall of that year and then came to Racine. He is a machinist by trade and has followed business along that line during the greater part of his life. Having lost his first wife, he was married again in Milwaukee in 1883, his second union being with Louise Foertsch, of Racine.

August J. Eisenhut, whose name introduces this review, was less than a year old when brought to the new world. His education has been acquired in the schools of Racine and in that city he attended business college. In early life he learned the basket-making trade and afterward took up the machinist trade, continuing therein for twenty years, during which period he became an efficient and expert workman, occupying excellent positions in that connection. His fellow townsmen, however, appreciative of his worth and ability, called him to the office of city treasurer at the municipal election of April, 1910, and so splendid has been his record in this position that he has since been re-elected without opposition. He is prompt and systematic in the discharge of all duties and his public-spirited citizenship stands as an unquestioned fact in his career. He has always maintained a non-partisan attitude in politics, ever placing the public welfare before party advancement.

On the 5th of July, 1907, Mr. Eisenhut was married to Miss Martha Breckenfeld, of Racine, a daughter of Captain George Breckenfeld, who was one of the early settlers here and for many years was captain of the life saving station. Mr. and Mrs. Eisenhut now have two children, Ward and Beth. The family attends the Lutheran church and Mr. Eisenhut holds membership with the Elks, the Knights of Pythias, the Dramatic Order of the Knights of Khorassan, the Fraternal Order of Eagles and with the Deutscher Club. Mr. Eisenhut is a self made man in every sense of the word and deserves great credit for what- he has accomplished. With limited advantages in his youth, he has worked his way steadily upward in business and public connections, developing his latent powers and talents and acquiring ability through diligence and determination, thus becoming well qualified for the onerous duties which now devolve upon him.



Racine County WI,

Racine County Wisconsin History: Racine Belle City of the lakes and Racine County Wisconsin a record of settlement organization progress and achievement. SJ Clarke Pub Co. Chicago. 1916. 1216 pgs.

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