Biography of Thomas A. Fagan

Thomas A. Fagan, engaged in the general real estate and insurance business at No. 610 Wisconsin Street under the firm style of Thomas A. Fagan & Company, was born in Racine, November 14, 1871, a son of John and Mary (Kelly) Fagan. The father was a native of Ireland and the grandfather spent his entire life on the Emerald Isle. When but six months old John Fagan was brought by an aunt to the United States, the family home being established in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, where he resided until 1866, when he came to Racine. He was the first practical brick manufacturer of this city and for many years occupied the responsible position of superintendent with the firm of Smith Brothers. In his later years he lived retired, enjoying a well earned rest from further labor. He passed away in 1906, at the age of seventy-three years, his birth having occurred in 1833. but his widow still survives.

Reared in the city of his nativity, Thomas A. Fagan obtained a public and high school education and became a machinist, following the trade for six or seven years. Since 1897, however, he has been continuously connected with the real estate and insurance business. He was first located at No. 503 Main Street and after operating independently for a time became vice president of the David G. Jones Company, with which he was thus associated for nine years, at the end of which time he sold out. He then organized the present firm of Thomas A. Fagan & Company, with offices at No. 610 Wisconsin Street, and is now conducting a general real estate and insurance business. In this connection he is well known, for he has negotiated many important realty transfers and also writes a large amount of insurance annually, representing a number of the old line companies.

On the 15th of June, 1898, Mr. Fagan was united in marriage to Miss Carrie J. Kosterman. of Racine, a daughter of Peter and Sophia Kosterman, who were early settlers here. Mr. and Mrs. Fagan are the parents of three children: Jeannette, Eleanor and Josephine.

The family is communicants of St. Rose Catholic church and Mr. Fagan is identified with the Catholic Order of Foresters, the Knights of Columbus and the Benevolent Protective Order of Elks. In politics he maintains an independent, course, voting according to the dictates of his judgment and the exigencies of the case; he has never sought or desired a political office. His attention is concentrated upon his business affairs and his close application and indefatigable energy, combined with a thorough knowledge of everything connected with insurance and real estate, have brought him substantial and gratifying success.



Racine County WI,

Racine County Wisconsin History: Racine Belle City of the lakes and Racine County Wisconsin a record of settlement organization progress and achievement. SJ Clarke Pub Co. Chicago. 1916. 1216 pgs.

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