First Regiment, 2nd Brigade Florida Militia

Muster Roll of Captain James Edwards’ Company, 1st Regiment, 2nd Brigade of Florida Militia, commanded by Col. John Warren, ordered into service of the United States by Major Gen. Thomas L. Jesup from the 27th day of January 1837 for six months unless sooner discharged.

This hand-drawn Muster Roll contains the following headings: (1) Number, (2) Names, (3) Rank, (4) Enrollment Date, (5) Description of Horses, (6) State of the Company when enrolled Jan. 27th 1837, and (7) State of the Company when mustered March 27th 1837.

All were enrolled at Fort Beckham except 1st Lieut. Tillis who enrolled at Fort Reed. Officers enrolled by Lt. Col. Mills; enlisted men were all enrolled by Captain Edwards. When first enrolled virtually all of the Company was present. When mustered they were about equally divided between Fort Beckham and Fort Reed except for Privates Willis Medlin, Senr., and Henry S. Swinney who were sick.

  • Edwards, James Captain, 1 sorrel horse, 1 bay horse.
  • Tillis, Willoughby 1st Lieut., 1 bay horse, 1 sorrel horse.
  • Morgan, Daniel 2nd Lieut., 1 gray horse, 1 black mare.
  • Rosseau, W. H. Orderly Sergeant, 1 bay horse.
  • Barber, Samuel 2d Sergeant, 1 gray horse.
  • Carver, Elijah 3d Sergeant, 1 iron gray horse.
  • Edwards, Moses 4th Sergeant, 1 sorrel mare.
  • Tillis, Wayne 1st Corporal, 1 bay horse.
  • Stewart, Daniel 2d Corporal, 1 sorrel horse.
  • McClellan, Andrew 3d Corporal, 1 bay horse.
  • Hinson, James 4th Corporal, 1 sorrel horse.
  • Privates
  • Blunt, Redin, 1 Bay horse.
  • Blunt, Redin R. , 1 Bay Mare.
  • Carver, William, 1 Bay Mare.
  • Carver, Sampson, 1 horse.
  • Carver, Thomas F. , 1 Sorrel horse.
  • Carver, Wilson, 1 Horse
  • Carver, Vincent, 1 Grey horse
  • Curl, Elisha, 1 Bay horse
  • Curry, Joel, 1 grey horse
  • Daniels, Isaac, 1 bay horse
  • Daniels, Elam, 1 grey horse
  • Daniels, Aaron, 1 bay horse
  • Davis, Lewis B., 1 bay horse
  • Dean, Micajah, 1 grey horse
  • Ellils, Thos. R., 1 bay horse
  • Gillett, Anderson, 1 Sorrel
  • Kean, Wiley, 1 Sorrel horse
  • Lane, James, 1 bay horse
  • Light, William, 1 bay horse
  • Medlin, Willis, Senr., 1 Sorrel
  • Medlin, William, Junr., 1 bay
  • Morgan, Jackson, 1 bay
  • Morgan, Crispin, 1 bay
  • Morgan, Ephram, 1 bay mare
  • Morgan, Ephram H., 1 bare mare
  • McArdale, Abel C., l horse
  • Newman, James, 1 Sorrel
  • Parker, Luke, 1 Bay
  • Parker, William, 1 Grey horse
  • Parker, Shetty, 1 White horse
  • Parker, Owen, 1 Black Mare
  • Powell, John, 1 Sorrel
  • Powell, William, 1 Sorrel
  • Read, William, 1 Bay horse.
  • Rowling, William, 1 Sorrel
  • Sistrunk, Gosh , 1 Sorrel Mare.
  • Swiney, Henry S., 1 Sorrel Mare.
  • Smith, Henry, 1 Sorrel Horse
  • Smith, Isaac, 1 Sorrel Mare
  • Smith, Robert, 1 Bay Mare.
  • Shepherd, D. H., 1 Bay horse.
  • Sumerall, Jacob, 1 horse
  • Simerall, John, 1 horse
  • Tillis, Joseph, 1 horse
  • Tillis, Richard, 1 horse
  • Tillis, Thomas, 1 horse
  • Tucker, John E., 1 horse
  • Vickers, Aaron, 1 Black horse
  • Vickers, Richard, 1 Brown horse
  • Walker, Elias, 1 Sorrel horse
  • Walker, Elisha, 1 Bay horse
  • Wiley, Aldridge, 1 Bay horse
  • Wilkinson, Joseph, 1 Bay horse
  • Wilkinson, David, 1 Bay Mare.
  • Wetsay, Fermell, 1 Bay horse
  • Wood, Absolam, 1 Bay horse
  • Wright, Levi, 1 Bay Mare
  • Wright, A. J. T., 1 Sorrel horse.

Certified a true Muster Roll for “the period herein mentioned” by Captain James Edwards, Commanding Company.

March 27, 1837

Fort Beckham. L. B. Read, Inspecting & Mustering Officer, certified he had examined the Muster Roll and mustered and inspected above Company on the date and place stated.

Florida Department of Military Affairs, Office of the Adjutant General, State Arsenal. Florida Militia Muster Rolls, Seminole Indian Wars. St. Augustine, Florida. 1968.

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