Huntington IOOF Cemetery, Huntington, Oregon

The IOOF Lodge of Huntington established a cemetery one-half mile east of town on the north side of U. S. Highway No. 30. This cemetery followed the earlier Old Huntington Cemetery which was already established closer to town. Land for the cemetery was donated by the lodge.

The cemetery is on high and dry land which is cared for by the lodge, relatives and friends maintaining the graves. There are approximately 150 graves in this cemetery. Listed buried here as of 1967 are the following:

Ajima, Lijjie b 21 Dec 1881; d 12 Feb 1920.

Almquist, Arthur Elmer b 9 Jun 1894; d 2 Jun 1908; son of Frank.

Almquist, Frank H. b 1858; d 1925.

Almquist, Fred H. b 29 May 1901; d 2 Apr 1903; son of Frank & Tilda.

Beattie, Florence Rose b 8 Dec 1895; d 22 Feb 1899.

Becker, Carl b 28 Aug. 1869; d 1 Jul 1913.

Becker, Minnie T. b 31 Jan 1863; d 13 Aug 1912; wife.

Belmont, Joseph d 3 May 1930.

Benson, Anna C. b 18 Aug 1871; d 22 Aug 1913.

Benson, Anna C. b 1849; d 1940.

Birlew, John W. b 4 Sep 1874; d 7 Apr. 1920.

Bryant, A. J. (F) b 28 Feb. 1829; d 18 Dec. 1899.

Bryant, Ethel M. b 17 Feb 1895; d 11 Jun 1920.

Bryant, Harland b 19 Nov 1902; d 9 Dec 1902.

Bryant, Hester Ann b 1829; d 1907.

Bryant, James T. b 1870; d 1940; husband.

Bryant, Lorn Marve b 1905; d 1935.

Bryant, Minnie C. b 1874; d 1941; wife

Bubb, Fred S. Aged 72 yrs. 8 mos. 22 days.

cameron, alzada F. b 3 May 1857; d 11 Sep 1911.

Carroll, Infant b 11 Oct. 1930; aged 1 day.

Chatham, S.P. b 25 Sep 1845; d 11 Oct. 1901

Clark, Guy T. d 26 Mar 1932; aged 61 Yrs.

Clevenshire, Mrs. Orrit M. b 1826; d 1895

Dean, Joseph Miller b 15 Jul 1896; d 17 Nov 1952

Dean, Marshall D. b 2 Jun 1851; d 6 Jan 1935.

Dean, Sarah A. b 15 May 1866; d 4 Nov. 1948.

Dumas, John b 15 Feb. 1849; d 28 May 1904.

Edwards, Nora M. b 24 Oct 1879; d 24 Sep 1899; daughter of J. S. & s. F.

Essary, Samuel George b 19 Mar 1923; d 19 Mar 1923.

Essary, Watson d 12 Mar. 1925.

Fildew, Harry b 1881; d 1900

Fildew, Henry b 1838; d 1911

Fildew, Jane b 1842; d 1924

Flick, Benjamin Frank d 13 Apr 1893; aged 48.

Flick, Mich’l Co. G 75th Ohio Inf.

Fosterling, Caroline a. b 20 Aug 1859; d 24 Dec 1892; wife of Henry.

Fosterling, Emil F. b 1841; d 1928.

Fosterling, Emil F. b 1841; d 1928.

Fosterling, Frederick W. H. b 1814; d 1898

Fosterling, Henrietta b. b 2 Sep 1890; d 20 Mar 1905; daughter of Henry & Caroline.

Fosterling, Mary E. b 1849; d 1903; wife of Emil F.

Fosterling, Meta a. b 13 Sep 1808; d 13 Jan 1893; wife of Frederick.

Fyfer, Elizabeth S. b 1855; d 1934.

Fyfer, Julius T. b 1843; d 1917

Giannini, Gabriel P. b 23 Jul 1881; d 20 Oct 1896

Goodman, Angeline b 6 Sep 1849; d 1 Apr 1918

Goodman, Charles D b 14 May 1900; d 18 Oct 1918; son of J. W.

Goodman, Della b 22 Dec 1879; d 19 Apr 1912; wife of J. W.

Goodman, J. F. Co M 10th Ill. Inf.

Goodman, Thomas J. b 15 Jul 1839; d 4 Jun 1904

Gorow, Walter b 1900; d 1907

Greenslade, Victor d 16 Apr 1957; aged 35 yrs.

Griffith, Max b 26 Mar 1907; d 23 Jan 1908

Hancock, Tony L. b 8 Jul 1908; d 13 Jul 1908

Insonhofer, J.W. d 7 Dec 1910; aged 70 yrs.

Jenkins, Dorathea E. b 25 Oct 1875; d 27 May 1903

Jennings, Marie E. b 2 May 1856; d 11 Feb 1903, Wife of J. F.

Justus, Mary M. b 6 Jan 1881; d 9 Dec 1934; mother

Justus, Tona b 29 May 1882; d 9 Jul 1959

Lewis, Clarence O. b 1896; d 1910

Macri,Frank b 1853; d 1934

Macri, Mary E. b 1 Jan 1853; d 8 Apr 1945

Macri, Sylvester b 18 Jun 1896; d 14 Mar 1908

Martin, J. W. b 10 Dec 1851; d 20 Mar 1908

McCubbin, James E. b 25 Jul 1858; d 1 Nov 1901

McCubbin, William P. b 16 May 1871; d 29 Jan 1945

McKinzie, Andrew b 11 Sep 1848; d 19 Dec 1904

McKinzie, Thomas b 24 Aug 1889; d 9 May 1902

McKittrick, Benj. M. Co. E 83d Ind. Inf.

Merrill, V. E. b 13 Aug 1890; d 26 Sep 1912

Miglioretto, Antonio b 1871; d 1948

Miglioretto, Theresa b 1880; d 1942

Miller, Joseph b 12 Jul 1837; d 13 Oct 1918

Mills, Barbara May d 18 Apr 1931; aged 3 days

Palmer, Charles H. Aged 67 yrs.

Palmer, Opha d 29 May 1959; aged 58 yrs

Paul, Marie b 1 Feb 1906; d 16 Aug 1906; daughter of Owen & Jessie.

Peterson, Frederick C., Jr. b 1925; drowned 1934 same day as brother Robert J.

Peterson, Robert J. b 1925 drowned 1934 same day as brother Frederick C.

Powell, Agness b 18 Feb 1903; d 2 Aug 1912

Powell, Courtney b 14 Oct 1905; d 2 Aug 1912

Putnam, Baby d Jan 1909

Putnam, Fannie W. b 1869; d 1944

Putnam, Myers b 1869; d 1958

Ragsdale, Vera D. b 31 Jul 1897; b 10 Feb 1900

Reiber, John b 24 Mar 1873; d 12 Jul 1947

Reiber, Peter b 8 Sep 1861; d 24 Nov 1909

Sanchez, Marie N. b 13 Mar 1902; d 22 Jul 1924

Seaberg, Axel S. b 1857; d 1925

Seaberg, Charlie A. b 1896; d 1898

Seaberg, Emma C. b 1862; d 1942

Seaberg, Emma Tolf b 1862 d 1942

Seaberg, Fritz O. b 1892; d 1912

Seaberg, Jennie b 1884; d 1941

Seaberg, Oskar W. b 1892; d 1912

Sheets, John Wesley b 1922; d 1922

Steele, Jessie Edna b 1910; d 1925

Stephenson, Florence E. b 1844; d 1939

Stewart, Dorothy C. b 15 Nov 1916; d 20 Oct 1918.

Terry, James T. b 1851; d 1936

Tilson, John T. b 28 Apr 1843; d 10 Nov 1905

Tolf, Johna Fred b 1873; d 1915

Vinzelberg, Dorothea S. b 21 Mar 1852; d 20 Jun 1933; mother

Vinzelberg, J. C. b 30 Jul 1851; d 19 Nov 1918; father

Weesner, Allen J. b 1866; d 1938

Weesner, Carrie B.

Wheeler, Julia A. b 1844; d 1905

Will, Marie L. d 15 Jun 1964; aged 77 yrs 11 mos 8 days

Winquist, Christ b 1866; d 1929

Wood, William F. b 22 Feb 1866; d 27 Sep 1913.

Our thanks to the Baker Family History Center for allowing us to use their copies of these cemetery records.

Collection: Cemetery Collection.

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