1851 Toronto Canada Directory, Cabinetmakers to Cutlers

In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work.

Cabinetmakers And Upholsterers
FRENCH, RICHARD, chair manufactory, wholesale and retail 54 King st., west.
JACQUES & HAY, cabinetmakers and upholsterers, Windsor and cane seat chair, and
patent bedstead manufacturers wholesale and retail, 42 King st., west, corner of
Bay st., manufactory, Bay shore.
PARKER, THOMAS D., cabinetmaker, 63 Queen st., west every description of furniture
constantly on hand, or made to order in the best manner, on reasonable terms.
ROBERTS, GEORGE, cabinetmaker and upholsterer, 115 Yonge st., opposite Elgie’s hotel
a choice stock of cabinetware always on hand, or made to order. at reasonable
SHEPPARD J. & E., cabinetmakers and upholsterers, turners and chair makers, 264 Yonge st.
WILLIAMS, H. T., upholsterer and undertaker, 61 King at., west coffins made and funerals furnished hearses and palls to let.
WILLIAMS, H. BURT, cabinetmaker and furnishing undertaker, 140 Yonge st. coffins, grave clothes, scarfs, crapes, gloves, &c., kept on hand hearses and carriages kept for hire coffins delivered 10 miles free.
WILLIAMS, J. J., cabinetmaker, upholsterer and undertaker, 49 Queen st., west every description of cabinet work and upholstery of the latest fashion hearses kept for hire.
WILSON & HAIGH, cabinetmakers and upholsterers, 34 King st., west window cornices made and draperies fitted up, according to the latest and most fashionable designs.
Non Members
Browning, J. A., 199 Queen st.
Conners, ________, 50 King st., west.
Clezie, James, 137 Yonge st.
Drayton, E., 51 Adelaide st.
Fenwick, T., 280 Yonge st.
Field, Joseph, 170 Yonge st.
Hawkesworth, G., 238 Yonge st.
Hutchinson, William, Yonge st.
Lander, J., 26 King st., west.
Marks, William, 105 King st., west.
Mitchell. W., 100 King st., west.
Ryan, Thomas., 129 King st., west.
Searle, Henry, King st., west.
Sheppard, Jacob, 218 Yonge st.
Watts, Thomas, 65 King st., west.

Carvers And Gilders
MARCH, C., carver, gilder and framemaker, 29 King st., west.
PELL, J. E., carver, gilder and picture framemaker, 30 King st., west cabinetmakers, and the trade generally, supplied.

Chain Pumpmaker
Netting, George, 133 King st., west.

Chemists And Druggists
BECKET, JOSEPH, & Co., wholesale and retail chemists and druggists, and importers of wines and spirits, 12 King st., west.
BETTRIDGE, J. C., 110 Yonge st., chemist and druggist, and general grocer.
DOEL, W. H., druggist and apothecary, 5 King st., east physicians’ prescriptions and family recipies carefully prepared.
GREEN, C., chemist and druggist 80 King st., west.
LOVE, NEIL C., apothecary and chemist, and dealer in drugs, medicines, perfumery, paints, oils, dye stuffs, brushes, field and garden seeds, &c., sign of the red mortar, 92 Yonge st.
LYMAN, BROTHERS & Co., wholesale druggists, manufacturers and dealers in dye stuffs
and clothiers’ materials-also in paints, colours, linseed oil, putty, &c., and importers of perfumery and chemicals, St. Lawrence buildings, King st., east.
MEDICAL, HALL, 118 King st., east
HUGH MILLER, chemist and druggist, and importer of and dealer in English chemicals, patent medicines, perfumery, oils, paints, varnishes, dye stuffs, garden seeds, &c. prescriptions and recipies carefully prepared.
RICHARDSON, FRANCIS, chemist and druggist, 8 King st., east chemical apparatuses
and chemicals of all kinds Freemason’s C and R. A., clothing, &c.
RUSSELL & FOWLER, chemists and druggists and practical physicians and dentists, 85 Yonge st.
URQUHART, S. F., druggist, 69 Yonge st botanic, patent and Thomsonian medicines.
Non Members
Bentley, John, 65 and 67 Yonge st.
Howarth, John, 67 Queen st., west.
Smith, W. H., 147 Queen st., west.
Swain & Co., King st., east.
Oliver & Co., 213 King st., east.

China, Glass And Earthenware Stores
MULHOLLAND, JoHN, & Co., importers of and wholesale and retail dealers in china, glass, earthenware, looking glass plate, window glass, paints, oils, colors, &c., City buildings, 86 King st. east.
NORRIS, H. F. importer of and wholesale and retail dealer in china, glass and earthenware of all kinds, 3 King st. west.
PATTON & Co., importers of and wholesale and retail dealers in china, glass and earthen-ware of all kinds, 49 King st. east.
Harris; W., 65 King st. west.
Lynn, S. G., 128 King st. east.

Clothing Manufacturer (Wholesale Only.)
LUMBLEY, MORRIS, manufacturer and wholesale dealer in every description of clothing, 119 King st., east.

Coach And Carriage Makers
BRISCOE. WILLIAM, coach and carriage builder, Queen st. west.
HOLMES, HEWITT & WILLIAMS, coach and carriage builders, 142 Yonge st.
OWEN & MILLS, carriage manufactory, 132 and 134 King st. west, established 1832.
TELFER and SPROAT, coach carriage and wagon builders, Shuter st.

Coal Merchants
Jarvis, G. M., Front st.
Stoddart, E. L., Wellington st.

Commission Merchants, Agents, And Brokers
COTTON, JAMES, general commission merchant and government contractor, Front st.
FEEHAN, D. K., general agent, commission merchant and agent for the Montreal type foundry, 22 Front st. over telegraph office.
HAMILToN, PATRICK, & Co., produce agents and general commission merchants, City buildings, 82 King st.
HEWARD FRANCIS H., general commission merchant, Front st.
HEWARD, JOHN, general broker, Front st.
HOWLAND & FITCH, commission merchants, 38 Front st.
STANToN, RoBERT, general commission merchant, Yonge st.
Clarkson, Thomas, Front st.
Maulson, John, 59 King st.
DeGrassi, A., Church st.
O’Donohue, J., 49 King st.

COOK, ROBERT, wholesale and retail confectioner, 52 Yonge st. wedding and other cakes made to order, country merchants supplied with every description of candies,, &c., on liberal terms.
DUNLOP, Mrs. E., wholesale and retail confectioner, 3 Victoria row, 58 King at. east.
MCCONKEY, THOMAS, wholesale and retail confectioner, 19 King st. east wedding and christening cakes made at the shortest notice, all kinds of fruit in season.
SLEIGH, SAMUEL, wholesale and retail confectioner, 122 and 124 King st. east. country dealers supplied on the lowest terms.
Carnall, Henry, 158 Yonge st.
Panton, Joseph, 56 Yonge st.
Clark, Robert, 58 King st. west.
Reynolds, William, 236 Yonge st.
Cook, W., 52 King st. west.
Webb, T., Yonge st.
Keiller, John, 6 Yonge st.
Wilson, John, 26 Church st.
Maitland, D., 8 Yonge st.

Cutlers, &c.
MARSH BROTHERS, manufacturers of cutlery and Sheffield ware, 53 King st. east.
SHAW, SAMUEL, axe and edge tool maker, factory corner of Richmond and Shepherd sts. store 75 Yonge st.
WILSON, HAWKESWORTH ELLISON, manufacturer of cutlery and general Sheffield ware, Liddel’s buildings, Church st.
McDowell, William, 4 Adelaide st.
Simpson, Thomas B., mathematical instrument maker, 17 Adelaide st. west.

The Canada Directory containing the names of the professional and business men of every description in the cities towns and principal villages of Canada November 1851.

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