1851 Montreal Canada Directory, Land Agents to Music Teachers

Land Agents
BENT, GEORGE, agent for the British American Land Company, 133 St. Paul st.
COURT, JAMES, Insurance Company’s buildings, Great St. James st.
DINNING, J. G., 13 St. Sacrament st.
SPIERS, JOHN, accountant and agent, 35 St. Francois Xavier st.

Leather Merchants And Tanners
BOSTWICK, E. N., wholesale leather and commission merchant, Great St. James and Notre Dame st. See card.
HAWKINS & SLACK, wholesale and retail dealers in leather, findings, and india rubber goods, 1681/2 St. Paul st.
LECLERC, JOHN A., wholesale and retail dealer in leather, findings, and india rubber goods, 174 St. Paul st.
LEEMING & SABINE, wholesale leather merchants, 17 St. Francois Xavier st.
PRATT, JOHN & Co., wholesale and retail dealers in leather, findings, and india rubber goods, 178 St. Paul st.
WEIR, WILLIAM, wholesale and retail dealer in leather, findings, and india rubber goods, 175 St. Paul st.
Non Members
Allo, John, tanner, &c., Custom-house square.
Laflamme, Joseph, St. Lawrence st.
Busseau, H., 159 St. Paul st.
Murray, H., Amherst st.
Bourguin, Isidore, tanner, 18 Wolfe st.
Senecal & Laflamme, 63+ St. Paul st.
Cadotte, B., ’79 St. Paul st.
Pratt, Edward, 176 St. Paul st.
Cadotte, Theophile, Jacques Cartier square.
Valois, N., tanner, 36 St. Antoine st.
Cadotte, Eusebe, Jacques Cartier square.
Valade, Joseph, 63 St. Paul st.
Fitzsimmons, James, tanner, William st.

Lumber Merchants
CUSHING, H. R. & SON, dealers in sawed and square lumber, and cord wood, Grey Nun St.
OSTELL, JOHN, dealer in sawed and square lumber, and cord wood, Ste. Elizabeth st.
PERKINS, J. A., dealer in sawed and square lumber, and cord wood, 212 St. Paul st.
Benoit & Berlinguette, corner of Craig and SanDemers, Augustin, Visitation, corner of Lagauguinet st.
Chetiere T. Bronsdon, J. B., 77 St. Urbain st.
Comte, Louis, 58 St. George st.
Comte, Benjamin, 58 St. George st.
Cusson, Francis, corner of Youville and Common st.
Grant, Duncan, College st.

Machinist And Printing Press Manufacturer
Berry, WILLIAM, Longueuil lane, in rear of Grant’s hotel.

Marble Manufactories
CUNNINGHAM, WILLIAM, 53 St. Urbain st. tombstones, monuments, and all descriptions of marble work, executed to order.

Merchant Tailors And Clothiers
Beaudry, JOSEPH, 76 Notre Dame St. clothing of all kinds made to order in the hest style; ready made clothing for sale cheap.
BENJAMIN, WILLIAM, & Co., 131 Notre Dame st. merchant tailors, clothiers, and general outfitters.
BOULANGET, J. C., 47 Notre Dame st. every description of clothing of the best quality and make, furnished on short notice.
CLIFFORD, S., 9 McGill St. importer, and ready made clothing warehouse.
DEPINCIER, O., 3 Place d’Armes ready made clothing constantly on hand; orders attended to promptly and in the bet style.
EVANS, EDWARD, 14 McGill st. New York clothing store; a large stock of ready made clothing constantly for sale at very low prices.
FLEMING, JAMES, University house, 103 Notre Dame St. clerical, academical, and legal robes, and all kinds of clothing furnished to order.
FRANCHERE, L. O., (from Paris), 11 Little St. James St. all orders promptly executed in the best style, and at very reasonable prices.
GALLAGHER, C., Montreal clothing house, 233 St. Paul St. clothing of the best quality and soundest workmanship for sale; persons furnishing their own cloth can have it made up in the best style.
GEMMILL, WILLIAM, 11 McGill St. an extensive stock of ready made clothing at wholesale or retail upon unusually moderate terms.
Gish & Co., merchant tailors and clothiers, 161 and 163 Notre Dame st.
LANE, SAMUEL, 8 Notre Dame st., military and merchant tailor imports the finest description of goods only, and executes all orders in the very bet style.
LAVENDER, HENRY, 107 Notre Dame st., merchant tailor, draper, and general outfitter a choice stock of clothing, &c. always on hand, terms cash.
LOISELLE, F. X., 31 McGill St. ready made clothing of superior quality for sale; orders executed with elegance and despatch.
Moss & BROTHERS, 1821/2 St. Paul St. a wholesale or retail, at low prices.
MUIR, W. & J., 11 Great St. James st., merchant tailors and clothiers an elegant assortment of gentlemen’s haberdashery, &c. constantly on hand.
PLAMONDON, Louis, 122 St. Paul St. a large stock of ready made clothing and dry goods for sale very cheap.
RANCOUR & DAJENAIS, 13 St. Lambert st. attend to orders in every department of their business in the best style, and with punctuality and despatch.
SEATH, ROBERT, 32 McGill St. clothing of all kinds constantly on hand, or made to order, upon the most reasonable terms.
SLACK, WM., 28 & 30 McGill St. keeps a very extensive stock of ready made clothing
on hand and for sale, wholesale or retail, upon favorable terms.
STAFFORD, JOHN, 95 Notre Dame st., merchant tailor and general outfitter keeps an elegant stock of every article in the line constantly for sale.
Non Members
Adams, W. H. & F.. 149 Notre Dame st.
Bienvenu, B.. 43 St. Lawrence st.
Burry, William, Wellington st.
Collins, George, 62 St. Dominique st.
Conlan & Morrison, 26 St. Francois Xavier st.
Creighton, James. 158 Notre Dame st.
Davidson. J. B., 174 Notre Dame st.
Dougall, George, 95 Craig st.
Fax, George, 23 McGill st.
Galbraith, John, 183 Notre Dame st.
Gauthier. Moses, Laeauchetiere st.
Gauthier. Edward. 35 Notre Dame st.
Gleeson. James, 13 St. Maurice st.
Grenier, Charles, 109 St. Paul st.
Hannan, M., 50 St. Antoine st.
Lamarche. E. D., Jacques Cartier square.
Laurent, D., German st.
Lavoie, M.. 149 St. Joseph st.
Leavers, James, 185 Notre Dame st.
Leblanc, P., corner Gosford and St. Lewis st.
McCrum, Mathew, 14 St. Mary st.
McManus, John, 25 St. Mary st.
Mann, D., 4 St. Mary st.
Mazuretti, V., 37 St. Phillip st.
O’Hara, P., 13 St. Mary st.
Reeves, A. D., 118i Notre Dame st.
Remeur, G., corner German and St. Catharine st
Slack, William, 29 St. Mary st.
Slack, Benjamin, 33 St. Mary st.
Smith, Robert, 180 Notre Dame st.
Sutherland, J., 18 McGill st.
Thomson & Son, 25 Great St. James

Milliners And Dressmakers
Aggett, Mrs., 26 Great St. James st.
Agnew, Miss, St. Lawrence st.
Beatty, Mrs., St. Lawrence st.
Behan, Miss. 20 Bonaventure st.
Belmore and White, Mesdames, 23 St. Mary st.
Blackader, Mrs., 189 Notre Dame st.
Brossard, Mrs., 1.5 St. Lawrence st.
Bulling, Mrs., 6 St. Lawrence st.
Champoux. Miss, 82 Notre Dame st.
Chisholm, Misses, Radegonde st.
Cook, Miss, 56 St. Antoine st.
Clark, Mrs., corner Lagauchetiere and Amherst st.
Conlan, Mrs., corner Lagauchetiere and Wolfe Sts.
Connell, Mrs. W., 176 Notre Dame st.
Conroy, Mrs., Dorchester, near St. Lawrence st.
Costigan, Mrs., 4 St. Joseph st.
Cooper, Miss. 13 St. Joseph st.
Davis, Miss, 27 St. Antoine st.
Dennie, Mrs., 13 Great St. James st.
Desereau, Miss, St. Lawrence st.
Duff, Miss, 18 St. Joseph st.
Graham, Mrs., 181 Notre Dame st.
Guerin, Miss, 175 Notre Dame st.
Hall, Mrs., 25 Great St. James st.
Humphrys, Mrs., 81 Craig st.
Hunter, Mrs., 34 St. Urbain st.
Johnson, Mrs., 30 St. Mary st.
Killoch & Blain, Mesdames, 93 Craig st.
Kitchener, Mrs., 18 Bonaventure st.
McCarney, Mrs., St. Lawrence st.
Macvee, Miss, 165 Notre Dame st.
Macpherson, J., 157 Notre Dame st.
Maguire, Miss, 112 Notre Dame st.
May, Miss, 135 Notre Dame st.
Menard, Mrs., 410 St. Lawrence st.
O’Brien, Mrs., Lagauchetiere near Amherst st.
O’Keefe, Miss, Wellington st.
Owler, Mrs., corner Jure and Hermine Sts.
Robinson, Miss, 63 St. Lawrence st.
Robinson, Mrs. and Daughter, 100 St. Lawrence st
Robson, Mrs., 134 Notre Dame st.
Samuels, Mrs., 165 Notre Dame st.
Silverman, Mrs., 127 Notre Dame st.
Summers, Mrs., St. Urbain st.
Sutherland, Mrs. R., 351/2 McGill st.
Walker, Mrs., 8 St. Peter st.

Mineral Water Depots
CALEDONIA SPRINGS DEPOT, J. L. Wilkinson, proprietor, 9 Place d’Armes. See card under head of ” Village of Caledonia,”
PLANTAGENET SPRINGS DEPOT, C. Larocque, proprietor, 4 Place d’Armes.
Varrenes Springs Del st,
P. Lemoine, 112 Notre Dame st.

Music Stores And Musical Instrument Makers
HERBERT, J. W., & Co., 113 Notre Dame st., pianoforte, harp and music warehouse the most extensive stock of musical instruments, music, &c. in Canada is to be found here, at very moderate prices.
WARREN, SAMUEL R., corner St. Henry and St. Joseph st. See card, page 231.
OWEN, H., Odd fellows’ hall, Great St. James st. Boston pianoforte warehouse a very
superior stock of instruments constantly for sale pianoforte tuning promptly attended to.
Brown, Abner, 31 Notre Dame st.
Dennis, William, 75 St. Lawrence st.
McPherson, John, & Son, 541/2 Craig st.
Jackotel, Joseph, 130 St. Lawrence st.
Mead, Brothers & Co., 106 Notre Dame st.

Music Teachers
Benoit, Louis, Perrault’s court, Craig st.
Braunies, H., Viger square.
Cherrier, Toussaint, 84 St. Denis st.
Donoghue, Mrs. 31 St. Antoine st.
Eglau, Lagauchetiere near St. Denis st.
Follenus, John, Hanover st.
Fowler, R. J., St. Urbain st.
Fuller, Mrs., 95 St. Antoine st.
Hewitt, T., Keiley’s block, German st.
Hird, Edward H., 24 Bleury st.
Kerr, Miss, Union avenue.
Labelle, J. B., 6 St. Lawrence st.
Lemaitre, George H., 5 Bonsecours st.
Maffre, Joseph, 58 Sanguinet st.
McIntosh, Mrs., 110 St. Antoine st.
Porter, Miss, Vitre st.
Seebold, F., 2 Cleveland place, Jure st.
Unsworth, Mrs., 40 St. Antoine st.
Veit, Frederick, 10 St. Antoine st.
Warren, W. IL, St. Charles Borromee st,


Montreal Canada,

The Canada Directory containing the names of the professional and business men of every description in the cities towns and principal villages of Canada November 1851.

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