1851 Montreal Canada Directory, General Merchants to Gun Merchants

In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work.

General Merchants, Importers And Exporters
ANDERSON, AULDJO, EVANS & Co., general merchants and importers, 12 to 18 St. Gabriel st.
BUCHANAN, ISAAC & Co., general merchants and importers, 2 St. Alexis st.
BRECKANRIDGE, JAMES, general merchant, 11 St. Sacrament st.
CUVILLIER A., & Co., importers and general commission merchants, 11 St. Sacrament st.
BURNS, J. & A., & Co., general and. commission merchants, 11 St. Sacrament st.
DARLING, WILLIAM, importer and general merchant, 169 St. Paul st.
DARLING, D. & C., importers and general merchants, 219 St. Paul st.
DOUGLAS, WILLIAM, importer and general merchant, 62 Commissioners st.
EDMONSTONE, ALLAN & CO., importers and general merchants, corner of Fortification lane and St. Francois Xavier st.
GILLESPIE, MOFFAT & CO., importers and general merchants, 132 St. Paul st.
GILMOUR & Co., importers and general merchants, 9 St. Sacrament st.
GORDON, JAMES, & Co., importers and general merchants, 5 St. Sacrament st.
HOLMES, KNAPP & Co., importers and general merchants, Pointe-a-Calliere.
HALLOWELL, ROBERT, importer and general merchant, St. Helen st.
JOSEPH, JESSE, importer and general merchant, corner of St. Helen and Recollet sts.
LESLIE, STARNES & CO., importers, general merchants, and wine merchants, Recollet st.
LEMESURIER, ROUTH & Co., importers and general merchants, Water st. opposite the Upper wharf.
MASSON, BRUYERE, THOMAS & Co., importers and general merchants, 142 St. Paul st.
M’GILL, P., importer and general merchant, 4 Great St. James st.
MOLSON, JOHN, jun., importer and general merchant, 81 Water st.
NOAD F., & Co., importers and general merchants, corner of St. Sacrament and St. Peter sts.
ORR, JAMES R., general and commission merchant and importer, Commissioners st., corner of Port st.
PANTON, T. C., & Co., (formerly J. B. Torry,) importers, wine, and general merchants, 7 St. Sacrament st.
REDPATH; PETER, importer and general merchant, 166 St. Paul st.
RODDEN, WILLIAM, general merchant, 191 St. Paul st.
RYAN, CHAPMAN & CO., importers and general commission merchants, Cuvilliers’ block, St. Peter st.
TIPLING, HENRY, importer and general merchant, 226 St. Paul st.
TORRANCE, D AVID, importer and generalmerchant, corner of St. Paul and St. Nicholas sts.
TORRANCE & BUSTEED, importers and general merchants, corner of St. Peter and Lemoine sts.
WALKER, JOSEPH, importer and general merchant, 11 St. Sacrament st.
WATSON, GEORGE D., importer and general merchant, 6 St. Sacrament st.
WARD, JOSEPH, importer and general merchant, 3 St. Sacrament st.
YOUNG, JOHN, general and commission merchant and importer, corner of William and Grey Nun sts.
WHYTE, JOHN, importer and commission merchant, corner of St. Nicholas and St. Sacrament sts.
Holland, Philip, St. Sacrament st.
Ogden, Samuel, Auldjo’s buildings, St. Paul st.
Kay, Thomas, 5 Lemoine st.
Shaw, Andrew, 3 St. Sacrament st.
Logan, James, Water st., opposite Upper wharf.
Way, Edward & Co., St. John st.

Grocers, (Wholesale)
Bryson, T. M., importer of teas, coffee, sugar, tobacco, fruits, &c., 39 St. Francois Xavier st.
FOSTER, JAMES, importer of and wholesale dealer in wines, liquors, groceries, &c., 188 St. Paul st.
LONG, JOHN, importer of teas, sugars, coffee, tobacco, fruits, &c., &c., 224 St. Paul st.
MCINTOSH, NEIL, corner Notre Dame st. and Place d’Armes, importer of groceries, wines, liquors, fruits, &c., &c.
ROBERTSON & HUTCHINS, dealers in wines, liquors, groceries, flour, &c., &c., corner College and McGill sts.
SINCLAIR, JOHN, importer and wholesale dealer in teas, sugars, coffees, tobaccos, fruits, &c., &c., 201 St. Paul st.
TIFFIN, JOSEPH, importer of groceries, wines, liquors, tobacco, fruits, &c., 93 and 95 St. Paul st.

ADDY & CHILDS, dealers in teas, coffees, sugars, spices, pickles, &c., 156 Notre Dame, and 52 St. Lawrence st.
BENSON, H. E., dealer in teas, coffees, sugars, spices, pickles, &c., 178 Notre Dame st.
EDEN, WM., dealer in groceries, teas, coffees, sugars, provisions, &c., 1561/2 St. Paul st.
GAULT, IL. L., dealer in teas, coffees, sugars, spices, pickles, &c., 22 McGill st.
MATHEWSON, SAMUEL, & SON, dealers in teas, coffees, sugars, spices and ,provisions, 44 McGill st.
Bums, John, 4 McGill st.

Grocers, Wine And Spirit Dealers, &C.
BERTHELOT, L. F., importer of groceries, and dealer in. wines, liquors, groceries, pickles, sauces, &c., corner of Dalhousie square, east, and St. Mary st.
CARTER & COWAN, importers of groceries, wines, spirits and ship chandlery, 206 St. Paul St.
COWAN & CROSS, wholesale and retail grocers, tea, wine and spirit merchants, 32 McGill st.
COCHRAN, SAMUEL, grocer, tea, coffee, wine, and spirit merchant, Notre Dame st.
FITZPATRICK, JOHN, dealer in wines, liquors, teas, coffees, fruits, provisions, &c., corner McGill and William sts.
HUTCHISON, JOHN, grocer, tea, wine, and spirit merchant, &c., 33 Notre Dame st.
KINGAN & KINLOCH, dealers in wines, liquors, teas, coffees, fruits, &c., 217 St. Paul t.
Lanigan, DANIEL, dealer in wines, liquors, teas, coffees, fruits, &c., 176, Notre Dame st.
MCGIBBON, JAMES, grocer, tea, wine, spirit, and provision merchant, 104 Notre Dame st.
MULLIN, JOHN, dealer in wines, liquors, teas, coffees, fruits, &c., corner McGill and St.
Paul sts.
PHELAN, JOHN, grocer, and dealer in teas, wines, fruits, provisions, &c., 1 St. Paul st.
RIN, JAMES, grocer, tea, wine, and spirit merchant, provisions, &c., corner St. Joseph and St. Maurice sts.
ROBERTSON & HUTCHINS, dealers in wines, liquors, teas, coffees, fruits, &c., corner McGill and College sts.
SHELTON, E. E., dealer in wines, Iiquors, groceries, fruits, &c., 172 Notre Dame t. corner of St. John st.
SUTHERLAND, CHARLES, grocer, and dealer in wines, liquors, teas, coffees, fruits, &c., 41 and 43 St. Paul st.
SUTHERLAND, JAMES, dealer in wines, liquors, groceries, pickles, &c., 50 McGill st. corner of St. Joseph st.
SUTHERLAND, T. S., grocer, and dealer in teas, wines, liquors, provisions, &c., 108 Notre Dame st., corner of St. Jean Baptiste st.
THOMSON, JOHN, dealer in groceries, teas, coffees, wines, liquors, and provisions, 72 St. Paul st.
THOMAS, RICHARD, grocer, and dealer in teas, coffees, wines, liquors, provisions, &c., 35 Great St. James t. corner of St. Peter st.
TIFFIN & ELLIOTT, dealers in groceries, teas, wines, liquors, pickles, sauces, provisions, &c., 64 St. Paul st.
Non Members
Adams, J. D., 121 St. Lawrence st.
Anderson, Richard, St. Henry st.
Anderson, Robert, 95 St. Antoine st.
Archambault, A., St. Mary st.
Armstrong, William, 151 St. Joseph st.
Apjohn, James, 50 St. Dominique st.
Atwell, Wm., corner Dorchester and Bleury sts.
Austen, Charles, St. Henry st.
Baillie, Robert, corner Vitré and Chenneville sts.
Balchin, George, Campeau st.
Bare, N., 236 St. Joseph st.
Beck, G. C., 67 St. Joseph st.
Berland, C., corner St. Dominique and Mignonne sts.
Beriau, Joseph, Jacques Cartier square.
Berthiaume, N., St. Catherine, near Bleury st.
Bigelow, T., corner St. Catherine and Bleury sts.
Biron, Edouard, corner McGill and St. Joseph sts.
Bourbonniere, M., 63 St. Mary st.
Bower, J., corner Dorchester and St. Constant sts.
Bowie, Alexander, St. Lawrence st.
Bourgeau, J. B., corner Wolfe and Dorchester sts.
Boyd, James, College st.
Brazier, Samuel, St. Nicholas Tolentin st.
Brazier, Samuel, 52 St. Mary st.
Brisset, N., 168 St. Joseph st.
Brouillet, P. C., 28 Bonaventure st.
Bruchesi, P., 183 St. Joseph st.
Buck, M., 228 St Paul st.
Burns, John, Inspector st.
Byrne, Thos., corner St. Constant and St. Catherine sts.
Cadieux, Francis, St. Lawrence st.
Calfe, Henry, 8 St. Paul
Carroll, Patrick, Sanguinet st.
Catie, La., corner St. Denis and St. Catherine sts.
Chaput, L., 111 Commissioners st.
Charlebois, L., 113 Commissioners st.
Choret, Olivier, corner St. Constant and Du-Marais sts.
Clark, William, St. Mary st.
Clavell, Leon, German st.
Cloutier, S., St. Joseph st.
Cole, W., Lagauchetiere, near Amherst st.
Conway, Thomas, 67 Sanguinet st.
Corbeille, Paul, Montcalm st.
Corbeille, S., corner Dorchester and Montcalm sts.
Corbett, Mrs., Lagauchetiere st.
Corbett, William, Bonaventure st.
Coxon, Francis, 28 St. Charles Borromee st.
Craig, Mrs., 88 Amherst st.
Cramp, B., 22 St. Mary st.
Crepeau, .L, corner German and Mignonne sts.
Cunningham, John, St. George st.
Curran, W., corner Bleury and Lagauchetierests.
Darragh, Peter, 40 St. Maurice st.
Darragh, Hugh, 186 Notre Dame st.
Deery, Henry, Wellington st.
Demers, A., corner St. Mary and Fullum sts.
Devine, John, corner Dorchester and St. Urbain sts.
Doyle, James, 112 Sanguinet st.
Dowd, Elizabeth, 52 Bleury st.
Drake, G., 53 St. Lawrence st.
Duclos, Pierre, corner Montcalm and St. Catherine sts.
Dunbar, William, Wolfe st.
Dumas & Neveux, 61 St. Paul st.
Dupras, C., St. Mary st.
Ealie, E., Tolentin st.
Esmond, John, corner St. Catherine and Panet sts.
Elliott, Robert, corner Wellington and Prince sts.
Emerson, Henry, Amherst st.
Feeny, James, 89 St. Joseph st.
Feron, John, corner Alexander and Jure sts.
Feron, M. J., corner Vitré and Alexander sts.
Fennell, Mrs., Lagauchetiere st.
Ferns, E. F., corner Lagauchetiere and St, Dominique sts.
Ferguson, George B., 99 Commissioners st.
Filiatrault, Octave, Seaton st.
Finneran, Mrs., corner Hermine and Jure sts.
Foley, O. C., corner Vitré and St. George sts.
Garvin, James, 2 St. Antoine st.
Gaudry, Olivier, corner St. Constant and Du-Marais sts.
Geen, George, St. Lewis st.
Germain, Joseph, Visitation st.
Gibson, James F., Dorchester st.
Gilroy, Susan, 71 Mountain st.
Groves, John, corner Hermine and Jure sts.
Haberly, John, corner Amherst and Lagauchetiere sts.
Hamelin, Samuel, 105 St. Lawrence st.
Hennessy, Mrs., 69 Sanguinet st.
Hick, Robert, 17 Commissioners st.
Hodge, William, Campeau st.
Hodge, J., corner Lagauchetiere and Campeau sts.
Houston, Mrs., Anderson st.
Hughes, Michael, 17 St. Mary st.
Johnson, John, corner Amherst and Dorchester sts.
Johnston, Thomas, Dorchester st.
Johnston, Richard, 118 St. Mary st.
Joliceur, J. B., corner Mignonne and man sts.
Jordan, Henry, McCord, near William st.
Kelly, Thomas, 99 Craig St.
Kelly, William, 25 St. Urbain st.
Kenworthy, Edward, 26 St. Antoine st.
Kerens, John, Wellington, corner King st.
Kerens, Daniel, corner Vitré and Chenneville sts.
Kershaw, John, 14 McGill st.
Koester, Mrs. G., St. Antoine, corner Mountain st.
Labelle, Joseph, 49 St. Paul st.
Ladurantaie, Mrs., 43 St. Joseph st.
Laffan Henry, corner Hermine and Lagauchetiere sts.
Lafond, J. E., Sanguinet, corner Dorchester st.
Lagarde & Tiffin, 71 St. Paul st.
Larkin, P., corner Gabriel and Murray sts.
Larkin, Thomas, corner Hermine and Jure sts.
Laurie, James, corner St. Charles Borromee and St. Catherine sts.
Loranger, Joseph, corner Montcalm and Dorchester sts.
Laverock, Mrs. William, 97 Craig st.
Lefevre, Antoine, 42 St. Joseph st.
Lemai, Louis, 28 St. Mary st.
Leonard, Thomas, 68 St. Lawrence st.
Lenoir, Lewis, Panet st.
Leseige, Joseph, 87 St. Paul st.
Letore, Henry, 18 St. Phillipe st.
Little, Thomas, corner St. Constant and St. Catherine sts.
Logan, P. & Co., corner Dorchester and St. Charles Borromee sts.
Lorigan, John, corner Mignonne and St. Charles Borromee sts.
Long, John, corner Hermine and lure sts.
Lysiote, Antoine, 93 St. Lawrence st.
McCambridge, A., Prince st.
McDonald, John, 66 St.. Paul st.
McDonald, John, 83 St. Lawrence and 90 St. Joseph sts.
McDonald, A., 32 St. Joseph st.
McDonald, D. J., Wellington st.
McGarvin, William, corner Lagauchetiere and Amherst sts.
McGovern, Peter, 38 St. Mary st.
McGuire, William, 64 Bleury st.
McIntyre, G.., corner Grey Nun and Common sts.
McKey, John, 73 St. Paul st.
McLaren, J. R., 115 St. Lawrence st.
McLean, John, 7 St. Antoine st.
McMahon, P., corner St. Catherine and Brock sts.
McMillan, Hugh, 5 Grey Nun st.
McNamee, George, 61 St. Antoine st.
McNaughton, Archibald, 56 St. Mary st.
McNaughton, Duncan, 46 St. Mary st.
Madden, Hugh, Prince st.
Mahar, John, 60 Bonaventure st.
Marcel, Toussaint, St. Joseph st.
Marlow, Douglas; corner Ville and St. Urbain sts.
Marcotte, Andre, Lagauchetiere, corner Visitation st.
Masson, Damase, 183 Notre Dame st.
Marret, G., corner St. Catherine and Beaudry sts,
Martel, Joseph, 9 St. Antoine st.
Morin, Louis, Bonaventure st.
Morgan, T., corner St. Catherine and Bleury sts.
Morton, Mrs., 114 St. Antoine st.
Mousseau M. A., corner Dorchester and St. Elizabeth sts.
Mullin, James, Wellington st.
Milligan, Richard, Sanguinet st.
hy, James, 18 Sanguinet st.
Nicholson, A., 101 Water st.
O’Brien. T., corner Lagauchetiere and Wolfe sts.
O’Conner, H., corner William and Colborne sts.
O’Neil, Miss., 109 St. Constant st.
O’Reilly, M., Lagauchetiere, near Montcalm st.
Orr, John, Jure, corner Hermine st.
Orsaille, T., corner Dorchester and Durham sts.
Payé B., corner St. Andre and St. Catherine sts.
Payette, Joseph, Sanguinett, corner Dorchester st
Payne, Joseph, 152 St. Mary st.
Path, E., Wolfe, corner St. Catherine st.
Patrick, William, 78 St. Maurice st.
Perrault, L., corner St. Constant and Mignonne sts.
Perrault, F. C., St. Dominique st.
Philbin, Richard, Wellington st.
Plamondon, J., corner Durham and Dorchester sts.
Poet, Mrs., corner Cote and Vitre sts.
Price, Samuel. 109 Commissioners st.
Proctor, C. D., 3 McGill st.
Quevillon, Cyril, corner Lagauchetiere and Amherst sts.
Quintane, N., Sanguinett, corner St. Catherine st
Reilly, Patrick, 31 St. Charles Borromee st.
Renaud, J. B.; St. Joseph st.
Reynolds, W., Bleury st.
Reynolds, T., Wellington st.
Riddell, John, 71 St. Lawrence st.
Ritchie, John, 53 St. Joseph st.
Rivet & Doray, Bonsecours market.
Robinson, D., St. Antoine bridge.
Roi, George, corner St. Elizabeth and Lagauchetiere sts.
Rosaire, D., corner Bonaventure and Margaret sts.,
Saucier, Theodore, 140 St. Lawrence st.
Sauvageau, David, Voltigeur st.
Sauve, Lukin, 155 St. Joseph. st.
Scanlan, Patrick, 30 St. Charles Borromee st.
Scott, Mrs., corner St. Constant and St.Catherine sts.
Sellars, Robert, Gabriel st.
Seybold, John, P., 24 St. Dominique st.
Shannon, H., College st.
Shanley, M., Prince st.
Simpson, Mrs., 62 St. Charles Borromee st.
Simpson, Mrs., 49 St. Dominique st.
St. Amand, Alexis, corner Dorchester and St.. Urbain sts.
Staveley, William; St. Henry st.
Steller, Jacob, corner St. Constant and St. Catherine sts.
Stewart, David, 84 St. Joseph st.
Stupple, William, Gain st.
Theoret, Israel, 153 St. Joseph st.
Tidmarsh, Miss., St, Antoine bridge.
Tomkins, John, 102 St, Lawrence st.
Vadebonconr & Benoit, St. Mary st.
Valle, M., St. Mary st.
Villeneuve. N., 210 St. Mary st.
Walsh, A.. 4 St. Antoine st.
Walsh,. Mathew, 72 Bonaventure st.
Watson, John, 54 St. Antoine st.
Whyte, J. J., 120 St. Lawrence st.
Wilscam, John, 164 St. Joseph st.
Woods, Robert, 32 St. Dominique st.
Woods, P., corner Dorchester and German sts.

Ginger Beer Makers
Clark, James, lemon syrup and ginger beermaker, 14 St. Bernard st.
Renwick, Edward, Current St. Mary.
Williams, Richard, Place d’Armes hill.

Gun Smiths
HALL WILLIAM, sportsman’s warehouse, 51 Notre Dame st. See card, next page.
Boyd, T. J., 103 Notre Dame A.
Duminie, Charles, 116 St. Mary st.
Boyd, T. W. & J., 95 Notre Dame st.
Gosselin, Felix, 46 Bleury st.
Moretti, Pietro, 41 McGill st.
Macrow, John, St. Lawrence hall.
Palmer, John, 17 St. Gabriel st.
Rankins, W. F., Exchange court.
Smith, L. M., 137 Notre Dame st.


The Canada Directory containing the names of the professional and business men of every description in the cities towns and principal villages of Canada November 1851.

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