1851 Kingston Canada Directory Professional Trades

In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work.

Professions, Trades, &C., Arranged Under Their Respective Heads.

Academies And Schools
Chichester, Miss, Johnson St.
Combs, W. H., Bagot St.
DougIass, Miss, Princess st.
Gordon, .L, Princess st.
Grafton, E., Princess St.
Irwin, J., Eagle st.
King, Mrs., Stewartsville
Oliver, Miss, Church st.
Quil, F., Brock st.
Wakeman, J., Bagot st.

Architects, Land Surveyors And Civil Engineers
Cliff, Geo., sen., architect, Princess st.
Coverdale, J., architect, Lake road.
GIBB, F., land surveyor, Clarence St.
INNES, J. C., civil engineer, Bagot st.
INNES, R. L., civil engineer, Bagot st.
Kilborn, W. H., land surveyor, Colborne st.
Rogers, Thomas, architect, King st.

Auctioneers And Commission Merchants
Baker, James, auctioneer, Market buildings.
Barker, Robert, auctioneer, Market buildings.
BARTLIFF, H., auctioneer, general commission and estate agent, corner of King and Clarence Sts.
KEYES, ANDREW, auctioneer and general commission merchant, Market square liberal advances made on property for sale.
Keyes & Stratton, auctioneers, Ring st.
LINTON, JAMES, auctioneer and general commission merchant, Market buildings cash advanced on goods for actual sale.
WARE, WILLIAM, auctioneer and general commission merchant, United States wharf, Ontario St.

Coward, J., Williamsville
Craig, A. W., King st.
Crediford, T., Princess st.
McCammon, R., Johnson st.
Mowatt, J., Wellington st.
Phippen, J., Portsmouth st.
Pillar, W., Princess st.
ROSS, HENRY, bread and biscuit baker, Queen st.
Shaw, S., Princess st.

Barristers, Attorneys, &C.
BURROWES, JAMES J., barrister, &c.. King st.
CAMPBELL, ALEXANDER, barrister, &c., Princess st.
COOPER, W., equity draftsman and conveyancer, barrister and attorney, opposite St. George’s Church, King st.
DAVY, B. C., barrister and attorney, King st.
FORSYTH & MUTTLEBURY, barristers, &c., Clarence st.
GEDDES, W. A., barrister, &c., Princess st.
HILL, F. M., barrister, &c. King t.
KIRKPATRICK, THOMAS, barrister, &c., Queen St.
MACDONALD, HON. J. A., barrister, &c., King st.
MACDONNELL, ARCHIBALD J., barrister, &c.
MACKENZIE & GILDERSLEEVE, barristers, &c., Clarence st.
MCLEOD, NEIL, barrister, &c., Ontario st.
O’REILLY & HENDERSON, barristers, &c., Wellington st.
SMITH & HENDERSON, barristers, attorneys and solicitors in chancery, Princess st.
STRANGE, MAXWELL W., barrister, &c. Princess st.

Booksellers, Stationers And Binders
DUFF, JOHN, bookseller, stationer and binder, King St. agent for Armour & Ramsay’s authorized editions of the National School Books blank books made to order.
HEATH, C., bookseller and stationer, Princess st.
MOONEY, R. J., bookseller and stationer, King St. magazines and periodicals furnished to order.
PALMER, E. W., bookseller, stationer and importer of fancy articles and perfumery. City book store, Market buildings printing and bookbinding.
British and Foreign Bible Society’s depository, Religious Tract depository, Ontario St. Thomas
Brock St. G. Brown, agent.
Hobrough, C., bookbinder, Market buildings.

Boot And Shoe Manufacturers
Anglen, S., Wellington st.
Bartrim, J., Brock st.
Bowes, T., King st.
CHOWN, SAMUEL, boot and shoe manufacturer, Wellington St. a choice assortment of every article in the line, constantly on hand.
Collar, J., Wellington st.
Cosby, C., King st.
Dickson, J., King st.
Dillon, J., Brock st.
Fagan, B., King st.
Ferns, C., Princess st.
George, J., King st.
Hanlon, W., Princess st.
Huggert, D., Princess st.
McMahon, G., King st.
Penitentiary Boot And Shoe Store, Princess st., E. P. Ross.
Sharp, J., Wellington st.
Smith, A., Brock st.
Thompson, T., Wellington st.
Woollard, R., Brock st.

Brewers And Distillers
Burgess, J., Wellington St.
Cameron & Livingston, Brewery, Ontario St.
Morton, James, Kingston Brewery And Distillery, Portsmouth Road.
Paterson, James, Portsmouth Brewery.
Westlake, George, Portsmouth Road.

Builders And Carpenters.
Davison, George, Queen st.
Fisher & Herrald, Rideau st.
George, J., Wellington st.
Newbury, T., Williamsville.
Overend, T., Princess st.
Scobel, S., Wellington st.
Waddingham, R., Wellington st.

BASEMAN, HENRY, cabinetmaker, Wellington St. manufactures every description of furniture in the most modern style, at reasonable prices.
Butler, T. O., Princess st.
Goodearle, H., Clarence st.
HATCH, & SoN, chair manufacturers, wholesale and retail, Princess St. established in 1815.
Holgate, W., Princess st.
Hunter, G., Clarence st.
HUNTER, GEORGE, cabinet and upholstery ware-rooms, Clarence St. all articles in the above line, kept constantly on hand, or made to order.
MAIN, ADAM, cabinet and chair manufacturer, Wellington st.
MCDERMOT, THOMAS, cabinet and chair manufacturer, Brock st.
O’Loughlin, A., Princess st.
STEVENSON, J. & S. W., Penitentiary cabinet warehouse, Princess st.

Chemists And Druggists
BRENT, CHARLES, druggist and apothecary, Princess st.
HEATH, C., chemist and druggist, Princess St. paints, oils and dye stuffs in every variety, a choice stock of perfumery, &c., always on hand.
PALMER, E. W., chemist and apothecary, importer and dealer in drugs, chemicals, paints, dye stuffs, perfumery and garden seeds, King st. and Market place.

China Glass And Earthenware Merchants
HARKES, J., glass and earthenware merchant, King st.
MILLER, J., & Co., importers of glass and earthenware, Ontario st.
WILKINSON, GEORGE M., importer of china, glass and earthenware, Wellington st.

Armstrong, E., Princess st.
MACDONALD, H., & Co., coach builders and light carriage manufacturers, Princess st.
McCrea, W., Princess st.

Cigar Maker
PRESTON, J. FL, cigar maker and tobacconist, Ontario st.
WATT, JAMES, general commission merchant and agent, Ontario st.

ANDERSON, DAVID, Ontario St. baker and confectioner, &c., candies and confectionery at wholesale and retail.
BUMBLE, HENRY, wholesale and retail confectioner, Shades saloon, corner of Wellington and Brock Sts. wedding cakes made to order, liquors of the best brands only.
CICOLARI, A., King St. wholesale and retail confectioner.
WILLING, THOMAS, confectioner, restaurateur, &c., Wellington St. luncheon, &c.,
in any number, in the most recherche style a few boarders accommodated.

Mowat, O., Queen t.
Jamieson, R., William t.
ScobeI, R., Ontario t.

SUTTON, J., surgeon dentist, Princess st.

Dry Goods Merchants (Wholesale)
BROWNE & HARTY, dry goods merchants and importers, corner of King, and Clarence st., opposite the British American hotel.
MCMILLAN, W., & Co., importers of dry goods, Princess st.
SHAW, A. & D., wholesale dry goods warehouse, Exchange Hall, City buildings, entrance from Reading Room stairs and Market square merchants supplies of British manufactures imported to order.
WILSON, WILLIAM, importer of British and Foreign dry goods, Brock st.

Dry Goods, (Retail)
Bell, J., & Co., King St.
BROWNE & HARTY, importers of British and Foreign dry goods, Market place.
BRYCE J. D., & Co., importers of British and Foreign dry goods, wholesale and retail, corner of King and Princess st.
DEYKES & Co., importers of and general dealers in British and Foreign dry goods, wholesale and retail, King st.
Dickson, R., King St.
DRENNAN, SAMUEL T., linen and woollen draper, silk mercer and haberdasher, 1 and 2 Commercial Buildings, Princess st.
George, J., Princess St.
Haines, Forster & Co., Princess St.
Hardy, E. H., Princess St.
Hickey, A., Wellington St.
Hogan, M. B., King St.
Kennedy, G., Princess St.
MCCRACKEN, WM., dry goods merchant, British woollen and fancy warehouse, Princess St.
MCNEE & WADDELL, importers of fancy and staple dry goods, Glasgow warehouse, corner of Princess and Wellington st.
Romayne, P., King St.
WHITEHEAD, JAMES J., importer of British and Foreign dry goods, Victoria warehouse, corner of King and Brock, st.
WILSON & GOODEVE, importers of British and Foreign dry goods, Wellington buildings, Wellington st.

PEABODY, M. M., engraver and copper plate printer, 6 Brock st.

Exchange Brokers
ANGEL, T. J., exchange and general broker, King st.
HAVEN, J. C., exchange broker and Life, Fire and Marine Insurance agent, King st.
DUPUY, H., exchange broker and Insurance agent, Market buildings.

Fancy Stores
MCMILLAN, C., sen., fancy and music store, Brock St. every description of musical instruments constantly on hand.
Bourne, M. A., Princess st.

Flour And Grain Merchants
MACDONNELL, ANGUS, flour and grain merchant, Princess st.
MCKEEVER, THOMAS, flour and grain merchant, wholesale and retail, Brock st.
ORME, M. A., flour and feed store, Clarence st.

Forwarders And Wharfingers
BOWEN, WILLIAM, forwarder and wharfinger, St. Lawrence wharf.
CREIGHTON, GEORGE., forwarder and wharfinger, Commercial wharf.
HOOKER & HOLTON, forwarders, Fraser’s wharf, Ontario st.
JONES, H. & S., forwarders and wharfingers, Ontario st.
MACINTOSH, DONALD, forwarder and wharfinger, Ontario st.
MACPHERSON, CRANE & CO., forwarders and wharfingers, Ontario st.
McCuaig, J., forwarder and wharfinger, Browne’s wharf.
WARE, WILLIAM, forwarder and wharfinger, United States wharf, Ontario st.

Grocers, (Wholesale)
BROWNE & HARTY, wholesale grocers and importers, corner of King and Clarence st., opposite the British American hotel.
CARRUTHERS, JOHN, wholesale grocer and importer of wines and liquors, Ontario st.
FRASER, HUGH, wholesale grocer and importer, Ontario st., adjoining the commissariat office.
HALES, CHARLES, wholesale grocer and general merchant, Hales’ buildings, Ontario st.
MILLER, JoHN, & Co., wholesale grocers, importers of crockery and glassware, stationery,
French and English calf-skins, and dealers in sole leather, Hale’s buildings, Ontario st.
SMITH, J., & Co., wholesale grocers, Ontario st.

Grocers, (Retail)
BROWNE & HARTY, dealers in groceries, wines, liquors, &c., Market place.
BLACKLOCK, R., general grocer, &c., Princess st.
CANTON TEA WAREHOUSE, Princess St. Isaac Simpson, agent, importers and dealers in teas, wines, liquors and provisions, wholesale and retail.
FARRELL, PETER, wholesale and retail grocer, dealer in wines, liquors, pickles, sauces and fruits, Brock st.
FOSTER, ABRAHAM, wholesale and retail grocer, corner of Wellington and Princess st.
FOSTER, ARTHUR, dealer in groceries, wines, liquors, &c., Brock st.
KING, PATRICK M., dealer in groceries, wines, liquors, &c., King st.
LIVINGSTON, A., wholesale and retail grocer, corner of Bagot and Princess st.
MARTIN, WILLIAM, dealer in wines, liquors, teas, groceries and leather, Princess st.
MCCORMICK, ROBERT, wholesale and retail dealer in wines, spirits, teas and groceries, Princess st.
SCOBEL, S. W., wholesale and retail grocer, corner of Brock and Wellington st.
WILKINSON, GEORGE, M., grocer and importer of china, glass, earthenware and room papers, 2 and 4 Wellington buildings, Wellington st.

Hairdressers And Perfumers
Cosby, J.. Ontario St.
Cridiford, J., King st.
Johnson, W., Brock st.
Taylor, H., Wellington st.

Hardware Merchants
FRASER, JOHN, importer of British and American hardware, Princess st.
GLASS, JAMES, importer of British and Foreign cutlery, hardware, paints, oil and glass, wholesale and retail, King st.
HOLLAND, BROTHERS, importers of British and Foreign hardware, Princess St.
HOLMES & STEVENSON, saddlery and hardware warehouse, Princess st.
MORLEY, SAMUEL, & Co., general importers of English and American hardware, sign of the cross cut saw, Princess St. paints, oils, glass, &c.
RUDSTON, W., sign of the golden padlock, importer of English and American hardware, Princess St. paints, oils, glass, agricultural implements, &c.
WATKINS, JOHN, & CO., importers of bar, sheet, hoop, rod, boiler and angle iron, cutlery, saddle and harness trimmings, anchors, chains, cordage and all kinds of ship chandlery, paints, oils, colors, &c., Princess st.

Hatters And Furriers
Greene, M. L., Wellington st.
McDowall, J. A., Brock st.
Tweddell, J. Princess st.
WRIGHT, CLARK, wholesale and retail hatter and furrier, Brock St. cash paid for every description of furs.

AMERICAN HOTEL, Lyman Phillips, opposite United States wharf, Ontario St. excellent accommodations and moderate charges are the rule at this hotel.
BRITISH AMERICAN HOTEL and general stage house,
RYBERT KENT, corner of King and Clarence st.
BRITISH EMPIRE HOTEL, H. A. Mills, Market square.
St. LAWRENCE HOTEL, Thomas Perkins, Market square.

House And Sign Painters
ROGER, JOHN, house, sign and ornamental painter, Wellington st.
Dean, J., Wellington st.
Milo, F., Princess st.
Hardy, C., Williamsville.
Savage, J., Bagot st.
Kelly, W., King st.
Walker, J., Johnson st.

Innkeepers, Saloons, &C.
Baldwin, J., Ontario st.
Bamford, W., Brock st.
BAY OF QUINTE HOUSE, Charles Clark, corner of Brock and Bagot Sts. good accommodation and stabling, and reasonable charges for travellers.
Charter, J. Z., Princess st.
Donough, C., Princess st.
Doyle, J., St. Lawrence wharf.
Elder, J., Ontario st.
Fitzpatrick, B., Clarence st.
G. Mink, CIarence St. excellent livery furnished at the shortest notice.
Griffin, T., Brock st.
Irons, S. A., Ontario st.
Johnson, T., Princess st.
Kelly, E., Market place.
Lambert, G. C., Princess st.
Lynch. D., Johnson st.
M’Neice, J., Wellington st.
MECHANICS HALL, by Henry Baseman, corner of Wellington and Barrack st.
Phillips, B., Custom House wharf.
PRINCESS HOUSE, Phillips & Milo Princess st. travellers will find excellent accommodation at reasonable charges.
Rochfort, J., Custom’s wharf.
SCHAFFER, CHARLES, Ontario house, Ontario St. every comfort and convenience for travellers at this house.
Stinson, C., Princess st.
TELEGRAPH HOUSE and general stage house and livery stables,
Tucker, J., Williamsville.
Waldron, H., Wellington st.

Insurance Agents
BRIGGS, THOMAS, jun., agent for the Britannia Life and Columbus Fire and Marine Insurance companies, Princess st.
GRANT, WILLIAM, Life, Health and Fire Insurance agent, King st., opposite the Market.
EAGLE FOUNDRY, Hamilton & Co., iron and brass founders, and manufacturers of stoves, potash kettles, &c., head of Princess st.
GORE ST. FOUNDRY, John Honeyman, iron and brass foundry, and steam engine works, potash kettle and stove manufactory.
KINGSTON FOUNDRY, Joseph Bruce, iron and brass founder, steam engine and mill gearing builder, Ontario st.
MAIR, ALEXANDER, engineer and machinist, Princess St.-manufactures the newly improved portable steam engine, from one horse power upwards.
ONTARIO FOUNDRY, P. D. Booth & Co., sole manufacturers of Counter’s patent summer and winter air tight cooking stoves, and every kind of airtight cooking, parlour, box and fancy stoves, &c., Ontario st.

Livery Stables
MINE, G., Telegraph house, livery stable keeper, Clarence st.
Fusser, J., Brock st.
Hance, J. T., Princess st.

Looking Glass And Picture Frame Maker
Elamanzi, J., looking glass and picture frame maker, Clarence st.

Lumber Merchants And Planing Mills
CITY STEAM SAW MILL with planing machine, upright and circular saws, tenoning machine and lumber yard attached, G. A. Cumming, King st.
WADDINGHAM, ROBERT, steam planing mill with upright and circular saws, and lumber yard, Wellington st.
Davison, G., Princess st.
Marriot, George, Princess st.
Macpherson, Allan, King st.

Marble Factory
Brown, W., Bagot St.
Filey, W., Wellington St.
Kelly & Lauder, Bagot St.
Mathews, E., Wellington St.
Mathews, R., Johnson St.
Milner, J., Barrie St.
Stewart, J., Ontario St.
Tosswell, W., Colborne St.
Wales, William, Bagot St.
WELCH, E. R., marble factory, Princess St. chimney pieces, tomb stones, &c.

Match Manufacturer
PHILLIPS, J., wholesale match manufacturer, Princess st.

Merchant Tailors And Clothiers
ANDREWS, GEORGE W., mercer and tailor, importer of British woollen goods, Princess st.
BROWN, GEORGE, merchant tailor and clothier, Brock st.
Brown, R., Princess St.
Daly, P., Wellington St.
Early, T., Brock St.
Grace, P., Princess St.
Greenwood, J., Princess St.
Haldenby, W., King St.
Hutchinson, C., Brock St.
KEELY, WILLIAM, merchant tailor, King st., next door to Glass’ hardware store.
Kingston, T., Brock St.
Livingston, C., Princess St.
Mathison, J., King St.
Mcewan, J., Brock St.
Mcmanamin, J., Brock St.
Moore, William, Brock St.
Murphy, C., Brock St.
RICHARDSON, JAMES, tailor and clothier, Brock St. keeps always on hand, or makes to order every description of clothing at reasonable prices.
STACEY, EDWARD, merchant tailor, King St. clergymen’s and barrister’s gowns made to order, fashions received regularly.
Sutton, M., Brock St.
Swain, J., Brock St.

Abbott, Mrs., Clarence st.
Allen & Harper, Brock st.
Derby, Miss, Princess st.
Kelly, Misses, King st.
McLeod, Miss, Brock st.
O’Neil, Miss, Princess st.
Smith, Miss, Wellington st.
Youlden, Miss, Princess st.

MARTIN, C., wood merchant and storekeeper, corner of Queen and Ontario st.
SCOBEL, RICHARD, pork and provision dealer, and inspector of pork and potash, Ontario st.

ARGUS, weekly newspaper, M. L. Pense, Market place.
BRITISH WHIG, DAILY AND WEEKLY, E. J. Barker, M. D., Bagot st.
CHRONICLE & NEWS, bi-weekly newspaper, John Rowlands, Market buildings.
HERALD, weekly newspaper, Crawford W. P. DeL’Armitage, Market place.

Physicians And Surgeons
Baker, Dr. George, King st.
Dickson, John, M. D., Princess st.
Harvey, J. A., M. D., Princess st.
Hayward, William, Ontario st.
Jardine, J., Long Island.
McDonnell, J., Colborne st.
Meagher, J., jun., M. D., Wellington st.
Robinson, T. W., M. D., King st.
SAMPSON, JAMES, M. D., physician and surgeon, King st.
Stewart, John, King st.
Stewart, Robert, Ontario st.
STRANGE, O. E., M. D., physician and surgeon, King st.

Printing Offices
BARKER, DR. E. J., general printing office, Bagot st.
CRAWFORD, W. P., DEL’ARMITAGE, general printing office, Market place.
CREIGHTON, JAMES M., plain and ornamental printer, Brock st.
PENSE, M. L., general book and job printer, Argus office, Market place.
ROWLANDS, JOHN, general printing office, Market buildings.

Provision Dealers
Collins, S., Market buildings.
Spence, W., Market buildings.
Hilliard, J., Market buildings.

Saddlers And Harness Makers
HAIGHT, T. L., saddle, harness and trunk, manufacturer, Brock St. all kinds of hard leather and other trunks, constantly on hand, or made to order.
WALKER, R., (late of Royal Artillery, British saddlery warehouse, Princess st. keeps a variety of saddles, bridles, collars, trunks, &c.
Branigan, D., Princess t.
Wilton, J., Princess st.
Dolan, M., Princess st.
Wilkinson, W., Brock st.
Lamphin, E., Wellington St.

Ship Builders And Owners
HAMILTON, HoN. J., steamboat owner, Commercial wharf, Ontario st.
KINGSTON MARINE RAILWAY AND SHIPYARD, S. D. Fowler, manager; Geo. Thurston, master builder, Ontario st.
Calvin & Cook, Garden Island. J Fisher, James, marine railway, Portsmouth.

Ship Chandler And Sail Maker
JENKINS, B. D., ship chandler and sail maker, 2 Hardy’s building, Ontario st.

Smiths And Machinists.
Bunt, R., Brock st.
Clow, J., King st.
Flood, J.. Brock st.
Forsyth, R., Princess st.
Holder, R., Wellington st.
Kane, D., Wellington st.
Marriot, G., Princess st.
Moody, W., Clarence st.
Oliver, G., Johnson st.
Riley, E., Ontario st.
Ross, STEVENSON & Co., Penitentiary axe and edge tool factory, Princess st.
Skinner, J., Wellington st.
Wilmot, E., Princess st.

Soap And Candle Makers
BENSON, HENRY W., soap and candle maker, Clarence st.
MEADOWS, B., soap and candle factory, Princess st.
McCutcheon, J., Wellington t. J Phippen, Samuel, Johnson st.

Stage Offices
General Stage Office, next to the British American hotel, Clarence st., C. Greenwood, agent stages every afternoon at 3l o’clock for Napanee, fare, 5s. Belleville, fare, 10s. Cobourg, fare, 25s. and Toronto, fare, 45s., daily in winter at 8 o’clock in the morning for Brockville, fare, 17s. 6d. Prescott, fare, 20s. Montreal, fare, 50s.

Telegraph House Stage Office
G. Mink, Clarence St., stages daily in winter at 8 o’clock in the morning to Bath, fare, 5s. Adolphus Town, fare, 7s. 6d.-Picton, fare, 10s. Wellington, fare, 12s. 6d. Brighton, fare, 18s, 9d. stage daily, except Sunday, to Cape Vincent, fare, 5s.

Tanners And Leather Merchants
FORD, WILLIAM, tanner and leather dealer, King St
Gay, Charles, Wellington st.
Martin, W.. Princess st.
MILLER, JOHN, & Co., importers of French and English calf skins, and manufacturers of sole leather, Ontario st.

Tin And Copper Smiths
Allen, W., Wellington st.
Boyle & Dale, Wellington st.
CHOWN, ARTHUR, tin and copper smith, dealer in farming utensils, stoves, &c., Princess st.
CHOWN, EDWIN, city stove, plough, tin, sheet iron and copper warehouse, Bagot st.
DICKINSON, J., city tin, sheet iron and copperware manufactory, Princess St.
Horsey, J., Wellington st,
Norris, J.. Johnson st.
Powell, R., Barrie st.

Watchmakers And Jewellers
Cunningham, R., Princess st.
Hardy, G., Princess st.
Mulligan, W., Princess st.
PEABODY, M. M., watchmaker and jeweller, Brock St.
Ramage, J.. Brock st.
Smith, W., Princess st.
Spangenberg, G., King st.

Wheelwrights And Wagon Makers
Brandimour, J., Wellington St.
Wright, J., Princess St.

Military Departments
Commander Of The Forces Major General The Hon. Charles Gore, C. B. commanding in Canada West
Assistant Adjutant General, Lieut. Col. Plomer Young, K. H.
Assistant Quarter Master General, Major G. De Rottenburg
Town Major, Major H. P. Bourchier
Aide de Camp, Lieut. J. A. Gore
Commissariat Assistant Commissary General, H. F. Oriel
Treasury Clerk, A. T. West
Royal Ordnance Department Storekeeper, James A. Harvey
Clerks, John Durnford, G. Dupuy, H. J. Rogers, and M. Raynes
Barrack Master, Francis Raynes
Royal Engineer Department Lieut. Col. Alexander Gordon, commanding
Captain J. Y. Moggridge
Captain E. C. de Moleynes
Lieut. James B. Coe.


Kingston Canada,

The Canada Directory containing the names of the professional and business men of every description in the cities towns and principal villages of Canada November 1851.

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