Biography of William J. Parkhill, M.P.P.

Willaim James Parkhill, the member of the Provincial Parliament for South William is a son of Matthew and Margaret Parkhill, dating his birth in the county of Tyrone, Ireland, November 27, 1839. His mother is still living in the old country; his father died between thirty and forty years ago. His mental drill in youth was limited to a common school; he was employed at farming until sixteen years old; in 1855, came to Canada; worked two years in a saw mill at Pine Grove, township of Vaughan, county of York; then removed to the township of King, in the same county, and continued to manufacture lumber, that being still his business. He removed to the township of Mulmur, county of Simcoe (now in the new county of Dufferin) in 1873.
While in King, Mr. Parkhill worked for the firm of William and Robert Henry, of Toronto, and the firm of W. and R. Henry and Co. still continues, Mr. Parkhill managing the entire business. They cut about 2,500,000 feet per annum, their principal market being Toronto.
Mr. Parkhill is a first-class business man, and besides his operations in lumber, has done some valuable work in the municipalities of Mulmur and Simcoe, having served as deputy reeve two years, and reeve one year, being elected every time by acclamation.

On the 30th of October, 1878, Hon. William Macdougall, having resigned his seat in the Ontario Legislature, Mr. Parkhill was elected in his place, and was re-elected by acclamation at the general election, held on the 5th of June, 1879. He is a strong Conservative, represents a strong Conservative district, and is a party leader in his riding. During the last five years he has been president of the Conservative Association of Mulmur, still holding that position. He has much influence in party councils. His religious home is in the Presbyterian church, and he is a generous supporter of christian enterprises.

In 1863, Mr. Parkhill was joined in marriage with Miss Ann Jane Crossley, of the township of King, and they have six children, three sons and three daughters.



Ontario Canada,

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