Biography of Walter Lambert, M.D.

Walter Lambert, mayor, and the oldest and most prominent medical practitioner in Amherstburg, his birth taking place on the 10th of April, 1832, in the township of Niagara, Ontario. His father, Robert Lambert, a farmer, was the son of Cornelius Lambert, one of the United Empire Loyalists, belonging to “Butler’s Rangers,” and living in New Jersey at the time of the Rebellion of the American Colonies. Walter spent his younger years exclusively in study. After receiving a grammar school education, he studied medicine with Dr. Theophilus Mack, of St. Catharines; attended lectures in the Medical Department of Trinity College, Toronto, and received the degree of M.D., in 1856. While in college he was very studious, and was one of the principal prize men, bearing off such honors no less than five times, and being one of the honorary class of three at the final examination.

Dr. Lambert settled at Amherstburg, and has been in practice here for nearly twenty-four years, being the leading man in his profession in this part of the County of Essex. His standing among the medical profession is highly creditable, he being President of the Western and St. Clair Medical Association, which embraces four counties in the south-western part of the Province. He is a studious, ambitious, growing man.

Though having an extensive ride, and usually very busy in his profession, the Doctor finds some time to devote to local, particularly educational, interests, and has been a member of the school board seven years, and chairman part of the time.

Dr. Lambert is a member of Christ (Episcopal) church, and has served as warden of the same. As far as we can learn, he is a well wisher to his race, and a christian gentleman. He has been for several years treasurer of the Amherstburg Branch of the Upper Canada Bible Society. He is also receiver of the Ancient Order of United Workmen, in which order he holds a membership.

The wife of Dr. Lambert was Elizabeth Clement, daughter of John B. Clement, of St Davids, township of Niagara, married May 12, 1858. They have one son, Walter Clement, born in 1863, and lost a daughter in infancy.



Ontario Canada,

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