Biography of Dr. James Snider

DR. JAMES SNIDER. This prominent old pioneer of Carter County, Missouri, was born in Blount County, Tennessee, September 14, 1808, a son of Rev. George and Polly (Walker) Snider, who were born in Virginia and North Carolina January 1, 1769 and October 11, 1768, respectively.

They were married in Tennessee and spent their lives in Blount and Monroe Counties. The father was a Baptist minister for over thirty-five years, and went with the Missionary wing of that church when it divided. His father, George Snidcer, was born in Pennsylvania, but later moved to Virginia, and in a very early day moved to Tennessee, where he followed farming until his death in Monroe County. He was of German descent. Capt. John Walker, the maternal grandfather, was of Irish origin, and in a very early day removed to Tennessee from North Carolina, followed farming in Blount County, and there died. Dr. James Snider was the youngest of the following children: Elizabeth, Sallie, John W., Susan, Polly, George and James. He received a very limited education, and November 18, 1830, was married in Monroe County, Tennessee, to Peggy Rogers, a daughter of Jonas and Polly Rogers, who were from the State of North Carolina, and by her, who was born in North Carolina, he became the father of two children: Mary Adaline, who died at the age of twelve years, and John Walker, who was a soldier of the Confederate Army and died in 1862 at Little Rock, Arkansas, leaving a widow, Minerva A. (Turney) Snider, and the following children: Margaret, wife of David Hedgepeth; Nancy Jane, wife of Judge John L. Greene; James B.; William O. and Martha (deceased).

In 1836 Dr. Snider came to what is now Carter County, the journey thither occupying one month, and settled at the place where he now lives, and is perhaps the oldest resident of the county. The country was very new at the time he came here, and he has witnessed the most of its development. For a good many years, in his younger days, he followed blacksmithing in connection with farming, but about twenty years ago, after thorough preparation, he began practicing medicine, and followed this occupation up to within a few years, when advancing years caused him to give up his practice. Although self-taught in this respect he was a successful practitioner and had a large clientele. Although eighty-six years of age he looks fifteen or twenty years younger and is still quite active. He has been prominent in public life, has been a member of the County Court, and was probate judge for some years. In 1843 he assisted in organizing a Baptist Church in the neighborhood, and has served as deacon and in other capacities in the same ever since. He is a member of the A. F. & A. M., Van Buren Lodge No. 509, and politically is a Democrat and cast his first presidential vote for Jackson in 1832. The Doctor is a worthy old citizen and has the respect of every one. He had nineteen great-grandchildren before there was a death among them.



A Reminiscent History of the Ozark Region: comprising a condensed general history, a brief descriptive history of each county, and numerous biographical sketches of prominent citizens of such counties. Chicago: Goodspeed Brothers Publishers. 1894.

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