Biography of Alfred H. Purdy

ALFRED H. PURDY. Among the enterprising and successful produce merchants of Billings, Missouri, Alfred H. Purdy holds a prominent position. He has been in business in this city since 1880, has developed a permanent patronage, and his house is one of the creditable monuments to the business circles of this place. He came originally from south Illinois, born December 28, 1857, to the union of Henry I. and Mary (Varnum) Purdy.

Our subject passed his boyhood and youth in his native county, and in addition to a common-school education attended college at Carbondale, where he was thoroughly educated. For a short time he clerked in Carbondale, but later came to Missouri, and clerked in a store in Joplin for a number of years. In 1880 he came to Billings, leased the mill, and was engaged in the milling business from that time until 1884, under the firm name of Purdy & Goesling. After that he and his brother, C. E. Purdy, embarked in the grocery business, which they followed for about six years, when our subject bought out his partner. Later he sold this, and still later branched out in the produce business with L. M.Wolfe, now the vice-president of Billings Mercantile Company. In 1890 Mr. Purdy and George M. Scott bought out Mr. John Seide, mercantile store, also the store of C. E. Purdy, consolidated the business, and followed it until 1892. Since that time he has been engaged in the produce business, buying all kinds of produce and game, shipping to all points, and doing a large business. Mr. Purdy is a young man, but experience has brought him reflection, coolness and judgment. He is held in much esteem for his many excellent qualities, and for his straight and manly action. This worthy young man has held a number of offices in the town, and was the one who presented the petition to the court to make Billings an incorporated town. Since then he has been one of the trustees, and has held the office of city clerk three terms. He has also been assessor of the town. He is one of the prominent men of the county, is active in political matters, and has been at the head of the Republican ticket. Socially he is a member of the A. O. U. W., Select Knights of the A. O. U. W., and also the Sons of Veterans. June 18, 1882, he selected his wife in the person of Miss Minnie M. Scott, a native of Iowa, born in 1865, the daughter of Dr. J. Z. Scott, who has been a resident of Billings since 1881, with the exception of one year, and who served in the Mexican War.

Two children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Purdy: Clarence, born May 1, 1885, and Ollie, March 5, 1888. Mr. Purdy and wife are members of the Christian Church, and they are much respected by all.



A Reminiscent History of the Ozark Region: comprising a condensed general history, a brief descriptive history of each county, and numerous biographical sketches of prominent citizens of such counties. Chicago: Goodspeed Brothers Publishers. 1894.

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