Confederate States Staff Officers – D Surnames

List of Staff Officers of the Confederate States Army 1861-1865

Surnames that start with D

  • Dabney, Ed. H., capt., A. C. S. to Brig. Gen. Lewis Hebert, Maury’s division, Army of the West, Feb. 8, 1863.
  • Dabney, Chiswell, lieut., A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. J. E. B. Stuart Dec. 20, 1861; capt., A. A. G. to Brig. Gen. J. B. Gordon 1S63 same, to report to R. E. Lee Nov. 2, 1863; capt., A. I. G. to Brig. Gen. Rufus Barringer 1863 to Nov. 4, 1864.
  • Dabney, Frederick Y., lieut., Eng. Corps., Feb. 15, 1862 lieut. engrs., staff of Gen. F. Gardner May-July, 1863; capt., March 17, 1864. Dabney, R. L., maj., A. A. G. to Maj. Gen. T. J. Jackson April 22-May 10, 1862, and April, 1863 resigned August 15, 1862.
  • Dabney, Virginius, lieut., A. D. C. to Gen. J. R. Jones June 25, July, 1862; lieut., V. A. D. C. to J. M. Jones July 3, 1863; capt., A. A. G. to Gen. E. Johnson Sept. 10, 1863, and Feb. 2, 1864; capt., A. A. G.
    to J. B. Gordon, Valley Dist., Nov. 12, 1863.
  • Dade,______, maj., C. S. to Gen. W. H. F. Lee. Dade, L. A., lieut., asst. engr. to Maj. Gen. John B. Magruder Nov. 25, 1861; 2d lieut., eng. corps Feb. 15, 1862, at Richmond Dec. 10,1863; 1st lieut., March 17, 1864.
  • Dale, J. B., maj., C. S. to Brig. Gen. Jos. O. Shelby, September 18, 1S64. Dale, S. N., lieut., A. D. C. to Gen. G. S. Meem Nov. 16, 1861.
  • Dallam, Herbert S., maj., C. S. to Brig. Gen. Lloyd Tilghman, February 12, 1862.
  • Dallas, T. B., lieut., O. O. to Brig. Gen. Z. C. Deas.
  • Dance, S. E. II., surg., 8th Tennessee Vols.
  • Dancy, Francis L., A. G. State of Florida, October 25, 1861.
  • Dandridge, E. P., lieut., A. I. G. to Brig. Gen. W. N. Pendleton, 1864.
  • Dandridge, P., asst. surg., 7th Mississippi Cav., Dist. of Gulf; October 23, 1864.
  • Dandridge, Philip, A. A. G., staff W. H. F. Lee, 1862.
  • Danforth, H. D., lieut., O. O., Gen. Hunton’s brigade, December, 1862.
  • Danforth, J. C., lieut., A. O. O., at Richmond, Va., February 13, 1863.
  • Daniel, J. M., maj., A. A. G. to Gen. J. B. Floyd, September 23, 1861.
  • Daniel, Jno. W., maj., A. A. G. to Maj. Gen. J. A. Early, March 24-July, 1863, to November 4, 1864.
  • Daniel, R. T., jr., lieut., adj. 5th Kentucky; V. A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. L. A. Armistead, June and July, 1862; capt., A. A. G. to Brig. Gen. John Pegram, November 19, 1862, October 9, 1864; also on staff of Brig. Gen. R. D. Lilley, commanding same brigade.
  • Daniel, W. R., lieut., V. A. D. C. to Col. R. A. Smith, 2d Brigade, Withers’ division, April 30, 1862.
  • Daniels, Charles, O, V. A. D. C. to Col. Geo. T. Anderson, June,1862.
  • Danner, Albert, capt., A. Q. M. to Brig. Gen. S. G. French, July 2, 1862 capt., paymaster, on staff of Brig. Gen. F. M. Cockrell, August 1864.
  • Dantzler, O. M., lieut., V. A. D. C. to Gen. J. H. Trapier, April, 1863.
  • Darby, Charles S., asst. surg., staff of Maj. Gen. J. B. flood.
  • Darby, John T., surg.; staff of Maj. Gen. G. W. Smith, June, 1862, staff of Brig. Gen. J. B. Hood, September, 1862; at Richmond, December 10, 1863; with Gen. A. P. Stewart, July 7, 1861.
  • Darden, Jas. D., capt., A. A. G. to Brig. Gen. L. A. Armistead, April 15, 1862; appointed July 30, 1862 same to Barton, December 16, 1863; same to Brig. Gen. Geo. H. Steuart (formerly Barton’s brigade) November 4, 1864.
  • Darragh, Thos. B., A. A. G. to Col. P. P. Trabue, October 13, 1862; lieut., V. A. D. C. to Maj. Gen. J. C. Breckinridge, January, 1, 1863.
  • Dashiel, J. Y., , A. A. and I. G. State of Texas, September, 1862.
  • Dashiell, George, capt., A. Q. M. to Col. Preston Smith, 154th Senior Tennessee Regiment, 1st Division, Western Department; capt., chief paymaster to Maj. Gen. N. B. Forrest, January 24, 1864.
  • Dashiell, R. R., surg., staff of Col. William H. Stephens, commanding 6th Tennessee Regiment, 1861.
  • Dawes, Graham, capt., A. A. G. to Brig. Gen. S. G. French, March, 1862; maj., A. A. G. to same, November 5, 1862; resigned, 1863.
  • David, J. M., maj., V. A. D. C. to Gen. Floyd, September 23,1861; same to Maj. Gen. A. P. Hill, June and July, 1862.
  • Davidson, A. G., surg., at Richmond, December 10, 1863.
  • Davidson, Henry, B., maj., A. A. A. G. to Brig. Gen. Jno. B. Floyd, September, 1861; C. A. to Maj. Gen. S. B. Buckner, January, 1862; A. A. A. G. to Gem A. S. Johnston, March, 1862; A. A. A. G. to Brig. Gen. W. W. Mackall, March and April, 1862.
  • Davidson, J. E. A., surg., M. P. to Brig. Gen. Joseph Finegan, May 13, 1862.
  • Davidson, James, com’y 5th Arkansas Regiment (Col. D. C. Cross), 1st Division, Western Department.
  • Davidson, Joseph S. M., capt., A. A. Q. M. to Col Robert C. Trigg, September, 1863 detailed from 6th Florida Regiment; maj., brig. Q. M. to Brig. Gen. Jesse J. Finley, December 4, 1863.
  • Davidson, M. T., capt. Sig. Corps., May 29, 1862 (Beauregard). Davidson, Theodore F., lieut., A. D. C., A. A. G. to Brig. Gen. R. B. Vance, May 9, 1863-1864; from 39th North Carolina Regiment; to Col. J. B. Palmer, 1864.
  • Davidson, William M., lieut., A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. Patton Anderson, May 7, May 26, 1862 September, 1863; same to Maj. Gen. Edward Johnson, December 9, 1864; same to Maj. Gen. Patton Anderson, February 9, 1865.
  • Davies, Harper, V. A. D. C., to Brig. Gen. D. H. Reynolds, April-August, 1864.
  • Davis, Alfred W. G., maj., Q. M. to Gen. Floyd, September IS, 1861.
  • Davis, Charles, lieut., A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. W. G. M. Davis, No: vember 11, 1862.
  • Davis, H. J., Dr., V. A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. R. Ransom, jr., December, 1862.
  • Davis, Hugh L., lieut., A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. George B. Hodge, August, 1864.
  • Davis, J. M., capt., A. D. C. to Maj. Gen. J. B. Kershaw, August 20, 1864.
  • Davis, J. N., it., A. A. G. to Brig. Gen. James L. Alcorn, commanding Mississippi State troops, June 1, 1861; staff of Gen. Forrest, Sept. 16, 1864.
  • Davis, John F., Asst. Q. M. Prov. Army of Tennessee 1861. Davis, Joseph R., col., A. D. C. to President Davis Aug. 31, 1861.
  • Davis, N. G., it., A. A. G. to Col. G. W. Baylor, Major’s brig., April 7, May 18, 1864.
  • Davis, Richard, chaplain, staff of Gen. W. H. Payne August 1862.
  • Davis, Samuel Boyer, maj., A. A. A. G. Department of Texas; staff of Brig. Gen. P. O. Hebert November 4 to 11,1861 A. A. G. 1st District of Texas October 8, 1862; capt., A. A. G. at Monroe, La., May 10, 1863; capt., A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. I. R. Trimble December, 1862, to February 2, 1863; wounded at Gettysburg July, 1863.
  • Davis, S. B., It., A. I. G., at Richmond, by order Gen. Winder, December 10, 1863.
  • Davis, Thomas D., It., A. C. to Gen. E. G. Lee November, 1864.
  • Davis, Thomas J., maj., A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. M. L. Bonham March, 1861. Davis, William J., capt., A. A. G. to Col. B. W. Dnke, commanding 1st Brig., Morgan’s division, April-May, 1863; same to Brig. Gen. B. W. Duke September 15, 1864; promoted major same staff December 1, 1864.
  • Davis, W. P., A. Q. M. Prov. Army of Tennessee 1861.
  • Davis, W. W., surg., North Carolina State forces 1861.
  • Dawson, Francis W., , A. O. O. to Lieut. Gen. Jas. Longstreet Nov. 7, 1862; capt., O. O. to Maj. Gen. Fitzhugh Lee August, 1863; served till close of war.
  • Dawson, John W., capt., A. C. S. to Col. Preston Smith, commanding 154th Tennessee Regt., 1st Division, Western Department, 1861.
  • Day, W. C., asst. surg., 7th Mississippi Batt., Brig. Gen. L. Hebert’s brigade, Maury’s division, Army of the West, February 8, 1863.
  • Dearing, Alfred L., major, C. S. to Maj. Gen. W. H. T. Walker; ap-pointed April 30, 1862; same to Gen. French August 25, 1864.
  • Dearing, St. Clair, col., V. A. D. C. to Gen. R. S. Ripley April, 1863.
  • Dearing, W. P., It., A. D. C. to Gen. M. A. Stovall February 19, 1864, and September, 1861, to close of war.
  • Deas, George, maj., A. A. G., P. A. C. S., March 7, 1861; lieut. col., I. G. of C. S. Army May 15, 1861; lieut. coL, chief of staff to Gen. R. E. Lee June 15, 1861; A. A. G. to same June 22 to July 4, 1861; on duty in A. and I. G. Office, Richmond, January 27, 1862 lieut. col., chief of staff to Maj. Gen. S. D. Lee; lieut. col., A. A. G. to same Lee April 14, 1864.
  • Deas, H. A., maj., A. C. S. to Brig. Gen. Z. C. Deas January 11, 1863.
  • Debray, X. B., , A. D. C., A. A. A. G. of the State of Texas July 27, 1861; A. D. C. to Governor of Texas August 28, 1861.
  • De Lagnel, Julius A., major, to Brig. Gen. R. S. Garnett July 11, 1861 O.O., commanding C. S. arsenal at Fayetteville, N. C., November 25, 1862; lieut. col., artillery officer C. S. Army, inspector of arsenals May 15, 1863.
  • Delabay, William, Q. M. Point Coupee Artillery (Capt. R. A. Stewart), 1st Division, Western Department.
  • De L’Aigle, L., capt., on duty with Maj. M. L. Davis, Chief Q. M., 2d Corps, Army of Potomac, January 27, 1862; A. Q. M. to Brig. Gen. D. R. Jones, June, 1862.
  • De Leon, D. Camden, surg., C. S. Army, April, 1861.
  • De L’Isle. Ch. G., asst. eng. to Beauregard, May 28, 1863.
  • De L’Isle, V. G., capt., A. Q. M. at Narrows, Giles Co., Va., December 10, 1863.
  • Deloach, Claiborne, Asst. Pay M. G., State of Tennessee, June, 1861. Denegre, Joseph, capt., M. S. K. at Richmond, December 10, 1863. Denis, Isaac C., capt., A. A. G. to Gen. P. O. Hebert, December, 1863; maj., prov. mar. gen. of Dept. of Alabama, Mississippi, and East Louisiana; staff of Maj. Gen. S. D. Lee, June 24, 1864.
  • Dennis, Isaac N., V. A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. P. O. Hebert, November 15, 1861.
  • Denson, James N., capt., A. C. S. 36th Mississippi Regiment, Brig. Gen. Louis Hebert’s brigade, Maury’s division, Army of the West, February ary 8, 1863.
  • Dent, S. H., , A. A. G. to Col. H. D. Clayton, June, 1861.
  • De Polignac, Camille J., It. col., C. S. Army, to report to Gen. G. T. Beauregard, Sept. 4, 1861.
  • De Rossett, M. T., asst. surg., at Richmond, December 10, 1863. Derrick, H. C., engr. at Mulberry Island Point; staff of Maj. Gen. John B. Magruder, November 25, 1861.
  • De Russy, C. A., capt., A. A. A. G. to Col. G. C. Wharton, commanding brigade, April 15, 1862 capt., A. A. G. to same Oct. 14, 1862, November 4, 1864.
  • De Russy, L. G., maj., Q. M. July 8, 1861; dropped August 30, 1S62; coL, E. O. to Maj. Gen. L. Polk December 1, 1861.
  • De Saulles, A. B., lieut., top. engr. to Brig. Gen. Daniel Ruggles; ap-pointed May 20, 1862; Gen. Stewart’s staff, March 28,1864; relieved April 1, 1864.
  • Be Saussure. W. D., major, special A. D. C. to Gen. R. G. M. Dunovant, South Carolina Army, April, 1861.
  • De Saussure, Wilmot G., A. and I. G. South Carolina, August 11, 1862.
  • Deshields, H . C., capt., A. Q. M. to Brig. Gen. Charles W. Field; assigned from 40th Va. Infantry; subsequently major and Q. M. of division.
  • Deshler, James, capt., acting C. A. to Brig. Gen. W. W. Loring, July 21,1861; col., C. A. to Maj. Gen. T. H. Holmes, June and July, 1862; same, Department of North Carolina, July, 1862; col., A. A. G. Trans Mississippi Department, Little Rock, Ark., October 15, 1862; brig. gen., C. S. Army, May 28, 1863.
  • Deslonde, E. A., capt., A. Q. M. to Gen. G. T. Beauregard, April 6 and 7, 1862; maj., Chief Q. M. in Pay Department to Beauregard, December 19, 1862.
  • Desportes, R. S., lieut., O. O. to Lieut. Gen. Lee, June 27, 1862.
  • Devereux, John, capt., A. Q. M. State service of North Carolina.
  • Devereux, John G., lieut., Louisiana Artillery; A. A. A. G. to Maj. Gen. D. E. Twiggs, August, 1861; maj., A. A. G. to M. L. Smith, November 4, 1862.
  • Devine, T. J., special V. A. D. C. to Col. Earl Van Dorn, May, 1861.
  • Dickinson, W. B., acting asst. surg. (3d Ala. Reserves), Dist. of Gulf, October 23, 1864.
  • Dickinson, J. R., lieut., E. O., at Richmond, December 10, 1863. Dickinson, B. F., asst. surg., staff of Col. J. V. Wright, 1861.
  • Dickson, William, special volunteer, Q. M. to Brig. Gen. G. J. Pillow, November 22, 1861.
  • Digges, Charles, lieut., A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. William H. Payne, 1864; promoted from the ranks of the 4th Virginia Cavalry.
  • Dillard, F. W., lieut., A. Q. M. with Mississippi cavalry battalion, 1861; capt., A. Q. M. mustering officer at Columbus, Ga., November 22, 1861; capt., A. Q. M. at Columbus, Ga., May, 1862.
  • Dillon, Edward, , to Brig. Gen. Ben. McCulloch, 1861; maj., chief com’y to Maj. Gen. Earl Van Dorn, June 26, 1862; maj., A. I. G. to same, April 3, 1863.
  • Dimmock, Charles, colonel of ordnance, C. S. Army, April 27, 1861 col., C. O. Virginia State forces, July 10, 1861.
  • Dim mock, Charles H., lieut., Engr. Corps, February 15, 1862; capt., Feb-ruary 24, 1862.
  • Dinkins, James, lieut., to Brig. Gen. James R. Chalmers, January 21, 1865.
  • Dinkins, J. 11., lieut., O. O. at Victoria, Texas, December, 1861; lieut. Engr. Corps., October 12, 1862; canceled.
  • Dinwiddie, James, lieut., A. 0. O., at Richmond, Va., February 13, 1863. Dismukes, Thomas C., lieut., O. O. to Brig. Geu. D. H. Cooper, March 14. 1864.
  • Divine, K. C., surg., 29th Mississippi Infantry; staff of Brig. Gen. E. C. Walthall, 1862 and 1863.
  • Dixon, Joseph, lieut., E. O. to Maj. Gen. Leonidas Polk, November 7, 1861; capt., E. O. at Fort Donelson, Tenn., November 20, 1861.
  • Dixon, J. K., maj., A. A. and I. G. to Maj. Gen. P. R. Cleburne, January 25,1862, to December 23, 1862; lieut., A. D. C. to same, January 1, 1863; A. I. G. to same, December, 1863.
  • Dobbin, A. S., col., V. A. D. C. to Maj. Gen. T. C. Hindman, December, 1862.
  • Doby, J. M., asst. surg. (2d Ala. Reserves), Dist. of Gulf, October 23, 1864.
  • Doby, Alfred E., lieut., A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. J. B. Kershaw, March, June, October 12, and December, 1862, November and December, 1863; promoted capt. 1864; killed at battle of the Wilderness May 6, 1864.
  • Dodge, Lem. P., lieut., C. O. to Maj. Gen. T. C. Hindman March 4, 1863; A. D. C. to same May 2, 1863 relieved Jan. 29, 1864.
  • Doggett, J. L., 2d lieut., S. 0., October 13, 1862; 1st lieut., February 19, 1864.
  • Doherty, P. M., maj., Q. M. to Brig. Gen. William Barksdale 1862; July 2, 1863, to close of war on staff of Brig. Gen. Benj. G. Hum phreys, commanding same brigade, and September 15, 1864, maj., Q. M. to same.
  • Donaldson, Joseph, Mr., V. A. D. C. to Col. R. H. Weightman, First Brigade, Missouri State Guard.
    Donelson, Daniel S., , A. G. of Tennessee June, 1861.
  • Donelson, John, capt. (154 Tenn. Regt.), Act. A. D. C., to Brig. Gen. Preston Smith, September, 1862.
    Donelson, Samuel, lieut., A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. D. S. Donelson January 10, 1862, to January 1,1863; capt., A. D. C. to General Forrest, March 2, 1865.
  • Donnell, Robert, A. A. A. G. to Gen. D. H. Hill, April 3, 1865.
  • Donnellan, G., 2d lieut., Eng. Corps, March 18, 1862.
  • Donnelly, T. J., , chap., staff of Brig. Gen. F. M. Cockrell.
  • Dorr, John W., capt., A. C. S. 46th Regiment Alabama Volunteers, Brig. Gen. E. D. Tracy’s brigade, Stevenson’s division, 2d Military District, February 7, 1863.
  • Person, P., lieut., A. D. C. to Gen. Terry, July 6, 1864.
  • Dorman, James B., maj., A. A. G. Camp of Instruction, June 12, 1862.
  • Doss, R. P., capt., A. Q. M. 9th Mississippi; acting Chief Q. M. to Brig. Gen. James R. Chalmers July 19, 1862.
  • Dotson, _____, capt., A. D. C. to Col. E. Greer 1862.
  • Douglas, Henry Kyd, 2d lieut., 1st lieut., and capt. Company B, 2d Virginia Regiment; A. I. G. Stonewall Brigade; A. D. C., A. I. G., A. A. A. G. to Gen. T. J. Jackson 1862; chief of staff to Maj. Gen. Ed. Johnson, May, 1863; maj., A. A. G. to same, June 3, 186 A. A. G. Stonewall Division; A. A. G., chief of staff to Maj. Gen. J. B. Gordon and Lieut. Gen. J. A. Early, May 20,1861; col. 13th and 49th Virginia Regiments, consolidated, and assigned to command of Light Brigade, formerly commanded by Gens. Early and A. P. Hill, 1865.
  • Douglas, Henry T., lieut., E. O. to Maj. Gen. J. B. Magi uder May 3,1862; capt., E. O. to Maj. Gen. A. P. Hill June and July, 1862; E. O. to James Longstreet July 2-3,1863; lieut. col, Chief of Engineer Bureau Trans-Mississippi Department, Shreveport, La., March 6, 1865; staff of Gen. E. K. Smith; lieut. February 17, 1862; capt., June 9, 1862; maj. May 27, 1863; lieut. col., April 1, 1864.
  • Douglas, West., capt., A. A. and I. G. to Brig. Gen. Z. C. Deas April 12, 1861.
  • Douglass, Samuel J., col., judge-advocate on military court of Maj. Gen. John H. Forney December 20, 1863.
  • Douglass, W. C., 2d lieut., O. O. to Gen. Jones M. Withers October 23, 1861.
  • Douthitt, John E., asst. surg. North Carolina State forces 1861.
  • Dovis, E. Hayne, capt., A. I. G. to Brig. Gen. Robert D. Johnston 1863; assigned from one of the regiments of Jones’ brigade; killed April 1, 1865.
  • Dowd, W. C., capt., A. C. S., at Macon, Miss., March 7, 1863.
  • Downer, W. S., maj., 0. 0.; superintendent Government shops at Clarksville, Va., October 17 to December 4, 1862.
  • Downing, J. B., capt., V. A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. Patton Anderson Jan-uary 1, 1863.
  • Downman, R. H., maj., brig. com’y to Brig. Gen. B. H. Robertson; from Fourth Virginia Cavalry, W. E. Jones’ brigade; same to Brig. Gen. Rufus Barringer; appointed from Virginia regiment 1863. Doyle, B. R., asst. surg., at Richmond, December 10, 1863.
  • Drake, John, lieut., O. O. to Maj. Gen. E. M. Law, November 1, 1862; assigned from Second Mississippi.
  • Drane, F. M., maj., Prov. Army C. S., com’y (depot) at Wilmington, N. C.; staff of Brig. Gen. W. H. C. Whiting November 29, 1862.
  • Drane, Henry M., capt., A. C. S. to Brig. Gen. W. H. C. Whiting May 1, 1861; afterwards same to Maj. Gen. T. H. Holmes; capt., A. Q. M. to Brig. Gen. S. G. French at Wilmington, N. C.
  • Drayton, Carlos, A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. T. F. Drayton November 24, 1861.
  • Drayton, John Edward, lieut., A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. T. F. Drayton November 24, 1861, to January 18, 1864; res. June 15, 1864.
  • Drennan, W. A., lieut., O. O. to Brig. Gen. W. S. Featherston March, 1863; lieut., A. D. C. to same 1863 adjt. to same (in C. P. Neilson’s place) 1864; A. A. I. G. to same September 15, 1864.
  • Driver, J. M., surg., at Columbus, Ky., December, 1861.
  • Driver, William T., lieut., adjt. 2d Tennessee Infantry; staff of Col. William B. Bate, C. S. Army, April 27, 1861, to April 6, 1862.
  • Drummond, Edward W., capt. (1st Regiment Georgia Volunteers), Asst. Com’y. to Brig. Gen. H. W. Mercer; made brig. com’y May, 1864; capt., C. S. to General Smith, May 2, 1864.
  • Du Barry, F. B., capt., inspector of ordnance in Department South Carolina and Georgia; reports to Maj. R. M. Cuyler at Macon, Ga., May 20, 1863.
  • Du Bos, L., capt., A. A. G. to General Beauregard, October 3, 1862; dropped August 1, 1864.
  • Da Bose, Dudley M., lieut., A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. H. L. Benning March, 1862; capt., A. A. G. to same 1862; A. A. G. to Brig. Gen. Robert Toombs, February 1-June, 1862 col. 15th Georgia Regiment January 1, 1863 brig. gen. November, 1864.
  • Dubose, J. J., lieut., Act. O. O. to Gen. Win. Steele, February, 1861.
  • Dubose, W. M., asst. surg. Winston’s battery, Dist. of Gulf, October 23, 1864.
  • Dubose, William P., lieut., A. A. G. of Holcombe Legion March, 1862, capt., brig. chap., staff of Brig. Gen. James Conner May, 1864.
  • Dudley, B. W., lieut., A. D. C. to Gen. Cosby, May 2, 1863.
  • Dudley, J. G., surg., at Richmond, December 10, 1863.
  • Duffield, C. B., capt., A. A. G. to Brig. Gen. H. A. Wise February, 1862 A. A. G. to Col. J. S. Preston, superintendent of Bureau of Conscription, Richmond, October 23 to December 28,1863; same to G. J. Rains February 20, 1863.
  • Duffy, R. J., maj., A. L G. to Brig. Gen. Jos. O. Shelby, September 18, 1864; same to Cabell, 1864.
  • Dugue, Auguste, lieut., A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. E. D. Tracy, January, 1862.
  • Duke, Basil C., surg., staff of Brig. Gen. John S. Williams September, 1862.
  • Dulaney, Joseph E., surg., with D. H. Cummings’ Tennessee regiment, 1861.
  • Dulin, J. M., lieut., A. I. G. to Brig. Gen. St. J. R. Liddell January 1, 1863.
  • Dumonteil, F., maj. 10th La. Inf., 1861; maj.,A. A. G. Camp of Instruction, La., September 6, 1862; maj. 14th Conf. Cav., 1863.
  • Duncan, Chas. B., capt., 37th Virginia Cavalry Battalion; A. Q. M. in East Tennessee December 10, 1863.
  • Duncan, J. K., brig. gen., chief of staff to Gen. Braxton Bragg Novem-ber 20, 1862.
  • Duncan, Jos. W., maj., A. A. G. to Marmaduke, September 15, 1864. Duncan, L. L., lieut., O. O., at Richmond, December 10, 1863. Duncan, M., Rev., chap., staff of Col. Bradley T. Johnson, commanding Maryland Line, June, 1863.
  • Duncan, McKim, maj., A. I. G. to Gen. R. E. Colston, May. 1863.
  • Duncan, R. P., lieut., A. D. C. to Gen. R,. H. Anderson, July 11, 1862; maj., A. A. G. to Maj. Gen. Richard H. Anderson December 4, 1862-September, 1863; same to Maj. Gen. William Mahone November, 1864.
  • Duncan, S. P., capt., A A. G. to General Cautey, November 20, 1864. Duncan, W. P., maj., C. S. to Maj. Gen. M. Lovell May 22, 1862.
  • Duncan, _____, maj., A. A. G. to Brig. Gen. J, B. Clark, jr., August 31, 1864.
  • Dunderson, J. W., asst. surg., at Richmond, December 10, 1863.
  • Dunham, Andrew, jr., lieut., O. O. to Brig. Gen. M. A. Stovall March 9, 1863.
  • Dankly, C. Lee, surg., at Richmond, December 10, 1863.
  • Dunlap, W. Watkins, lieut. col., A. D. C. to Maj. Gen. Joseph Wheeler January 27, 1&3; C. A. to Maj. Gen. Sterling Price March 8, 1864; same to Gen. Churchill, 1864.
  • Dunlop, John, lieut., V. A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. L. A. Armistead June and July, 1862; A. D. C. to same October 29, 1862; res. February 7, 1863.
  • Dunlop, J. R., capt., 23d Virginia Infantry Battalion; A. Q. M., at Lewisburg, Va., December 10, 1863.
  • Dunn, Andrew, lieut., A. D. C. to Gen. J. Longstreet, August 24, November, and December, 1863.
  • Dunn, G. R. R., maj., A. Q. M. to Colonel Smith November 14, 1862; maj., 4th Brigade; A. Q. M. at Narrows, Va., December 10, 1863.
  • Dunn, Isaac B., maj., A. Q. M. to Gen. Floyd, July 16, 1861; res. December 21, 1861.
  • Dunn, James, surg., at Richmond, December 10, 1863.
  • Duun, Thos. R., lieut., A. A. G. to Col. Bradley T. Johnson, commanding 2d Virginia Brigade, 1862.
  • Dunn, William M., capt., 36th Virginia Infantry; Capt., A. Q. M. to Colonel Smith November 12, 1862; capt., A. Q. M. at Narrows, Va., December 10,1863; maj., C. S. to Brig. Gen. J. S. Marmaduke March 4,1864-September 26, 1864.
  • Dunuington, Frank C., V. A. D. C. to Gen. N. B. Forrest, June and September, 1862.
  • Dunwody, John, maj., A. A. G. at camp of Insp. Gen., May 15, 1862. Dupre, Alcee, capt., A. A. G. to Maj. Gen. Frank Gardner, May 1, 1862, July, 1863.
  • Dupree, J. W., asst. surg. of artillery, December, 1861.
  • Dupuy, John J., lieut., A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. O. F. Strahl 1863; from 4th Tennessee Infantry.
  • Durrett, F. R., surg. (2d Mo. Cav.), staff Col. Robt. McCulloch, January, 1864.
  • Bury, Wm. B., asst. com., Prov. Army of Tennessee, 1861.
  • Du Sheaume, Edward, capt., 0. O. to Brig. Gen. Thomas L. Clingman January, 1863.
  • Duval, B. T., maj., Q. M. to Brig. Gen. J. F. Fagan July 21, 1863-September 18, 1864.
  • Duval, Burr G., lieut., A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. William Steele, Septem-ber 29, 1862.
  • Duval, H. S., 2d lieut., E. G. to Brig. Gen. Joseph Finegan July 17, 1862.
  • Duvall, Henry, A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. D. S. Donelson August, 1861.
  • Dwight, Chas. S., 2d lieut., Engr. Corps June 24, 1862; 1st lieut., November 21, 1863; A. I. G. to Gen. J. B. Kershaw, November and December, 1863; capt., E. O. to same 1864.
  • Dwight, W. M., 1st lieut., Company K, 2d North Carolina Regiment; A. A. I. G. to Brig. Gen. Kershaw June, 1862, to June, 1863; capt., A. A. G. to Gen. Longstreet November 2, 1863; capt., A. A. G. to Gen. Conner, November, 1863.
  • Duxbury, W. C., maj., C. O. to Gen. D. EL Hill, September 20, 1863; capt., O. O. to Gen. Elzey, April 17, 1864.
  • Dwight, Z. Moultrie, capt., A. I. G. to Col. James Conner, March 22, 1862.
  • Dwyer, Joseph E., capt., V. A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. H. H. Sibley, February 21, 1862 A. D. C. to Gen. Hood, March 28, 1862; capt., A. I. G. to Gen. H. P. Bee, December, 1863; dropped March 24, 1864.
  • Dyer, Ed., capt., com’y 13th Tennessee Regiment, 1861.
  • Dyer, G. B., maj., com’y to Brig. Gen. S. D. Lee, November 29, 1862; maj., chief C. S. of the cavalry of Mississippi; staff of Maj. Gen. S. D. Lee, September 16,1863-1564.
  • Dyer, Randolph H., col., Q. M. to Brig. Gen. J. S. Rains, Missouri State Guard, August 12, 1861; maj., Q. M. to Brig. Gen. J. M. Hawes; maj., chief Q. M. to Maj. Gen. Sterling Price, commanding Army of the West, July 21, 1862.
  • Dyer, W. E., capt., A. Q. M. to Brig. Gen. J. P. McCown, November, 1861; maj., Q. M. to Maj. Gen. J. P. McCown, March, 1862; lieut. col., Q. M. (paymaster) to same, January 1, 1863.
  • Dyer, W. M., A. A. I. G. to Brig. Gen. E. McNair, 1862.
  • Dyer, Wylie M., A. I. G. to Brig. Gen. D. H. Reynolds, July 19, 1864, May, 1865.
  • Dysart, B. G. Dr., acting brig. surg., with Gen. F. M. Cockrell.

Civil War,

Confederate States of America. Army. List of staff officers of the Confederate States army. 1861-1865. Washington: Government Printing Office. 1891.

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