Biography of Joseph Holmes

Joseph Holmes, one of the representative horticulturists of Ontario and progressive citizens of San Bernardino County, came to California in 1883 and located in the Ontario colony as one of its early settlers, and has ever since taken a leading part in building up his chosen section and advancing its interests. His home is on the corner of Fourth Street and Campus Avenue, where he has erected a substantial two-story residence, well furnished and fitted with modern conveniences. He has surrounded his home with ornamental trees and rich floral plants. His twenty-acre tract is located between Third and Fourth streets and east of Campus avenue. Upon this tract he has, for the past six years, been engaged in horticultural pursuits. He has now twelve acres in oranges, also a choice variety of lemons, and a family orchard of deciduous fruits. Seven acres are devoted to vineyard, producing raisin grapes of the Muscat variety. All of his trees and vines have a remarkably fine growth and attest the intelligent care bestowed upon them.

Mr. Holmes is a native of Trenton, New Jersey, and dates his birth November 1819. His parents, Samuel and Hannah (Jackson) Holmes, were natives of England. His father came to the United States in 1816, and his mother in 1800. When Mr. Holmes was about six years old his parents located at Kensington, near Philadelphia, and there he was reared and schooled for the next ten years. In 1835 the family moved to Illinois and settled in Putnam County, and engaged in farming. The subject of this sketch remained with his parents, engaging in farming, until 1846. In that year he married Miss Avis F. Taber, who was born in Massachusetts May 21, 1825. Her parents, Benjamin and Merab (Folger) Taber, were also natives of that state. Alter his marriage Mr. Holmes started in life for himself and located in the town of Henry, Marshall County, where he followed the occupation of a farmer until 1868. Be then moved to Lodi, Iroquois County, where he resided until he moved to his present residence. In whatever section Mr. Holmes has resided he has always gained the respect and esteem of the community, and has been called upon to fill positions of honor and trust. In his Illinois home he was twice elected as supervisor of his township, and was also twice elected as assessor and commissioner of roads. In Ontario he is a stockholder in the Ontario Water Company, and one of its former directors. He is now one of the regents of the Chaffey College. He has for years been a consistent member of the Swedenborgian Church. In political matters he is a straightforward Republican and may al-ways be found taking a deep interest in his party and allied with its best elements. Of the children born to Mr. and Mrs. Holmes but five are living, viz.: Sarah T., now Mrs. Stephen P. Weaver; Mary, Joseph H., who married Miss Angelica Veder; Avie M. and Samuel J. Joseph A. Holmes is a resident of Phoenix, Arizona, where he is engaged in the milling business. The rest of the children are residents of Ontario.



The Lewis Publishing Company. An Illustrated History of Southern California embracing the counties of San Diego San Bernardino Los Angeles and Orange and the peninsula of lower California. The Lewis Publishing Company, Chicago, Illinois. 1890.

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