Biography of Walter Judson Entrikin

After sixty-two years of experience of the most varied nature, Walter Judson Entrikin, prominent attorney, died August 3, 1908, at his residence in Moline, at 316 Sixteenth Street. Unlike many of the older settlers in this county, Attorney Entrikin was born on American soil and spent his entire life in the United States of America – in the great middle west. Born on February 8, 1846, he spent his early youth in Salem Township, Columbiana County, Ohio, but later choose to roam farther vest. After many years of work in various capacities in Rock Island County, Mr. Entrikin became city attorney of the City of Moline, 1873-4 and 1881-2; state’s attorney of Rock Island County, 1884-8; master in chancery of Rock Island County, 1902-4.

His parents were Brinton Entrikin and Eliza Jane (McCraken) Entrikin. Their history is of great interest and it was due to their efforts and labor in the “pioneer days” that their descendants became influencing powers in communities in which they have labored in later years. Brinton Entrikin was born on December 8, 1811, at Westchester, Chester County, Pennsylvania, and Eliza Jane McCraken was born on November 19, 1814, at Salem Township, Columbiana County, Ohio. The father of the local man was a schoolmate with Bayard Taylor, the author, and his mother was an important station agent on the “Underground Railroad ” – that railroad which passed through Columbiana County, and which meant so much to fugitive slaves seeking Canada, and freedom. The Entrikins came from Ireland, the McCrakens from Scotland. John Entrikin, the first Entrikin of whom a detailed record was kept,  -settled in Chester County, Pennsylvania, before the Revolutionary war. The grandmother of Walter Entrikin, it is related, tied up the finger of General George Washington when he was wounded in the battle of Brandy-wine, at the time she was a little girl.

Mr. Entrikin came to Moline, Illinois, on April 25, 1871, and has since resided there. Previous to that time he received a classical collegiate course at Oberlin College, the growing Ohio educational institution, graduating on August 4, 1870. Following that he read law with Wait and Modenvell of Geneses, and with John T. Browning of Moline, Illinois. He was admitted to the bar of Rock Island County on October 12, 1871, being the last lawyer to take the examination under the late Judge George W. Pleasants.

Mr. Entrikin was a Congregationalist and his views were of the broadest scope. His record as a Republican party member in this county is a long and prominent one. He was a member of the Ancient Order of United Workmen and of the Modern Woodmen of America.

Walter Judson Entrikin married Miss Julia Alathea Chamberlin on August 18, 1870. His wife was a native of Vermont and came to Moline with her parents in April of 1860. They were William and Lydia P. Chamberlin, well-to-do and people who for the most part lived a quiet retired life.

The children are: Eva Mary Morgan, wife of Robert H. Morgan, of Moline; William Brinton Entrikin and Frederick Chapin Entrikin, who were associated with their father in Moline; Roy Judson Entrikin, connected with Moline Heating and Construction Company; and Ada Lucile Entrikin, widely known soprano soloist and graduate of American Conservatory of Music.



Biographical Publishing Company. Portrait and Biographical Album of Rock Island County. Illinois; Chicago: Biographical Pub. Co.

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