Biography of J. S. Summers, M.D.

Dr. J. S. Summers, specializing in the treatment of diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat at Jefferson City, his thorough preliminary study and his later postgraduate courses keeping him in close touch with professional thought, progress and scientific investigation and research, comes to this state from Indiana, his birth having occurred in the city of Wallace, June 27, 1870. His parents, A. J. and Annie (Cunningham) Summers, were also natives of Indiana, where the father followed the occupation of farming, and in addition to his care of the fields he took an active interest in public welfare, particularly in matters pertaining to the schools, and served as a director on the school board. In 1880 he removed from Indiana to Coffeyburg, Daviess county, Missouri, since which time the family has been represented in this state. On the paternal side Dr. Summers is a representative of an old Virginia family, his grandfather having been born in the Old Dominion, while his mother’s people came from Ohio.

Dr. Summers largely acquired his education in the village school at Jameson, Daviess county, Missouri, and in the preparatory school at Liberty, Missouri, before entering upon a course of study in the William Jewell College, from which be was graduated in 1899 with the Bachelor of Arts degree. He remained at Liberty as assistant in chemistry and physics in the William Jewell College for a year, at the end of which time he became a student in the University of Missouri at Columbia and there won his Master of Arts degree in 1901. He continued in the University of Missouri for another year as assistant in the department of physics and then went to Trenton, Missouri, where he accepted the position of principal of the high school. A year was there passed, at the end of which time he returned to Columbia and became instructor in physics at the University of Missouri. When another year had passed he began preparation for medical practice as a student at Columbia and won his M. D. degree in 1908. While pursuing his medical studies be spent the summer semester in Chicago as a student in the University of Chicago. While at Columbia he also served as interne in the hospital during 1907 and 1908. After winning his professional degree from the University of Missouri be again went to Chicago in the fall of 1908 and pursued a three months’ course of study on the eye, ear and throat. Settling at Jefferson City, he entered the office of Dr. Sneed, under whom he studied and with whom he practiced for fourteen months. In the fall of 1909 he entered upon the general practice of medicine in Jefferson City and devoted his attention thereto for a period of three years, during which time he went at intervals to Chicago and New York, taking postgraduate work. In 1912 he opened an office independently for practice as a specialist on diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat and through the intervening period has confined his attention to this branch o1 the medical science. He has made many visits to New York and Chicago through the intervening period, doing postgraduate work and thus keeping in touch with the advance made by the profession in all that has to do with practice as an oculist, aurist and laryngologist. His broad study has been the basis of a well deserved success and his practice is now gratifying and extensive. He is very conscientious in his work, absolutely devoted to the interests of his patients, with one thought as to their welfare. He is, moreover, a man of broad sympathy who puts forth his best efforts for the rich and poor alike, with little thought as to pecuniary returns.

In Trenton, Missouri, in 1912, Dr. Summers was married to Miss Nettie Violet Pickett, a sister of Dr. Pickett, who is associated with Dr. Summers. She is also a sister of Senator Pickett of Trenton, Missouri, and her people are Missourians and farmers, although at one time they were associated with the milling business in this state. Dr. and Mrs. Summers have one child, Joseph Stewart, four years of age. During the World war period Dr. Summers offered his services to the government but was not called upon for active duty. He served, however, on the exemption board and did everything in his power to promote the welfare of the country in relation to the war work. He belongs to the Masonic fraternity, holding membership in Jefferson Lodge, No. 43, A. F. & A. M.. He is also a member of the Knights of Pythias and gives his political endorsement to the democratic party. Professionally he is connected with the Cole County Medical Society, the Missouri State Medical Association and the American Medical Association and thus he is constantly broadening his knowledge concerning all that has to do with the complex mystery which we call life. He has developed his powers to a point of pronounced ability and is now most successfully practicing, his labors being of the greatest worth to the people of Jefferson City and community.



Stevens, Walter B. Centennial History of Missouri (The Center State) One Hundred Years In The Union 1820-1921 Vol 6. St. Louis-Chicago: The S.J. Clarke Publishing Company. 1921.

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