Biography of G. W. Harper

Mr. Harper came to Hopkins County when he was quite a young man, although he had a wife and child. He located on a tract of land where he lived all his life. He was very unfortunate in his married life, having lost three companions during his life. There were twenty-one children born to these three marriages. Out of this large number only three are living. Miss Minerva, the eldest daughter, married Lodwick Vaden, Jr., and lives upon one of the most fertile plantations on South Sulphur Creek. They have a nice, growing family of bright, intellectual children. He and his companion are both active members of the Christian church, and their walk and conversation attest the sincerity of their faith, and their lively appreciation of what it teaches.

He is deservedly very popular in the county, and the number of his friends is limited only by the number of his acquaintances. Miss Mattie married John S. Chapman, a gentleman whom to know is to love, They have a small family of bright, industrious children, whom he is educating in books and in agricultural pursuits as well. They have one daughter married, Miss Pru, a nice, sweet woman, who is the wife of James Chapman, a distant relative. They live near their parents. Mr. John Chapman is a heavy taxpayer in the county. A. S. Harper married Josephine Pruitt, a beautiful lady of splendid family, and lives on his father’s old homestead. He is living a moral, upright life, thoroughly correct in all his habits. He was always impressed that the confidence of others was a strong element of success, and that the only way to possess it was to truly merit it. Miss Alice, a most estimable young woman married John Knox, Esq., a prominent gentleman and a justice of the peace. He has education sufficient to give him position and standing in the community, He leads a quiet and exemplary life, devoted to his home affairs and the duty of his office.



Hopkins County TX,

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