Biography of Jr. Benjamin T. Perkins

BENJAMIN T. PERKINS, JR., lawyer, was born September 12, 1846, in Todd County, Ky. The family is of English origin, and was among the early emigrants from the mother country, who took up their residence in Virginia. They remained in Virginia but a short time, when, following the general drift of the population westward, they found themselves in the wilds of Kentucky. His grandfather came to Kentucky some time prior to the year 1800. His son, Benjamin T. Perkins, Sr., and father of the subject of this sketch, was born in Todd County, in 1818, became a prominent lawyer, and is now Judge of the County Court, and one of the most esteemed citizens of the county. Benjamin T. Perkins, Jr., received a liberal education, though his later study was somewhat interrupted by the results of the Civil war. He chose for his life pursuit the one in which his father had already achieved distinction, and in the winter of 1866-67, he became a student in the Law Department of the University of Virginia; and after taking a course in that institution, entered the Law School of Louisville, Ky. He graduated with the degree of that school in 1868, when he was admitted to practice. He then returned home, and immediately rose to more than local reputation in his profession. After two years’ practice, his ability was recognized in his election to the responsible position of Commonwealth’s Attorney, which position he filled with marked ability for four years. In 1875 he was appointed Aid-de-camp to the Governor of the State, with the rank of Colonel. He was appointed by the State Convention a delegate to the National Democratic Convention, held at St. Louis, Mo., in 1876. Mr. Perkins was married on the 31st day of October, 1867, to Miss Roxie Weathers, daughter of the late Thornton Weathers, of Nelson County, Ky. Mr. Perkins possesses genuine talent as a lawyer; is a man of fine personal appearance, tall, well proportioned, and dignified in his bearing; of a cheerful sunny nature, and is esteemed by a large circle of acquaintance.



Todd County KY,

Battle, J. H. Counties Of Todd And Christian, Kentucky. Historical And Biographical. F. A. Battey Publishing Co., Chicago And Louisville. 1884. At current time this manuscript consists of only the Todd County section and a few biographies from Christian County.

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