Biography of Dr. Walter B. Jefferson

DR. WALTER B. JEFFERSON is a son of Isham R. and Sarah A. (Mansfield) Jefferson, who came separately to Todd County in 1833, from Abermarle County, Va. The father was a native of that county, and was there reared by his uncle, Thomas Jefferson, the famous author of the Declaration of Independence, and third Chief Executive of the United States, Isham’s father, Randolph Jefferson, being the youngest brother of the President. The father of our subject married first a Miss Henderson, and afterward a Miss Peyton. He located, on coming to Todd County, upon a farm in Jesup’s Grove, removing afterward to within a mile south of Elkton, where he died in 1862. His third marriage occurred in this county. He wedded Miss Mansfield, and the union was blessed with the following children: William A., James M., Walter B., Susan M. (deceased), Nannie, wife of F. M. Byars, and Wirt, who died in 1875, in early manhood. Dr. W. B., the subject of these lines, obtained his early schooling in Elkton, and began the study of medicine under Drs. James A. and John O. McReynolds. He attended the University of Virginia, and afterward the University of Nashville, graduating from the latter institution in 1862, since which date he has practiced his profession in Todd and Logan Counties and in Paducah, Ky. He married, in 1863, Miss Mamie, daughter of Judge Ben. T. Perkins. She died in 1877, leaving one child, Anna M. His second marriage was with Mrs. Evelyn A. Taylor, a daughter of Edwin Johnson, of Montgomery County, Tenn. Dr. Jefferson is a man of ability, and of high standing with the community. His sunny nature and high social worth attract to him a large circle of acquaintances. He was elected to the Legislature of 1883, and is now serving in that body, and was elected a delegate to represent the Third District in the Democratic National Convention held at Chicago.



Todd County KY,

Battle, J. H. Counties Of Todd And Christian, Kentucky. Historical And Biographical. F. A. Battey Publishing Co., Chicago And Louisville. 1884. At current time this manuscript consists of only the Todd County section and a few biographies from Christian County.

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