Biography of Napoleon Bonaparte Moore

Napoleon Bonaparte Moore was born January 8, 1828, in Russell County, Alabama, son of William Moore and Lucy Chemulee, who was daughter of Chemulee, a man of much prominence among the Cussetahs. At six years of age Napoleon commenced attending public school, continuing the same until he was sixteen years old; after which he returned to his father’s home, whom he assisted on the farm, remaining with him until his death, in 1847, when he assumed charge of his sister and brothers until 1853. He was afterwards appointed light-horse man of his country, which office he held until the breaking out of the war, when he joined the Confederate service as second-lieutenant under Colonel D. N. McIntosh, remaining in the army until the termination of the war, and acting for one year as quartermaster. On the adoption of the constitution he was elected to the House of Warriors, for four years; then to the office of revenue collector, afterwards to that of supreme judge, for four years; and in 1889, as delegate to Washington, with Hotulke E. Martha and Cowe Hargo, two full-blood Creeks. Thither he went to secure the $400,000 due the Creeks for the sale of the Oklahoma lands; after eight months’ sojourn at the capital, Mr. Moore secured the passage of the bill, and on his return, as treasurer of the nation, paid the amount to the Indians, in per capita payments of $29. He had been elected as national treasurer in 1888, and was a member of the House of Kings, in all about ten years. Mr. Moore married, in 1853, a Miss Rody, who died in 1874, leaving no family. In 1882 he married Mrs. Craig, widow of the late John H. Craig (she was formerly a Miss Robertson). Mrs. Moore’s great usefulness in educational matters is too well known to here comment upon them. Mr. Moore has no family, but has charge of his nephew and nieces — children of the late John Moore, at one time a man of great national influence and reputation. The subject of this sketch is five feet nine and one-half inches in height, weighs 175 pounds, of gentlemanly bearing and gentle and affable disposition. On first acquaintance he is retiring and somewhat reticent, but this wears off after a short time, giving place to social qualities that entitle him to the regard and respect of all who know him. Although a self-educated man, Mr. Moore has a fund of general knowledge above the average, and possesses fine business capabilities, while his high integrity and strict honesty have gained for him the confidence of his people. He has 640 acres under fence, a fine farm, 800 head of cattle, a herd of sheep, 40 head of horses, and other stock.


Biography, Creek,

Indian Territory,

O'Beirne, Harry F. and Edward S. The Indian Territory: Its Chiefs, Legislators, and Leading Men. St. Louis. 1898.

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