Biography of G. Orien Kirkpatrick

G. Orien Kirkpatrick, cashier of the State Exchange Bank of Mankato, had been identified with this institution for ten years, and during this period of time his career had been one of constant advancement. Mr. Kirkpatrick is a native son of Jewell County, Kansas, and was born November 22, 1883, his parents being J. P. and Luella (Elder) Kirkpatrick. J. P. Kirkpatrick was born in 1856, in Iowa, being reared on the Iowa and Minnesota frontier, and in 1870 accompanied his parents to Jewell County, Kansas, where he had since been engaged in farming on the old homestead, which was originally a tract of 160 acres but now consists of 200 acres. Mr. Kirkpatrick, who is one of the industrious and progressive agriculturists of his community, carries on diversified farming and uses modern methods and up-to-date machinery and appliances in his work. He is a republican in his political views and a man of influence in his community. Mrs. Kirkpatrick, who was born in Iowa, in 1863, had been the mother of the following children: Amanda, who is a teacher in the public schools of Jewell County; G. Orien; Meribah, who for several years was employed in the Stockton (Kansas) National Bank, and is now the wife of Ed Bigge, a farmer of the vicinity of Stockton; Ethcl and Florence, who are teachers in the Jewell county schools; and Marion, living with his parents.

While growing up on the home farm, G. Orien Kirkpatrick attended the rural schools of Jewell County, and when his studies were completed became his father’s assistant in the cultivation of the homestead tract, on which he remained until he was twenty-three years of age. In 1907, giving up farming as a vocation, he came to Mankato and secured the position of bookkeeper in the State Exchange Bank. In 1908 he was advanced to the office of assistant cashier, and in 1911 was made cashier of this institution, a position in which he had had constantly increasing responsibilities. He is a republican and one of the men of the younger generation who are showing an interest in their city and its progress.

Mr. Kirkpatrick was married May 10, 1915, at Loveland, Colorado, to Miss Faye McNulty, daughter of S. A. and Lottie (Mace) McNulty, retired farming people of McPherson, Kansas. Mr. and Mrs. Kirkpatrick have one child: Phyllis, born November 18, 1916.



Connelley, William E. A Standard History of Kansas and Kansans. Chicago : Lewis, 1918. 5v. Biographies can be accessed from this page: Kansas and Kansans Biographies.

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