Biography of Daniel B. Marshall

Daniel B. Marshall, assistant cashier of the Saline Valley Bank at Lincoln, represents a family that had been identified with this section of Kansas for a great many years and is at once one of the wealthiest and most influential in Lincoln County.

Abram Marshall, his father, is not only a banker, but had employed his means and energy in the development and upbuilding of the City of Lincoln and the agricultural interests of this part of the state. Abram Marshall was born on the Brandywine River in Chester County, Pennsylvania, in 1851. He belongs to some of the original stock of that historic part of Pennsylvania. This branch of the Marshall family originated in Holland and the ancestors came to Pennsylvania at the same time with the colony of William Penn. The Marshalls received a deed to a tract of land direct from William Penn, and Abram Marshall spent his early life in an environment that had associations with the Marshall family going back for a number of generations. He was a vigorous young man of twenty-eight years when he came to Kansas in 1879 and took a position as railroad telegraph operator at Minneapolis. In 1880 he arrived at Lincoln and in the following year established the Saline Valley Bank. He took the role of assistant cashier with that new institution, but after a year or so was promoted to cashier, and since 1890 had owned the controlling interest in the bank and had been its president since 1910.

The Saline Valley Bank is one of the strong and substantial financial institutions of Northern Kansas. It had a capital stock of $50,000, surplus and undivided profits of $30,000, and it is conserving deposits aggregating half a million dollars. The bank home is still in the two-story building at the corner of Lincoln Avenue and Fourth Street, which was erected for that special purpose in 1883. The officers of the bank are: Abram Marshall, president; George Hawkins, vice president; J. A. Schellinger, cashier; and D. B. Marshall, assistant cashier.

Abram Marshall is one of the well known bankers of both the Kansas Bankers’ and the Kansas State Bankers’ associations and also belongs to the American Bankers’ Association. He is also president and director of the Denmark State Bank and a director of the Farmers State Bank at Ash Grove, Kansas.

Though he came to Kansas comparatively a poor man and had lived here only about thirty-five years, his interests have grown and have assumed great magnitude. He is the owner of five business buildings on Lincoln Avenue in the City of Lincoln, had 1,705 acres of farm and ranch land in Lincoln County, owned ranches aggregating 1,920 acres in Trego County, and had 24,000 acres in Sherman and Wallace counties of this state. While this constitutes a magnificent domain of territory in itself, his interests in Oklahoma include about 1,000 acres of land. Mr. Abram Marshall constructed a modern residence on Second Street in Lincoln in 1890.

He is now representing Lincoln County in the State Legislature, having been elected on the democratic ticket in the fall of 1916. He was one of the men responsible for the progressive program of legislation enacted during the session of 1917. Fraternally he is affiliated with Lincoln Lodge No. 154, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, which he had served two terms as master, with Salina Consistory No. 3 of the Scottish Rite, and with Isis Temple of the Mystic Shrine at Salina.

Abram Marshall married Belle Crowe, who was born in Iowa in 1863. They have three children, one son and two daughters, Daniel B. being the oldest. Lydia, living with her parents, is a graduate of the University of Kansas in the musical department and is a very skillful instrumentalist. The daughter Rachel attended Kansas University two years and for two years was a student in the well known woman’s college of Bryn Mawr at Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania. She is now the wife of D. B. Cogswell, of Lincoln. Mr. Cogswell is now a second lieutenant of the Officers Reserve Corps in the National Army.

Daniel B. Marshall was born at the home of his parents in Lincoln, Kansas, March 23, 1885. He attended Kansas University two years and for two the high school, did two years of preparatory work at Stamford, Connecticut, and for two years was in the collegiate department of Kansas University and another two years in the law department. With these thorough qualifications for a business career Mr. Marshall left school in 1906 and entered the Saline Valley Bank in the position of assistant cashier, where he had served continuously for the past eleven years. He is also a director of the Farmers State Bank at Sylvan Grove, Kansas. Mr. Marshall is a democrat and had fraternal affiliations with Lincoln Lodge No. 154, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, Ellsworth Chapter, Royal Arch Masons, and Lincoln Chapter No. 48 of the Eastern Star.

He enjoys an ideal family life. In 1910 he built a modern residence at the corner of Second and Yauger streets. In the same year at Lincoln he married Miss Pearl Brann, daughter of Thomas and Ella (Jackson) Brann. Her father is a retired farmer and both her parents live at Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall have two children: Elizabeth Ann, born April 16, 1913; and Daniel Benjamin, Jr., born March 15, 1917.



Connelley, William E. A Standard History of Kansas and Kansans. Chicago : Lewis, 1918. 5v. Biographies can be accessed from this page: Kansas and Kansans Biographies.

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