Biography of William L. Tamme

William L. Tamme, who is rendering valuable service to St. Louis as one of the city aldermen, was born here August 8, 1874. His father, Charles Tamme, came to America from Germany when twelve years of age. He was a butcher and sausage maker by occupation and was the first man to use the steam method of manufacturing sausage in St. Louis. He married Sophie Kroeger, whose father was Frederick Kroeger. They became the parents of four children, William L. being the second in order of birth. The others were: Fred A., who is engaged in the meat business and who married Bertha Hulsey; Charles D., who is also a dealer in meats and who married Leah Bell; and Clara, who died at the age of nineteen years.

William L. Tamme obtained a grammar school education and afterward attended the Mound City Commercial College for a year. When sixteen years of age he started in the business world with his father as errand boy and clerk and at the age of eighteen engaged in the meat business on his own account, continuing successfully in this line of trade until 1908 when he had reached the age of thirty-four. He then established a moving picture theatre, operating the first on Market street and owning two theatres on Market street, one at Sixteenth and one at Moore and Market. When be reached the age of thirty-eight, in 1912, he sold his theatre interests and continued his business in the sale of moving picture accessories and supplies (with which he was also identified during these years) for another four years or until 1916, when he resigned from active business to devote his entire time to his civic duties. He has twice been elected a member of the republican city central committee, serving from 1912 until 1915, when he resigned to become eligible to election to the board of aldermen, to which he was elected in 1915 and reelected in 1919, his present term ending in April, 1923. He is a prominent factor in republican circles in St. Louis and for the past four years has been chairman of Streets and Sewers Committee. He very actively supported all the Liberty loan and Red Cross drives and has taken a most keen and helpful interest in all measures pertaining to public progress and civic advancement.

On the 4th of September, 1911, Mr. Tamme was married to Miss Lillian Welek, a daughter of Charles Welek, who is now connected with the water department of St. Louis. Mr. and Mrs. Tamme have become the parents of a son, Milton Joseph, and they have reared another son William L., Jr., who volunteered in the present war and served with the American Expeditionary Force, doing active duty overseas.

Mr. Tamme is well known in Masonic circles, belonging to Aurora Lodge No. 267, A. F. & A. M.; Bellefontaine Chapter, No. 25, R. A. M.; and also to Alhambra Grotto. He is a member of the Sixth Ward Republican League Club and of the Riverview Club. His interests are broad and varied. He keeps in touch with the vital questions and problems of the times, especially those affecting the welfare and progress of St. Louis and his activities in behalf of the city have been far-reaching and beneficial.



St. Louis Missouri,

Stevens, Walter B. Centennial History of Missouri (The Center State) One Hundred Years In The Union 1820-1921 Vol 6. St. Louis-Chicago: The S.J. Clarke Publishing Company. 1921.

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