Biography of George W. Akers

George W. Akers, who came to Kansas in 1863, had in the course of a long and active career served with credit in two professions, medicine and the ministry. He is now living at Stafford, and was at one time identified with the Stafford County Republican, the paper of which his son, Earl Akers, was proprietor until the latter entered office as state treasurer of Kansas.

George W. Akers was born in a log cabin on Little Walnut Creek in Putnam County, Indiana, March 20, 1839, a son of Thomas and Margaret Akers. His parents were both natives of Kentucky, while the grandparents on both sides were Virginians. His grandfather, Thomas Akers, served in the Continental Army under Washington during the Revolution Following that war he went to Kentucky and located near Boonesboro and assisted in the defense of that place against an Indian sttack.

While a youth George W. Akers attended public schools and Bainbridge Academy at Bainbridge, Indiana, and studied medicine under Dr. J. B. Cross and later in the College of Physicians and Surgeons at Indianapolis, where he graduated. With his experience and training he came to Kansas in 1863, locating at Paola. He practiced for a number of years successfully, and in 1881 entered the Methbodist ministry and in 1882 joined the Southwest Kansas Conference. He was ordained a deacon in 1884 and an elder in 1886. Some of his pastorates were at Little River, Burrton, Sylvia, Sedgwick and Douglass. Owing to failing bealth he gave up the active work of the ministry and removing to Stafford resumed his profession as a physician. He also bought a controlling interest in the Stafford County Republican and was its editor until his son Earl succeeded him.

Doctor Akers cast his first presidential vote for Abraham Lincoln and had been one of the wheel horses of the party in Kansas. President Harrison appointed him postmaster of Stafford in 1888. He was complimented on his effleiemcy in handling that office by Postmaster General John Wanamaker. In later years Mr. Akers had given his time to a general mercantile business with his son Arthur under the name Akers & Son.

He was married at Bainbridge, Indiana, March 22, 1860, to Margaret M. Steele, daughter of Neanian and Joann Steele. They have four living children: L. Nean, a veterinary surgeon at Siafford; Arthur B., active member of the firm of Akers & Son; Earl, former state treasurer, a sketch of whom appears elsewhere; and Lillian D., wife of Dr. W. H. Griffith, a dentist at Protection, Kansas. Doctor Akers served for a number of years as vice president of Nora Larabee Memorial Library at Stafford.

Earl Akers, treasurer of the State of Kansas, is a native of Vermilion County, Illinois, and was brought to the Sunflower State when six years of age.

He had a public school education, and for many years was editor of the Stafford Republican. During 1911 he was chief clerk of the House of Representatives and in 1912 was executive secretary to Governor Stubbs. Mr. Akers in 1912 was elected state treasurer and was re-elected in 1914, his present term expiring in 1917. He is cashier of The Kansas Reserve State Bank at Topeka, president of the Citisens State Bank at Argonia, Kansas; treasurer of the Beggs Motor Car Company (a new million dollar manufacturing plant) at Kansas City, Missouri, now forming and interested in numberous banks and other financial institutions in Kansas.



Connelley, William E. A Standard History of Kansas and Kansans. Chicago : Lewis, 1918. 5v. Biographies can be accessed from this page: Kansas and Kansans Biographies.

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