Biographical Sketch of Mrs. Tirzah B. McMillen

Mrs. TIRZAH B. McMILLEN. – Especial interest surrounds the life of those mothers who made possible the social conditions of our state. They will be held in everlasting remembrance.

Tirzah, the daughter of Edward and Hannah H. Barton, was born in Clermont county, Ohio, in 1832, and at a very early age accompanied her parents to Cincinnati, later to Indiana, and in 1851 across the plains to Oregon. In October of the same year she was married in Portland to James H. McMillen, and soon removed to their new home on Tualatin Plains, ten miles west of Portland. It was there, amid the agreeable surroundings and comforts of the farmer’s life, that six children were born, – Ernest B., Justus H., June, Union, Right and Constant.

The next home was at Oswego, whither they removed in 1861. It was there that Justus and Union passed to spirit life in 1863, they with their elder half brother Frank, departing within a few days of each other. Constant remained until 1882, when he joined his brothers in the beyond. One daughter, Myrtie, was born at Oswego. At the age of twelve she passed to the better life. Two sons, Ernest and Right, and the daughter June, now the wife of Julius Ordway, and Ivy, the wife of Dr. W.L. Miller, of Portland, are living near the parental home.

Their present home is at East Portland, Oregon.


Biography, Women,

History of the Pacific Northwest Oregon and Washington. 2 v. Portland, Oregon: North Pacific History Company. 1889.

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