Biography of Edward P. Cadwell

EDWARD P. CADWELL. – This substantial capitalist of Washington, and leading member of the legal profession of Tacoma, was born in Independence, Iowa, December 23, 1855, and was the son of Carlos C. and Emily E. (Ross) Cadwell, his mother having been a sister of Chief Justice Ross of Vermont. He resided in his native town, where he attended a public school, and in his seventeenth year entered the Iowa State Agricultural College, graduating as civil engineer in 1875. Returning home, he became principal for one year of the grammar department of the high school at Independence. Upon the completion of this task, he entered Simpson’s Law College of Des Moines, Iowa, form which he graduated in1877. On receiving his degree, he located in Logan, Iowa, and began the practice of his profession. Two years later he removed to Council Bluffs, where he built up a large business. Learning of the possibilities of the greater West, he came in 1885 to Washington, locating at Tacoma, where he opened an office and invested largely in real estate, from which he has reaped a golden harvest.

In 1887 Mr. Cadwell for a time made Ellensburgh his home, and while there purchased a large amount of valuable real estate, among which was the well-known Johnson Hotel, a large three-story frame building. In 1888 he built as an addition a beautiful three-story brick, eighty-six by ninety feet, costing $30,000.00, and changed the name to the Ashler Hotel, a view of which is placed in this work. In the same year, in partnership with John A. Shoudy, he built the magnificent Shoudy and Cadwell block, sixty by one hundred and twenty feet and two stories in height, a view of which also appears in this work. He also erected the present Ellensburgh National Bank building, but upon its completion sold it, and, in connection with David Murray of Ellensburgh, purchased three hundred and twenty acres adjoining that city.

Although a young man, Mr. Cadwell has secured for himself a competency, but, being of an energetic and active disposition, still follows the practice of his chosen profession with Judge Galusha Parsons, formerly of Des Moines. The partnership thus constituted and known by the designation, “Parsons & Cadwell,” is one of the leading law firms in the City of Destiny.



History of the Pacific Northwest Oregon and Washington. 2 v. Portland, Oregon: North Pacific History Company. 1889.

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