Biographical Sketch of Hon. James D. Burnett

HON. JAMES D. BURNETT. – Mr. Burnett, one of the best farmers of Douglas county, and a gentleman of eminent abilities in public affairs, was born in Blunt county, Tennessee, March 12, 1822. In 1850 he came to Oregon, settling first at Salem. Two years later he removed to Douglas county, taking a claim upon which he has lived to the present time, and which he has increased by purchase to the baronial dimensions of twelve hundred acres. He has ever been active publicly in establishing those institutions which reflect credit upon the community and advance society. He is a gentleman highly respected by the entire circle of his friends and acquaintances, and has fittingly born public honors. He was married in Tennessee to Miss Margaret Love; and they have reared a family of seven children, Martha, Francis, Mary, Lydia, Thomas B. and Virginia C. (deceased).



History of the Pacific Northwest Oregon and Washington. 2 v. Portland, Oregon: North Pacific History Company. 1889.

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