Read, Lu Mrs. – Obituary

The death of Mrs. Lu Read, wife of Dr. S.D. Read, of this city, occurred at the home of her parents, near Junction City, this state, at 3:40 a.m. Sept. 28. Mrs. Read had been in poor health for several weeks and in August she went down to the home of her parents in Marion county, with the hope that the change would do her good. For a time she appeared to be on the road to recovery, but soon had a relapse.

Her husband went down the forepart of September and everything that medical skill and loving friends and relatives could do was of no avail and the end came Monday. The interment was in the Odd Fellows cemetery at Junction City, Tuesday after noon.

Mrs. Read was a member of the Christian church and leaves a large circle of friends to mourn her untimely death and sympaathize with her husband in his sad bereavement.

Elgin Recorder Friday October 2, 1903

To Rock Wall Camp No. 700, W.O.W.

Your committee on Resolutions of Condolence hereby submit the following for adoption:
Silently and reverently we bow our heads in submission to the will of Prvidence in relieving of early care and suffering the late dearly beloved wife of Neighbor S.D. Read. While we believe that death is but the passing from this to a highter and better world, yet we cannot help realizing the sorrow and lonesomeness of the husband.

Resolved, By Rock Wall Camp No. 700 W.O.W., in regular meeting assembled, that we extend our tenderest sympathy to our esteemed Neighbor, S.D. Read, of this Camp, in his irreparable loss and bereavement, and Resolved, That our expression be spread in full upon the minutes of this convention; that a copy therof be given to the Elgin Recorder for publication and that a like copy be tendered to our esteemed Neighbor S.D. Read.


Elgin Recorder Friday October 16, 1903

Resolutions of Condolence
Elgin, Or., Oct. 12th, 1903.

To the Chancellor Commander, officers and members of Orion Lodge No. 73, Knights of Pythias.

We, your committee appointed to draft resolutions of condolence on the death of the beloved wife of Brother S.D. Read, respectfully submit the following: Whereas, it has pleased Almighty God, the Supreme Ruler of the Universe, in His infinite wisdom to remove from our midst the beloved wife of our esteemed Brother.

THEREFORE, Be it resolved, that we, the members of Orion Lodge No. 73 Knights of Pythias, although we deeply deplore his loss, apparently to us untimely, yet bow in humble submission to the will of Him who dispenses His Providence as seemeth good in His sight. And now that the steam that overflowed the soul has passed away, a consciousness remains that it has left depositied upon the silent shore of memory images and precious thoughts that shall not die and cannot be destroyed.

THEREFORE, Be it further resolved, that we sincerely share in the sorrows of our beloved Brother and extend to him our feeble though heartfelt sympathy in his loss, commending him in his great affliction to the tender care of Him who said, “Come unto me all that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rst.” Be it further.

RESOLVED, That these resolutions be spread upon the minutes of this Lodge and a copy be presented to brother Read.

Fraternally submitted,

Elgin Recorder October 23, 1903



White, Judy Wallis. Union County, Oregon Obituaries. Published by Copyright 1999-2013, all rights reserved.

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