Hunter, Canon Edward Thomas Gurney

CANON EDWARD THOMAS GURNEY HUNTER: M.A.; Hon. C.F.; Surrogate of Diocese of Bradford; Rector of Keighley since 1919; member of Missionary Council Education Committee since 1924; Hon. Canon of Bradford, 1926; b. July 20, 1880; s. of Capt. James Edward Hunter, R.N., J.P.; educ.: St. Paul’s School; Trinity College, Oxford; Oxford House, Bethnal Green. Curate of St. Marks, St. Helens, Lancs., 1904-11; Vicar of Crakehall, Yorks., 1911-19; Temporary C.F., 1915-19. Publication: “Thoughts on the Invisible.” Address: Keighley Rectory, Yorks, T.: Keighley 262. M.: XL 8186.




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