Biographical Sketch of Jacob Quick

Jacob Quick, of Germany, married a widow named Morris, whose maiden name was Rhoda Moore, of Ireland. They first settled in Maryland, where they had Aaron, Alexander, Jacob, Jr., Sarah, and Rachel. Mr. Quick then removed with his family to Kentucky, and in 1811 he came to Missouri and settled on Loutre Island, in Montgomery County. Previous to his removal to Kentucky his children had never tasted corn bread. In 1812 he built a block-house, for protection against the Indians, in Best’s Bottom, on the place that was settled by John Hancock, for whom Hancock’s Prairie was named. Mr. Quick died at this place in 1822, and his wife in 1834. During their residence there an old Indian named Phillips lived with them for several years. He finally left them, and his body was afterward found away out in the western wilderness, with his gun lying by his side. Aaron Quick, the eldest son, died a bachelor. Alexander married Nancy Gilbert, of Kentucky, where they resided thirteen years, and then came to Missouri. Their children were Elizabeth, William, Stephen, Sarah, Samuel, Aaron, Rhoda, Alexander, James, and Gilbert. Jacob, Jr., married Pheebe Copps, of Kentucky, and settled in Montgomery County, on Whippoorwill creek, in 1811. They had eight children William, Jacob, Sampson, Polly, Patsey, Sally, Peggy, and Elizabeth. Sarah Quick married Jacob Groom. Rachel married Robert McFarland, of Kentucky. They had only two children, Joseph and Sally, both of whom settled in Montgomery County.



Bryan, William Smith A History of the Pioneer Families of Missouri: With Numerous Sketches, Anecdotes, Adventures, Etc., Relating to Early Days in Missouri. Also the Lives of Daniel Boone and the Celebrated Indian Chief, Black Hawk, with Numerous Biographies and Histories of Primitive Institutions. Bryan Brand & Company. 1876.

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