The Ontario Group Of Mines

The Ontario Group Of Mines, which are now owned by Michael Carey, state senator, are located on Warm Spring creek, twelve miles west of Ketchum, in Blaine county, Idaho. They yield galena ore silver and lead and the veins extend east and west, dipping toward the south, and average from three to three and a half feet in width. The ore has an average yield of forty per cent, lead, eighty ounces of silver and three dollars in gold to the ton. These mines are worked by tunnels, which thus afford drainage and permit the ore to be run out on tracks. They were first discovered by John Boyle in 1880, were purchased by the Warm Springs Consolidated Company, and, as stated, are now the property of Senator Carey. The group consists of the following mines: Ontario, Hub No. 2, Niagara, Hathaway, Sunday, Gopher, Kalemet Fraction, Log Cabin, Michigan Fraction and the North Star. Half a million of dollars have been taken from the Ontario. The Star has been a good producer, also the Sunday, and the others have not as yet been worked so extensively. There is a good concentrating mill, costing twenty thousand dollars, on the property, and quite a number of tunnels have been made, the longest being three hundred feet. All the mines in this vicinity produce rich ore, and there is no doubt but that the Ontario will yield to its owner valuable ores for many years to come.


Boyle, Carey,

History, Mining,

Blaine County ID,

Illustrated History of the State of Idaho. Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Company. 1899.

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