Biographical Sketch of Elias Bottum

Bottum, Elias, New Haven, was born in Shaftsbury, Vt., in February, 1791, and died on February 6, 1865. He was a son of Simon and Elizabeth (Huntington) Bottum. He settled in New Haven, Vt., in 1805, and was married on February 5, 1811, to Diadama Squire, a daughter of Andrew and Nancy (Cole) Squire, who were among the early settlers of New Haven. They had a family of four children born to them, all of whom are now dead — Mary A. (the wife of Julius Sprague), Charlotte E. (married Ezra Hoyt), Caroline E. (the wife of James Meacham), and Elias S. Mr. Bottum was a prominent citizen of his town and held many of the important offices, and took an active part in all public affairs. He was senator from Addison county in 1825 and 1829, was a member of the Legislature in 1840 and 1841, and county judge in 1847-48. His widow now resides on the old homestead. Elias S., their only son, was born on September 18, 1822, and died on November 7, 1878. He was married on January 11, 1849, to Mary M. Hoyt, a daughter of the Rev. Otto S. Hoyt, of Hinesburg, Vt., and had a family of eight children, six of whom are now living. Mr. Bottum, like his father, was a man of sterling character, and was for many years deacon in the Congregational Church; was a member of the Legislature in 1842, and always took an active part in all society and public affairs.


Addison County VT,

Smith, H. P. History of Addison County Vermont: With Illustrations And Biographical Sketches of Some of Its Prominent Men And Pioneers. Syracuse, N.Y.: D. Mason & co., 1886.

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