Biographical Sketch of Captain Jonathan S. Adams

Capt. Jonathan S. Adams, the only son of Joshua, was born in Plainfield, Conn., September 22, 1802. His father was a major of militia in Connecticut, and had two daughters, who, with Jonathan, constituted the family. Maj. Joshua Adams died in August, 1813, from a fall upon a stake. His son Jonathan came here in December, 1814, to live with his uncle, Rev. John Sabin, who was the pastor of the Congregational church. He spent the first six years of his life here in study with his uncle, who added to his labors as pastor here, those of tutor, and fitted young men for college. At the age of eighteen, his eyes failed under the strain of constant study, and he gave up his ambition to secure a classical education. He carried on his uncle’s farm, and taught school about eighteen terms. He entered the Fitzwilliam Artillery Company as a private and rose in a few years to captain. He married, February 6, 1833, Abigail, daughter of Levi Tower of this town. He had a family of seven children, three of whom died in childhood, and four have married. His son served in the 16th N. H. Vols., and died in the service at Mound City Hospital, Ill., aged twenty-one, August 16, 1863. His daughter, Mary A., married Norman U. Cahill, and reared three children. Hannah A. Adams, second daughter of Jonathan, went to St. Louis, Mo., at the age of eighteen, in 1856, to reside with her father’s sister, Mrs. Coolidge. She was chosen to a position as teacher there in the public schools. and, at the breaking out of the war, was chosen secretary of the Ladles Union Aid Society of St. Louis, in August, 1861, and filled the position for more than three years. She had also much to do with the work of supplying sanitary stores and garments to the soldiers in the hospitals during the war. Kate A. Adams, the other daughter, married John M. Parker, of this town. and had one daughter. Jonathan S. served as town representative in 1847, 1851 and 1852, and as selectman several years. He was road and county commissioner three years. Since 1825 he has done public surveying, and in January. 1885, at the age of eighty-two, went six miles, to Troy, and run the lines around a lot of wood-land.


Hurd, Duane Hamilton. History of Cheshire and Sullivan counties, New Hampshire. Philadelphia: J. W. Lewis. 1886.

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