Biographical Sketch of Rev. Lemuel Powers

REV. LEMUEL POWERS, also brother of Ezekiel, was one of the early settlers of the town. He was born at Northbridge, Mass., in 1756; married Abigail Newland, and died at Stillwater, N. Y., in 1800-leaving four children. His eldest son CYRUs married Lydia Stow, and settled at Sempronius, N. Y. In 1804 he was appointed a Justice of the Peace for Cayuga County, and in 1806 received the appointment of Judge of the County Courts, which office he filled with much ability for twenty-five years. He died in 1841. ABIGAIL, his youngest daughter, was born in 1798. In February, 1826, she married Millard Fillmore, late President of the United States. She is a lady highly respected for her intelligence, dignity and many Christian virtues. She is now a widow, and resides at Buffalo, N. Y.



Partridge, Dennis N. Croydon New Hampshire Genealogy.

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