Biography of Benjamin F. Gale

Benjamin F. Gale, who was for many years a prominent citizen of Concord, was born May 13, 1819. His grandfather, Daniel Gale, a son of Captain Benjamin Gale, was a native of Haverhill, Mass. A blacksmith by trade, Daniel came at the age of twenty to Concord, and here married Ruth Carter, a daughter of Dr. Ezra Carter, the first physician of Concord. The father, Benjamin Gale, kept a tavern at the corner of Warren and Main Streets in Concord for forty years. This was in the days of the old stage-coach, before the railroad was built; and the greater part of the travellers of that time stopped with Landlord Gale. He had an extensive acquaintance, Prudence, was a daughter of James Varnum, a soldier who served seven years in the War of Independence, and a comrade of ex-Governor Pierce, of this State. Benjamin and Prudence Gale reared six children-James V., Ruth C., Eleanor V., John V., Benjamin F., and Levi B. The only one of these now living is Eleanor, who resides in the West, nearly ninety years of age. The father died August 11, 1856.

Benjamin F. Gale received his education from the district schools and in the academies at Francestown and Hopkinton. Later on he taught school in Francestown Academy. At the age of twenty-one years he was a surveyor, and went to the West in order to secure employment in the government land surveys. Here, however, he was taken sick of fever, and was obliged to return home. He then bought the Kemp pasture, a stretch of fifty acres, all being good house lots. Afterward for a number of years he was engaged in the nursery business, and was prominent in town affairs. Respected for his integrity and good judgment, his fellow-townsmen chose him to fill important town offices. For four years he was City Marshal. In 1863 and 1864 he was Mayor of the city, and for several terms he was its Representative in the State legislature. In politics Mr. Gale was one of the Republican leaders in this section. He was Orthodox in religious belief and a constant attendant of the Congregational church.

In June, 1846, Mr. Gale was united in marriage with Julia L. Morse, daughter of Mark and Rebecca (Campbell) Morse. Mrs. Morse is a relation of S. F. B. Morse, the inventor of the telegraph, and of Elijah Morse, of Canton, the ex-Congressman and philanthropist. She belongs to the seventh generation descended from Samuel Morse, who was the progenitor of the race in this country, and is buried at Medfield, Mass.



Biographical Review Publishing Company. Biographical Review; containing life sketches of leading citizens of Merrimack and Sullivan counties, N. H. Boston. Biographical Review Publishing Company. 1897.

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