Biography of Anson Colby Alexander, M.D.

Anson Colby Alexander, M.D., a prominent homoeopathic physician of Penacook, was born in Littleton, N.H., October 10, 1855, son of Wesley and Sarah B. (Bray) Alexander. Both paternal and maternal ancestors of his served in the War for Independence. Wesley Alexander, a native of Swanzey, N.H., was a prominent resident of Littleton, and took an active part in public affairs. He was one of the original promoters of the Republican movement in this State, having formerly been a supporter of the Whig party. For more than thirty years he used his influence successfully in securing the predominance of these parties in Littleton. His wife, Sarah, was a native of Harrison, Me.

Anson Colby Alexander acquired his early education in the public schools and at the New Hampton and New London Academies. His medical studies were begun under the instruction of Drs. Daniel Lee Jones and Charles W. Rowell, both of Lancaster, N.H. He graduated from the Philadelphia School of Anatomy and Surgery in 1879 and from the Hahnemann Medical College of the same city in 1880. He also graduated from the Penn 1881 he began the practice of his profession in Penacook. Since then he has acquired a wide reputation as a skilful and thoroughly reliable physician. He is a trustee of the New Hampshire Savings Bank.

On June 22, 1882, Dr. Alexander was united in marriage with Fanny Goodwin, of North Attleboro, Mass. Mrs. Alexander is the mother of two children; namely, Marion and Harold Wesley. The Doctor is a member of the New England Gynecological and Surgical Society of Boston. Well advanced in the Masonic fraternity, he is Master of Horace Chase Lodge, No. 72, a Royal Arch Mason of Trinity Chapter, and a Knight Templar of Mount Horeb Commandery. He is Past Grand of Dustin Island Lodge, I. O. O. F., and a member of the Knights of Pythias. Desirous of promoting the general welfare, he takes an active interest in public affairs. Politically, he acts with the Republican party; and he is a member of the Baptist church.



Biographical Review Publishing Company. Biographical Review; containing life sketches of leading citizens of Merrimack and Sullivan counties, N. H. Boston. Biographical Review Publishing Company. 1897.

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