Cochimi Tribe

Cochimi Indians (ko-chi-mi’). A term originally used to designate a Yuman dialect supposed to have been spoken from about lat. 26° to the north limit of Lower California. It is doubtful, however, if any single dialect was spoken over such an extended area. It is here employed as a collective or divisional name embracing many former tribes of the Californian peninsula from lat. 31° southward to about lat. 26°, including the settlements around Loreto. The tribes of this division were the most populous in the peninsula, though it would be difficult now to define their limits to the north and south in a strictly ethnologic or linguistic sense. According to Hervas 1 there existed in 1767 the following missions at which Cochimi dialects were spoken: San Xavier de Biaundo (pop. 485); San Jose Comondu (pop. 360); Santa Borja (1,500 neophytes); Santa Maria Magdalena (300 neophytes and 30 catechumens); La Purísima Concepcion (130 neophytes); Santa Rosalia de Mulege or Muleje (pop. 300); Santa Guadalupe (530 neophytes); San Ignacio (pop. 750), and Santa Gertrudis (pop. 1,000). A few of these Indians are said to survive. Duflot de Mofras 2 states that in his time (about 1842) the Cora, Edu, Pericu, and Cochimi were no longer distinct from one another, but Buschmann regards this as doubtful.

The following are classed as Cochimi tribes or rancherias: Adac, Afegua, Aggavacaamanc, Amalgua, Amaniini, Ametzilhacaamanc, Anchu, Avolabac, Caamancijup,Caddehi,Cadecuijtnipa, Cadegomo, Cadeudebet, Cahelca, Cahelejyu, Cahelenthil, Cahehmet, Camancnaccooya, Camanocacaamano, Cunitcacahel, Eguiannacahel, Gabacamanini, Gamacaamanc, Gamacaamancxa, Hualimea, Idelabuu, Idelibinaga, Ika, Jetti, Laimon, Liggige, Menchu, Mokaskel, Paviye, Paya, Piacaamanc, Piagadme, San Athanasio, San Benito de Aruy, San Francisco Borja, San Ignacio, San José de Comondu, San Juan, San Miguel, San Sabas, Santa Aguida, Santa Lucia, Santa Maria, Santa Marta, Santa Monica, Santa Nynfa, San Pedro y San Pablo, Santisima Trinidad, Tahuagabacahel, Temedegua, Uacazil, Vaba, Vabacahel, Vajademin, Vazacahel, Vinatacot.


  1. Hervas, Idea dell’ Universo, xxi, 79-80, 1787[↩]
  2. Duflot de Mofras, Expl., 1, 227, 1844[↩]

Cochimi, Yuman,

Hodge, Frederick Webb, Compiler. The Handbook of American Indians North of Mexico. Bureau of American Ethnology, Government Printing Office. 1906.

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