ARCHIE C. ANDERSON. In farming and stock raising and the general business activities of Fall Creek Township, Mr. Anderson is one of the leaders, and has occupied a prominent place for many years. He is a native of Madison County, has spent practically all his life here, and by persistent and honorable industry has been successful far beyond the average.
Archie Clifton Anderson was born in Fall Creek Township, Madison County, September 7, 1855, a son of John A. and Elda (Hiatt) Anderson. The founder of the family in Indiana was grandfather Wright Anderson, who came to this state in 1828 and located in Fayette County. John A. Anderson was born in Maryland, November 10, 1826, and was about two years of age when the family moved to Indiana, where he grew up and was married and soon after came to Madison County, locating in Fall Creek. The father has been a resident of this Township and County for nearly sixty years, and now makes his home retired at a good old age with his son Archie. There were two children in the family and the other was named Rollin, who died at the age of twenty- three. When Archie C. Anderson was six months of age, his mother died and he was then taken to the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Jordan Hiatt, in Fayette County. He was reared on a farm there and obtained his education in the district schools, with 0ne year in the high school. When only a boy he made up his mind that farming was his favorite vocation and though in later years his interests have increased and brought him into banking and other affairs, he has always retained his affection for the farm and is first and last a farmer. Mr. Anderson was married December 28, 1876, to Miss Caroline J. Heacock, of Wayne County, Indiana, where she was born May 7, 1856, a daughter of Daniel Heacock. She was reared on a farm in Wayne County, and educated in the district and high schools. Her death occurred November 23, 1908.
After their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Anderson located east of Pendleton, where they lived for seven years and in the spring of 1884 took up their residence on the homestead they now occupy, this having been their home and endeared to them by many associations of family life for nearly thirty years. Their two children are named as follows: Stella, a graduate of the Pendleton High School and with one year in Earlham College, is now the wife of Professor E. D. Allen of Pendleton. Their children are Esther Allen and John Allen. Chester EL is a graduate of the Pendleton high school, and engaged in farming. He married Lulu Clark, and they are the parents of two children, Mary Elizabeth and Paul Clark. The Anderson family are communicants of the Friends church.
Mr. Anderson in business circles in Pendleton is best known as the president of the Pendleton Trust Company of which he was one of the organizers. The officers of this institution are A. C. Anderson, president; G. R. Mingle, vice president; R. F. Thomas, secretary and treasurer, while the other directors are E. E. Brattain, Dr. L. H. Thomas, and E. C. Reid. The Pendleton Trust Company was organized in 1909 with a capital stock of $25,000.00. Among his other interests Mr. Anderson owns four hundred and eight acres of land in Fall Creek Township and is regarded as one of the largest farmers and stock raisers in Southwestern Madison County. In politics he is Independent and he is a member of the Grange.