Biography of William R. Pugh

William R. Pugh, plumbing inspector for the city of Racine, is a representative of one of the oldest families of this section of the state, being a grandson of Arthur Pugh, who was born in Wales and established his home in Racine when the city was but a village. Here he passed away in 1860, when seventy years of age. The father, David Pugh, was born in Wales and accompanied his parents on their emigration to the new world. He became a sailor, following the lakes for a number of years, and he passed away in 1872. He wedded Eliza Jones, whose birth also occurred in Wales and who survived her husband for more than a third of a century, being called to her final rest about 1906.

After mastering the branches of learning taught in the public schools William R. Pugh took up the plumber’s trade, with which he became thoroughly acquainted, gaining expert knowledge of the business. After working for others for a time he opened a plumbing establishment of his own and conducted it successfully for sixteen years. He is now plumbing inspector for the city, to which position he was appointed on the 1st of March, 1915. This is an important branch of the city service, having direct bearing upon sanitary and health conditions, and his work is most thoroughly and capably done. Mr. Pugh has long occupied a position of leadership among representatives of the trade in Racine and in 1894 organized the Plumbers’ Union, while later he served as business agent for the Building Trades Council. He was also secretary of the Master Plumbers’ Association for nine years.

On the 22d of December, 1897, Mr. Pugh was united in marriage to Miss Adeline Majewski, of Racine, who passed away in January, 1913, leaving a son, Lindley, now sixteen years of age. Mr. Pugh has membership with the Knights of Pythias and with the Columbia Knights, while in politics he maintains an independent course. He has always lived in Racine and has therefore been a witness of the growth and development of the city for forty-five years, noting with interest its many changes and supporting various plans and measures which have had to do with its upbuilding and progress.



Racine County WI,

Racine County Wisconsin History: Racine Belle City of the lakes and Racine County Wisconsin a record of settlement organization progress and achievement. SJ Clarke Pub Co. Chicago. 1916. 1216 pgs.

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